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Preparing between Exams

Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
in General 1196 karma
I'm just curious what type of prep work those of you who took the exam in October did between the October and December exams to improve your score before the retake or to better prepare in general? I'm hoping it won't come down to this, but just in case I would like to have a game plan in place to be able to make any necessary changes to my study techniques in case it is necessary to retake in February.

I know there are some of you who have also been studying for over or close to a year, for those of you who were able to make substantial improvements, what techniques did you use to get to your goal score before your retake other than the obvious (taking many PTs, and BRing)?

Also are there any other websites or forums (youtube videos) etc... you have used during your prep for the LSAT that you have found to be helpful?

Thanks in advance for any feedback or suggestions.


  • Artwork94Artwork94 Free Trial Member
    140 karma
    Yah, preparing for a retake is hard. I had basically done most of the PTs before Oct so there was a lack of fresh material for me prepping for Dec.... I just focused on getting the most out of my PT retakes and making sure I understand every question. Of course, its hard to not know what kind of score range you're in since you know any PT redo score is kinda boosted, but I guess we will see tomorrow if this worked :)
  • kennedybjkennedybj Alum Member
    697 karma
    I worked on the section which I did the worst on. LG and RC was near perfect but LR was terrible(-20).so I did a few tutoring sessions with Corey Jason (can't find his tag) which were extremely helpful, and I've seen vast improvement.
  • Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
    1196 karma
    Kennedybj, was that with @c.janson35? How did you find the tutoring helped you the most? Also could you give me an idea of how the tutoring sessions work do you just tell them which type of questions you are struggling with & have them work with you over Skype on how to better solve those types of questions? Thanks

    Thanks Artwork94, I could see how that would be difficult if you had already done all of the PTs and are just able to do retakes. Did you re-study the curriculum as well, or use any other study techniques that helped you to improve? Did you notice if you were able to get higher than your BR scores on your retakes? Thanks
  • kennedybjkennedybj Alum Member
    697 karma
    @Sheri123 yes, with @c.janson35. So some of the first things we did for LR was to just look at question types that I was struggling with. However, I felt like going through every question would be helpful so for the past 3 times we went through one LR section together, question by question.Really forcing me to explain the stimulus and every answer choice, really helped me in the way I answer LR questions, and I've definitely seen a vast improvement. Another thing with going over every single question, sometimes corey would offer tips and strategies about questions that were definitely help.
  • Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
    1196 karma
    Thanks @kennedybj !
  • kennedybjkennedybj Alum Member
    697 karma
    @Sheri123 no problem! WIth the tutoring, I now think I have a legit chance to get a 170 or better!
  • Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
    1196 karma
    @kennedybj do you mind me asking what you were PTing at before the tutoring & what afterwards? Also how many sessions did it take & over how long?
  • kennedybjkennedybj Alum Member
    697 karma
    @Sheri123 well I don't really have time to do many full PTs(yes go ahead and crucify me 7sage community lol) so i have just been working on LR sections everyday and maybe a LG and RC section once a week. Normally on LG and RC im -always right around -2 on each but on LR I was -15 or worse. On the October LSAT I got a 158 but was -20 on LG. After doing 6 hours worth of tutoring, now im fairly consistently getting -3 or better on LR(should be better but careless mistakes hurt me).It definitely was a gradual process. I really had to change my way of thinking and approaching these questions.
  • kennedybjkennedybj Alum Member
    697 karma
    @Sheri123 forgot to mention, but in the free consultation with @c.janson35 we did a mini session and it was so mind blowing that I definitely had to do more sessions. I definitely recommend at least getting the free consultation. And no I haven't been paid for these comments haha
  • Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
    1196 karma
    That's awesome! @kennedybj Did you do one tutoring session a week for like 6 weeks, 2 a week or can you give me an idea of how long it took you to see that kind of improvement?
  • kennedybjkennedybj Alum Member
    edited December 2015 697 karma
    @Sheri123 I did about 2 sessions a week for 3 weeks. After about the 5th hour or so things really started to click for me
  • Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
    1196 karma
    That's great, I'm sure your going to do great on the exam. Congratulations on making such a great improvement.
  • Artwork94Artwork94 Free Trial Member
    140 karma
    The problem was that I started with Kaplan and only found out about 7sage later on, so I didn't actually do 7sage curriculum but I'm sure it would have been better than Kaplan.... But constantly drilling on weaknesses certainly helps. Like LG for instance, constantly redoing those sections, but i still think some of todays LG got me:/
  • GhoorchGhoorch Alum Member
    57 karma
    @kennedybj could you you put me in touch with @c.janson35 ?
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You literally just tagged him. You can just PM him.
  • GhoorchGhoorch Alum Member
    57 karma
    @Pacifico I know, I don't know if he's very active on this site or not. I already sent him PM, wanted a more direct way to get in touch.
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