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fruitpuff25fruitpuff25 Member
in General 8 karma
So I took the December LSAT. I have taken the LSAT twice before, in undergrad when I thought I was ready to go to law school. It ended up not working out for me at the time (family related issues). I was expecting a pretty good score, I've been taking PT's in the mid to high 160's. But on this test I missed 2 games and would be hopeful for a 160. I don't think I would be putting my best foot forward with whatever score I got. But I do want to apply this year, I have been out of college for 3 years and feel like it is time to go back. Any advice on whether I should cross my fingers with this score or cancel and take the Feb. test?


  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    Sounds like you don't have a reason to cancel. You'll get the score in time to sign up to take in February. You've already "spent" the take so you might as well get a score for it.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Take the score and retake in Feb if necessary.
  • fruitpuff25fruitpuff25 Member
    8 karma
    Thank you guys, I took your advice and kept. Fingers crossed!
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