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What to do when there are no more new PT's

kombuchakombucha Alum Member
edited January 2016 in General 202 karma
I am seeking some advice from the 7Sage community on how to best prepare for a retake when I used up all the new practice tests. I recently took the December 2015 LSAT and did not receive the score I anticipated. I am retaking the exam in June 2016, however already went through Prep Tests 52 - 77 as well as the Superprep Books to study for the Dec 2015 test. I am planning on using the older Prep Tests for my practice tests, however am concerned that it will not be as reflective of my true score on actual test day.

Any advice on how I should best go about studying for the retake? Do you think it is beneficial to review the past PTs by each question? Or just focus more on testing with fresh, but older PTs?

Thank you very much!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Alternate between fresh PTs from 36-51 and retakes of 52-77. You could probably do 1 of each per week until June and be good to go. Use 1-35 for drilling weaknesses as necessary and mastering LG.
  • kombuchakombucha Alum Member
    202 karma
    Hi @Pacifico thanks for your quick response! Just to clarify, you suggest re-taking PTs 52-77 as a full practice test?
  • cjones76cjones76 Alum Member
    318 karma
    I'm primarily left with re-takes as well. I take re-takes as a full length test and find that They are still beneficial. There are instances where I will get the same ones wrong which will really show a weak spot.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Yes retake them as full PTs.
  • Nicole HopkinsNicole Hopkins Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4344 karma
    @cjones76 said:
    There are instances where I will get the same ones wrong which will really show a weak spot.
    True, that.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    Retaking preptests can be a very useful thing. It allows you to see differences in your thought process from when you first took it and now. Along with being able to compare (if you have old results) so you can know where issues are. Are you getting ones wrong you originally had right? still getting ones wrong you did before despite reviewing... etc. BR retakes can be very insightful
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    Retakes are great! In my case, there is nothing like getting an ice cold bucket of water thrown over your head when you realize that you missed a question - 1st timed and BR & then a 2nd dose of missing it on timed and BR. Positive learning experience to dig deeper:)
  • kombuchakombucha Alum Member
    202 karma
    Thank you everyone! @Pacifico @cjones76 @"Nicole Hopkins" @jdawg113 @twssmith
    Very helpful and comforting to know that I didn't completely screw myself over. Will continue to set forth and BR-on!
  • natemanwell1natemanwell1 Core Member
    314 karma

    there are over a hundred tests that's like twenty tests so not sure what you mean you have ran out. superprep is great. the older tests are harder anyways.

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