Second free webinar of the week is coming up on Wednesday. Do NOT miss out!
When to ACTUALLY Diagram in LR with Sage Corey (@c.janson35) | Wednesday, January 27th | 8pm ET
This oft-debated topic will be approached by answering burning questions such as ...
—Is there anything wrong with diagramming?
—When should I diagram? When shouldn’t I diagram?
—The decision to diagram is often related to timing, so let’s talk timing and the 4 levels of LSAT certainty
—What is “hunt-mode” and when do I tap into it? Can diagramming help with hunting?
—What types of questions are best suited to diagram?
—Examples of questions well suited to diagramming, and some that maybe it isn’t the best idea…
Sage Corey, also known as "The Logic Catcher," played Varsity Baseball for the Miami Hurricanes (he was, you guessed it, the catcher) and graduated summa cum laude. In addition to being an accomplished athlete and scholar, Corey got a 176 on the October 2015 LSAT and is headed for lawyerly greatness. He is an avid reader and coffee lover.

To join this webinar:
7sage Webinar: When to ACTUALLY Diagram in LR (with Sage c.janson35)
Wed, Jan 27, 2016 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM CST
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States : +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 958-466-469
I'm in the processing of completing both the valid/invalid arguments and (pseduo)sufficient assumption sections of the curriculum. On lesson after lesson, I find myself thinking, "Wow, J.Y. is an awe-inspiring virtuoso of diagramming" and "Aha, now I get it. Heeeellllllz yeah!" Then, immediately after that, I think, "Shit...ya know, if I could somehow become as prodigious a diagrammer as the mighty J.Y. (ludicrous idea, I know), is there actually the time/space on the LSAT to be this careful and thorough?"
This apparent tension between rigor and real-world constraints has me completely flummoxed and desperate for some LSAT luminaries to impart their wisdom. Nicole and Corey, I am putty in your noble hands; mould away.
(This will be me come Wednesday night):
P.S. If you want to add "How to embed a .gif on 7Sage" to the agenda, that might be nice, too. Obviously, I need help in this department, as well.Click the little button that looks like a mountain/sun to get the dialogue to enter a Image/GIF's URL!