Hey you.
You taking the LSAT tomorrow?

Come back here. You're taking it, aren't you?

Ok. Me too.

How ya feelin'?

I know that feel.
Here's how it's gonna go.
1) LG's gonna throw a thing at you that you're like—wait, what? OH. Please. That's nothing. LOL. Really LG, nice try on that twist there. Nice try.
This is you when LG tries to throw a twist:
2) RC's gonna have some weird subject matter. But we don't change the way we read based on subject matter, do we? No. We don't. We know all RC is the same damn cookie cutter business and that we're always reading for reasoning structure.
We know RC is all like this:
So we are gonna devour RC like this:
We're gonna get about ankle-deep in a couple of time sink questions. WE WILL NOT give in to timesink temptations. We will remember that no one RC question is worth more than a minute of our time.

But we're gonna see that we're in the mud and we're gonna get the hell outta there and skip-skip-skip away. When in doubt ...

3) LR's might feel kinda weird at first. Time warp-y. Trippy. You might feel like a couple of the first few questions are hard (and they might actually be hard questions).
At first with LR you might feel like this:
But then you're gonna summon the Huntress.
Oh shit.
She's HERE.

I think you know what this means for LR. LR's gonna get taken down hard. Like, 25-in-25 hard. Sitting around with nothing to DO for 3 minutes hard.
Once the Huntress is summoned, she is on the hunt. Here is what the Huntress does with her prey.
Are you the Huntress?


May the LSAT odds be ever in your favor
Good luck on the test everyone!
I shared this link with a few friends and even my non-LSAT peeps loved it - and that is saying something from the un-evolved in LSAT humor...