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Neck hurts

skaplan9190skaplan9190 Alum Member
edited February 2016 in General 137 karma
Anyone else find that doing PTs is a literal pain in the neck? After more than three hours at a desk using my right hand to bubble answers I had the worst neck and shoulder pain. I do a ton of yoga and stretch, and have pretty good posture so I'm wondering, is this avoidable? How are you guys doing these PTs in terms of desk etc..?


  • LSATKingsmanLSATKingsman Alum Member
    1024 karma
    Awesome gesture but you can't do this as far as I know. I would take this down!
  • skaplan9190skaplan9190 Alum Member
    edited February 2016 137 karma
    @LSATKingsman - thank you, I thought it was fine since I wasn't selling them but better to play safe than sorry. Couldn't figure out how to take a post down so just changed the post instead. If you know how to remove a post let me know! All I can seem to do is edit.
    248 karma
    @skaplan9190 Yes I had agonizing shoulder/neck/clavicle pain. I have fucked up rotator cuffs from the gym so I figured t was that. I soon realized it was the test. I started seeing a chiro and take muscle relaxers going into the February LSAT. They don't affect me cognitively and do not make me tired. Methocarbonol
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    edited February 2016 12637 karma
    @skaplan9190 You ping one of the admins for removal - so either myself or @"Nicole Hopkins" :)

    But as @LSATKingsman said, trying to share licensed materials with people will get you in trouble with LSAC.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    I was having arm pain from my shoulder all the way down to my fingers especially after a PT. If your pain persists, you may want to have it checked out. Last week I went to an orthopedist and was diagnosed with radial carpal tunnel - a compressed nerve in my right forearm. Although I am glad to understand the problem and start occupational therapy to avoid shots and surgery, trying to take PT's with a wrist/hand/arm brace has been a true "pain" in the arse.
  • skaplan9190skaplan9190 Alum Member
    137 karma
    oy so sorry to hear that @twssmith but glad to hear you're taking care of it. Since I've only taken two full timed PTs so far I'm just worried about when I start doing them consistently considering how bad my shoulder and neck felt after this last one. Not sure if it was the height of my desk/way I was sitting or what but I definitely have to figure something out because that's going to suck when doing ~3 PTs a week. Hope your occupational therapy helps!!
  • poohbearpoohbear Alum Member
    496 karma
    Had this problem a couple months ago and I literally could not make it through my PT without being in a ton of neck/shoulder pain. After going to a bunch of different doctor visits and getting a couple of MRIs (I also had severe headaches that during certain heavy lifts at the gym and my dr was scared it was brain related)-- we finally figured out that I had sustained a neck injury from the gym (several inflamed discs etc.) I suggest getting a thorough check up to see if it's a deeper underlying problem. Need to now get physical therapy but at least I know what's wrong! Also, make sure that your chair is comfortable/supportive especially if you're sitting in it for long hours to study and PT-- invest in a good chair!
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