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What is in your ZipLock?!?!

stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
in General 3197 karma
The snack discussion made me laugh about my own bag... it was STUFFED! But I was not worried about forgetting anything. It was rather funny seeing how people utilized their bags at the testing center. It seemed most guys had a drink, pencils and a cliff bar (plus wallet and keys) whereas the girls seemed to have much fuller bags.

This was mine....

Inhaler (with the large tube) PS they let me keep this on the desk
5 pencils
1 White eraser
Pencil Sharpener
Ice Pack
Water Bottle
Starbucks Refresher serving
A hard boiled egg in a little container
A Costco Jiffy snack pack (peanut butter, celery, carrot and apple slices)
A Coconut granola bar
4 energy gummy vitamins
Car Key
LSAT Ticket
I think that was all... haha....


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Passport, pencils, sharpener, kind bars, LSAT ticket. Keep it simple people.
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    :) That was my simple :) and I used everything either before, during or on the way home from the test. I guess it was a form of a security blanket for me. Ok @MrSamIam thread inspired by you, your turn!
  • katshimmmkatshimmm Member
    53 karma
    my simple bag for today's test was packed as well with all the "approved items" but I also saw some ppl who barely had anything in there!
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    @stepharizona Haha, thanks for the call-out. Fortunately I didn't sit the Dec LSAT, so I still have the bag that I was going to take with all of it's contents - bar the half eaten sandwich and anything else that would "expire."
    Here's what I had:
    -8 pencils
    -Basic LSATy stuff - photo ID, passport photo, paperwork, etc.
    -2 Energy bars
    -Energy drink? Or was it Gatorade...probably the former.

    That's about it!
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    @katshimmm said:
    I also saw some ppl who barely had anything in there!
    Looking at peoples bags was a great distraction to the check in process for me. It was so interesting!
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