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How Many 5 Sections?

LSATShinobiLSATShinobi Free Trial Member
in General 236 karma
Hello All, I just have a quick question for those of you with the most experience with this. I just wanted to know how many 5 section PTs do you take compared to 4 section PTs. More? Less? Those of you that take 5 section PTs more often, do you find it to be substantially beneficial? Thanks in advance for any insight.


  • UsernameChangeUsernameChange Free Trial Member
    349 karma
    I took nothing but 5 section pts. I don't really see a benefit to taking 4 section tests as the real deal is always 5 section. You may as well get your brain ready for the timing and endurance.
  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    edited February 2016 1878 karma
    Sometimes I did 5 sections, but more often I did 4. When I did 4, I would do the 4 sections without a break, and thought that somewhat compensated for 5th section.
  • Darth JuristDarth Jurist Member
    453 karma
    What about... 6 sections?! I mean, you don't want to be completely brain dead for the writing sample, right?
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You can mix and match. It really doesn't matter in the end. Adrenaline alone will carry you through 5 sections come test day even if you never did a 5 section PT previously. The endurance factor is wicked overrated I think. This isn't the MCAT or the bar exam. This is only a few hours so it's really not a big deal how many 4 versus 5 section PTs you do.
    edited February 2016 248 karma
    I never did 5 sections once and it felt fine on test day. I think your mental focus and adrenaline levels are gonna be up that day that the 5 section test feels like 1 hour. Ur also gonna make ur BLind Review that much longer
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    It varies. If I don't feel like finding, and adding a 5th section, I just do 4. I feel that 5 section PTs are best suited for people who despite a 15 minute break, begin to burn out during or after section 4. Or, those who want to adhere as close as possible to actual testing conditions.
  • bbutlerbbutler Inactive ⭐
    401 karma
    I would agree with @Pacifico that you can mix and match, make it fun for yourself as much as possible while going through testing. My only thing with taking mostly 5 section tests would be to try and have the 5th be your worst section. Two reasons for this: 1) You want to try and get more exposure on this so it isn't your weakest section and 2) You want to be prepared for the worst. If LG are your worst section then you want to try and have it so when you take PT's you always have 2 LG sections so if on test day you get it you're not as freaked out as you would be normally.
  • Elle2015Elle2015 Alum Member
    198 karma
    I took the LSAT in Oct. and Dec. In September, I did 5 sections. Going along with what @bbutler said, I would always redo old LG sections as my 5th section because I really struggled with LG. But when prepping for the Dec. test, I did not have the time to do 5 full sections, so I did 4 and that was fine. The only issue I had was that on test day my mind wasn't in the right place during the writing section. I was tired.
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