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LG question types/categorizing confused on all the types!

selinaselina Alum Member
edited June 2014 in Logic Games 73 karma
I just started to study for the Sept LSAT. I did terrible on the logic games section in the diagnostic test. I have since then purchased materials, 7sage's course and did some online research.

Now more than ever am I confused with the games as I thought there were a couple of types and I just had to learn them. But, in each type their are sub-types and it looks like powerscore, 7sage, and the online resources I have found have different names for them?

Game 1 - Grouping: Splitting (Division)
Game 1 - Grouping: Matching
Game 2 - Grouping: In & Out (Selection)
Game 2 - Grouping: Matching + In & Out
Game 2 - Grouping: In & Out
Grouping: Defined fixed, unbalanced, underfunded
Grouping: Defined moving,balanced numerical distribution, identify the possibilities
Grouping: Defined fixed, unbalanced, overloaded, identify the templates
Grouping: Undefined
Grouping: Linear Combination, numerical distribution
Grouping: Partially defined, numerical distribution.

and there's TONS more. At this point I feel like I am wayyy in over my head. I believe that I am making it more complicated then this all is. But, I need someone to tell me how this all works then. I want to later on do drills and all these websites and my books call it different things so I don't know how to make practice "packets" for a type of game when there's 20 diff. grouping games.

Thanks in advance for any help!!!


  • ikethelsatikethelsat Alum Member
    edited June 2014 193 karma
    Personally, I found 7sage's categorization scheme more useful than anybody else's. Though I think each course/book has something novel to teach us, It's probably easier and less confusing to stick with one scheme. So if I were you, I would just pick one scheme to focus on and ignore the others.

    7sage, as you'll quickly learn, makes things really easy for you - the whole website is linked together so that you can input your test results, see which categories you are struggling with, and then view problem sets/videos for that category.

    But really, it's important at this early stage not to get too caught up and strung out on the details - it can seem really overwhelming otherwise! But actually, it's pretty simple. Almost all games fit very much into grouping/sequencing. Though there are distinct subcategories within those two, the way you deal with each one follows very logically and rationally once you understand how 7sage teaches you to diagram. If you are anything like me, there will never be a stage where you look at a game, classify it's subcategory in your head, and then apply the correct type of diagram. Rather, once you have drilled the first 30 games or whatever it is they give us here, it will seem clear how to diagram each game as you read the information that is in the stimulus.

    Further - I think the LSAT is pushing back a little on the rote-learning, mechanical methods that students might have been able to get away with on the last few years of the test. The last couple have contained games that were, in my opinion anyway, very much aimed at testing our abilities to improvise and react to completely new setups. Thus, if it were me (and who knows - I might have to retake in September with you!) I would work hard on not just learning set reactions to specific game types but also on the kind of thinking that allows you to respond calmly and effectively to setups that you will never have seen before. That, I believe, is the new LG curve-breaker.

    TL;DR - don't panic.
  • GraceloverGracelover Alum Member
    440 karma
    @ikethelsat But how do I get better at improvising and reacting to completely new setups? I completely suck at that....How do I get better at that? :(
  • chrijani7chrijani7 Alum Member
    827 karma
    Going to put my input here, based on my experience with games. I am by no means a master LSAT student typically score around 160 (+/- 1-2).

    However, for the games sections I typically go around -0/-3 depending on the games involved in the section (some games are to difficult for me to finish on time). What I have found with the games is that once you practice a bit with the different types of games, you will learn the proper habits required for that game type. Now whether the new LSAT's have veered away from the mechanical process, the habits necessary will still be same (set up, ability to make inferences, etc.)

    Furthermore, once you have become familiar with all the different types, in my opinion, you can begin to move away from categorizing them and just do them. You will read the stimulus, and immediately know how to set it up and what to do. You will not need to go "okay this is a grouping game because of ...." "I will set it up like so because of..." What I find will happen is you will read it and it will almost become second nature how to set it up and how to make inferences following your first read and diagramming the rules.

    To summarize, my overall point is that once you begin to become familiar with individual types, the whole logic game process will become second nature as you will have the right mindset and habits built up to conquer ANY type of game.
  • ikethelsatikethelsat Alum Member
    193 karma
    "But how do I get better at improvising and reacting to completely new setups? I completely suck at that....How do I get better at that? :("

    I think this happens as a result of practicing many, many games. I think what is hardest about these unexpected, 'throwback' games is just that if you aren't expecting them - if you've gotten used to being able to plow through the same old games time after time - the shock can upset a lot of people who actually are extremely proficient. It's more of a mindset than anything else.

    Also - you absolutely do not suck at logic games. Everybody, including the smartest people I know, struggles with logic games initially. Practice, hard work and an open mind are what's going to set you apart from the people who fail to master logic games, not inherent talent.
  • selinaselina Alum Member
    73 karma
    Thank you! I believe I should stick to one so that I don't get confused. Since I purchased the 7sage course that's what I will stick to.

    Your right 7sage makes it easy to track my progress and as soon as I get to that point I will know what type of games are my strength/weakness.

    I REALLY needed the advice that I shouldn't get caught up on the details. I thought I DID and it was starting to overwhelm me. I thought I did have to look at a stage and go through the thinking process of how i'd approach it, do this, this, then this that maybe in the beginning but not forever.

    So with improvising and reacting to new setups all it takes is practice, practice, and practice right?

    Thank you for your help! I really do need more practice so that when I approach one I know the proper habits for each one. Again I feel relieved that once I have these games down I can just do them. I can't wait for it to become second nature .

    THANKS GUYS!!! I feel better now going forward.
  • chrijani7chrijani7 Alum Member
    827 karma
    "Aint nothing to it, but to do it", just keep pushing along and I promise you will eventually see the improvements you desire.
  • selinaselina Alum Member
    73 karma
    Thank you Chrijani7 !
  • miriaml7miriaml7 Alum Member
    1026 karma

    In case anyone has these same concerns and is looking through the discussion forum, here's some information that I found from a two year old post by @krautie11.

    7Sage divides logic games into two categories: sequencing and grouping. Within each of these there are subcategories. For sequencing games we have: simple sequencing, spatial sequencing, and sequencing with a twist. For grouping games we have: in/out, in/out with subs, grouping, and grouping with a chart. The final subcategory is one that includes both sequencing and grouping. @krautie11 was kind enough to categorize the games by type. I believe it only includes games 1-35. I am still getting acquainted to LG, so I plan on using this incredibly helpful list to drill by game types. Once I feel more comfortable, I will begin drilling by PT.

    Hope this helps someone. 7Sage Logic Games order LG.xls?dl=0

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