7sagelsatstudent180, diagnostic was a 150/159BR. Haven't moved onto the PrepTests yet because I want to make sure my cue cards are all there.
I work 0700-1530, usually make it home by 1645. Once the weather clears up here in the Greater Toronto Area I will be cycling 20km to and from work every day. The plan, once I have my cards polished off, is to wake up around 515am, meditate, have a coffee, make my breakfast, review my cue cards, ride to work, review cue cards/blind review questions/foolproof games during my 1hr of breaks @ work, ride home, stretch & shower, meditate, sit down and write the pre-test by 1745, blind review after until I'm done, review the cue cards/add anything worth nothing, sleep by 2300.
Rinse and Repeat that process every. single. day. until I feel burnt out, take a nice 24hr break, get back on the horse.
3 Weeks out I need to see how I handle the 70-series tests, maybe 72 because I've heard it's a doozy, and assess... If I'm not in the 170s I'm pushing back (again) to September... Well, if I'm consistently scoring 167+ I'll probably write the June one anyways because I've already paid for it and paid to push it back (silly, pre-7sage mistake of registering for Feb '16 in October).
Within 3 tests of finishing the curriculum my score went up 11 points from diagnostic. As I went through most tests and learned from my mistakes my score slowly improved from there. This course worked miracles for me. Good luck.
I work 0700-1530, usually make it home by 1645. Once the weather clears up here in the Greater Toronto Area I will be cycling 20km to and from work every day.
The plan, once I have my cards polished off, is to wake up around 515am, meditate, have a coffee, make my breakfast, review my cue cards, ride to work, review cue cards/blind review questions/foolproof games during my 1hr of breaks @ work, ride home, stretch & shower, meditate, sit down and write the pre-test by 1745, blind review after until I'm done, review the cue cards/add anything worth nothing, sleep by 2300.
Rinse and Repeat that process every. single. day. until I feel burnt out, take a nice 24hr break, get back on the horse.
3 Weeks out I need to see how I handle the 70-series tests, maybe 72 because I've heard it's a doozy, and assess... If I'm not in the 170s I'm pushing back (again) to September... Well, if I'm consistently scoring 167+ I'll probably write the June one anyways because I've already paid for it and paid to push it back (silly, pre-7sage mistake of registering for Feb '16 in October).