Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). My score steadily increased then started to decrease? - 7Sage Forum

My score steadily increased then started to decrease?

emilycyoung1emilycyoung1 Free Trial Member
in General 234 karma
I postponed my test until September instead of taking the June one so I have time to study. I steadily increased in my score for the first 9 or so practice tests and made it all the way up to a 162. Now my last three scores respectively have been 156, 153, 153..... I don't know if its the stress or anxiety or what it is but I am now performing so much worse then before. The arguments section I usually am amazing at, and now I am getting so many wrong. Is this normal/what do I do about this?? Any advice for improving on the reading comprehension because that section I never seem to get better at.


  • alex.brooksalex.brooks Member
    3 karma
    I have no advice about the RC, I am still working through that section myself. As for the arguments, it may be that you have lost those small points that used to be more accessible to you right after you learned about them. I would suggest reviewing the lessons where you are having trouble, relearning is always easier than learning so you will probably remember things much quicker this time and now can solidify those tricks and tips in your mind.
  • danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4181 karma
    With all of the RC tips scattered on the forum in mind, the best thing to recommend is drilling. Consistent and frequent drilling in RC is the best way to increase your score. Be sure to BR every section you drill, as well. Familiarity is key with RC, even though you may not be learning cut-and-dry logical concepts.
  • Chris127Chris127 Alum Member
    edited May 2016 81 karma
    I'd consider taking a break (1-2 weeks) from studying to refocus. I've had my scores drop before. After hitting 170+ my first three times, my scores started dropping to high-mid 160s, and then even once to a 163. It was my mentality; I was trying too hard and pressuring myself to score a 170+ on every PT instead of jump focusing on improving and getting better on the LSAT, which is what got me to PT'ing 170+ in the first place. I took a break to refocus and my scores started improving again. From my experience, mindset and approach to studying really makes a big difference.

    As far as RC, drill using the memory method like crazy. My RC has improved so much from when I first started.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • GordonBombayGordonBombay Alum Member
    edited May 2016 456 karma
    ^^^ Awesome advice.

    I found myself doing the same thing when I was prepping. It's easy to get into the bad habit (after taking a decent amount of PT's) of letting your latest PT score dictate your happiness. Nothing good will come from that. I should have only focused on getting better at the LSAT every time I studied, score be damned.
  • emilycyoung1emilycyoung1 Free Trial Member
    234 karma
    @Chris127 can you explain to me the memory method and how to do it?
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    edited May 2016 12637 karma
    @emilycyoung1 said:
    can you explain to me the memory method and how to do it?
    You can get the whole lesson on the memory method (and a ton more) if you pick up a course!
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