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Delaying Law School

em_mickdeeem_mickdee Alum Member
in General 8 karma
Hi guys!

I'm looking for some feedback regarding pros and cons to delaying the law school admissions process. I'm about to be a senior in college, and initially had planned on taking the LSAT in September, in order to apply this fall. I know it's an option to take the test in December, but I also know admissions are rolling, and I want to give myself the best shot at getting into the best school I can. I've read that admissions counselors advise that you get your apps in by October at the latest.

I'm looking for some feedback as to pros and cons of delaying the process until after I graduate--as in graduate in May, take the LSAT in June and apply for law school that fall. I'm applying for an internship program in D.C. for my final undergrad semester right now, and a lot of the interns who participate are able to turn their internships into jobs post-grad. This would have the dual benefit of real work experience (not sure how valued that is by law school admissions?) and, hopefully, a killer recommendation letter from a supervisor, so both those things are worth considering.

I appreciate your help!


  • Cackie JhilesCackie Jhiles Alum Member
    edited June 2016 88 karma
    I was in the exact situation you are in. I graduated from college 5 years ago. During my senior year, I applied for an internship in D.C. at a law firm, which turned into a full-time job as a paralegal after graduation. I figured that getting some legal experience would be beneficial. After working a couple years at the firm, my mindset was to get into any law school. I did not perform well on the LSAT, and the only offers I had were T-3 schools. I put off law school for a couple years and transitioned into a new job at a trade organization.

    I can't express enough how fortunate I am that I didn't rush going to school. I absolutely love my job, and they are paying for me to go to law school. Looking back, if had rushed this decision, I would have paid a ton of money to go to a school I wasn't excited about. If you would have told me back in my senior year that I would be pushing 30 when I go to school, I would have laughed and dismissed that thought. However, I have gained valued experience and matured from the time I graduated until now. I was able to save money for a down payment on a townhouse and also recently got engaged.

    Everybody has different experiences, and perhaps luck played a part in landing my current job. But looking back five years ago, I remember I was dead set on going to law school and was upset that my life was not going according to plan. I am incredibly happy with my decision to attend law school now that I am truly ready.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You're wicked young. Delay your heart out if it suits you. Law school will always be there when you're ready.
  • Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    1650 karma
    I had always planned to go straight to law school after undergrad and was pretty devastated for a bit when my "life plan" failed.

    Taking the year after school has been great. Working, and not being a broke college student, has been awesome. Additionally your LSAT scores are valid for 5 school will always be there, it's not a race.

    With that said though, if you know you want to be a lawyer don't take too much time. While it's obviously not the case for everyone, I've heard that some people have issues going back to student life once they've been in the working world for several years. Also, I can imagine a certain lifestyle shock if you go full time school and those paychecks dry up
  • halleighhh4halleighhh4 Member
    35 karma
    I completed my undergraduate degree in 2013 and completed my college degree in 2014. I'm a licensed paralegal currently working in a law firm as an assistant. I originally had the plan of going to law school right after University, but life happened, unfortunately. I am currently studying to write the LSAT (for the millionth time) and keep telling myself there is no rush. There's nothing wrong with getting work experience before entering law school, especially if it's within the legal field. Also gives you an opportunity to get more volunteer experience. And finally, it gives you a chance to save up some money before heading back to school.

    I'm likely going to apply for 2018. Happy decision making!
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    Plenty of us here have done exactly what you're planning. A buddy of mine took the LSAT last fall, was accepted to his top school, then delayed further to intern.
    Taking another year or two off should be fine.
  • annannannannannann Alum Member
    edited June 2016 304 karma
    Hi em_mikdee! I'm in the same boat as you. I'm a college senior planning on taking the September LSAT and submitting my application by November 1st (at the latest). For me, I know that this is the field I want to pursue so I want to jump right in. Honestly, the only reason I would consider delaying the law school admission process is to improve my LSAT score.

    Edit: I forgot to add, my freshman-junior year GPA is pretty stable. If you think your GPA might improve then you should consider applying next cycle because they do not usually look at your senior year grades (if you are applying your senior year).
  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    edited June 2016 7336 karma
    @em_mickdee You don't have to turn in your application by October. You're still ahead of the curve if you turn it in before Thanksgiving, and you're probably not handicapping yourself if you submit in January.

    That said, a year of work experience might give you a more clear understanding of what you want to take from law school, and it might make your application a bit stronger.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    yeah I got most my apps in mid Dec bc I was lazy and the app for the school I'll be attending in like late January. But do what will work best for you. There is no rush to go straight into LS. If you can afford to take the LSAT in Sept/Dec without hurting your grades or too much of your college/senior experience, go for it. If you do well and get where you want to be and decide to hold off a year to just work then you have so much less to worry about, but gives you the chance to see how this cycle will go for you. If you're talking about pushing the test back and trying for a last minute app then I wouldn't suggest that as u may miss out on some solid offers.
  • Nicole HopkinsNicole Hopkins Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4344 karma
    I applied at 29 on the Feb 15th deadline for the school I'm attending with over half tuition scholarship. So like, no worries :)
  • jennilynn89jennilynn89 Alum Member
    edited June 2016 822 karma
    Hey @em_mickdee
    I was in a similar situation as you are. I got a really late start going to college, and graduated last year at 26. I tried to take the October LSAT, couldn't get my score up high enough, then decided to just take the December LSAT and see what happens and it was a total fiasco. I took a 4 months hiatus to rebuild my broken ego, and am now back to studying full-time with the hopes of taking September (but not stressing and planning for December if I still don't like my score by September). I was honestly devastated about my score and not giving myself the chance to study enough, just because I wanted to go to law school SO BAD this year.

    I'm super grateful it didn't work out for me, because I now have a super bomb job at the corporate office of a major hospital and this has sparked an all new interest in health care law for me. Even though I'm taking the LSAT this year, I may not start law school next year if more job opportunities within the field open up for myself.
    Funny how things just work themselves out. Honestly, don't stress out. Take that internship, take the year off, get the work experience and that killer letter of recommendation and enjoy not being a poor student for once. It will only help you learn and grow professionally and personally.

    Good luck to you!
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