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Canceled my June Score but Optimistically Gearing Up for a Re-Take

PennyroyalQueenPennyroyalQueen Free Trial Member
in General 50 karma
Hello everyone!!

So, I'm seeing the news that everyone is receiving their June 2016 scores and I just wanted to say congratulations!! You've worked hard and deserve the scores you have all received! :)
That being said, I have been around on the 7Sage forums for several weeks now, and I am just very motivated to sign up for the Ultimate course. I have been encouraged and motivated by those of you (nearly everyone) who say that 7Sage has done wonders for you! I am aware that there is some slight bias in there somewhere, but I have used the free Logic Games explanations and I must say that my games' score improved immensely, I can only hope that the other two sections will see similar improvements!

Basically, this is just a short post to give praise to 7Sage and its tutors. Thank you for all you've done and continue to do for all of us and I am extremely eager to start (again) my LSAT journey with you all!


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