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Retake Advice

Micaela_OVOMicaela_OVO Alum Member
edited June 2016 in General 1018 karma
Hey 7Sagers,

My worst nightmare happened. I underperformed on the June LSAT. I knew I royally fudged up RC, so at least I expected the score I got in my email yesterday. I already moped around for a few weeks, and now I'm ready to gear up for a retake.

I was consistently going -0 in LG the months leading up to June, and yet I froze during G3. I've done every game ever released (multiple times) using the FoolProof Method. I think test anxiety contributed the most to my score decrease. Any retakers out there with helpful advice on how to combat this? I was thinking of doing 30 minute sections instead (to allow some time for freak-outs during the real thing, lol).

Congrats to everyone who reached their target scores!! Hoping to join y'all later this year :)


  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    @"Micaela_OVO" said:
    I was thinking of doing 30 minute sections instead (to allow some time for freak-outs during the real thing, lol).
    @"J.Y. Ping" gave me this suggesting for doing my retakes and suggested aiming for finishing 25 min on the retakes so I think this is a solid way to go. At fitst it felt like insanity, but now its starting to feel like something I will be able to do.

    Plus after watching the PT 37 live take the entire concept and the skip strategy he discusses completely clicks. When I first did the curriculum it wasnt in there so I hadnt seen it before, but it is solid and a game changer for me.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    25 in 25 is the way to go fresh or retakes! I would also retake the June test and do a thorough BR.
  • Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited June 2016 1650 karma
    @stepharizona where can I find the pt37 live take? Sounds pretty helpful
  • Micaela_OVOMicaela_OVO Alum Member
    1018 karma
    @stepharizona said:
    after watching the PT 37 live take
    I had no idea this existed. Thank you! I'll definitely check it out.
  • Micaela_OVOMicaela_OVO Alum Member
    1018 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    25 in 25
    This was always something I struggled with. Looks like I have some gains to make before September!
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    @"Ron Swanson" said:
    @stepharizona where can I find the pt37 live take? Sounds pretty helpful
    Its here:

    In the 37 PT.

    Yeah there are a number of lessons that a have been added or updated it seems for those of us that have been on the boards for some time. Ive been making my way through some of the fundimentals trying to "retrain" myself on some old bad habits.
    @"Micaela_OVO" said:
    I had no idea this existed. Thank you! I'll definitely check it out.
    You're welcome! Happy to help!
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    I’m dealing with the same issue. Meditation. Watch @Pacifico ’s webinar on Managing Stress & Anxiety:

    I’ve also started writing "BREATHE” in bright red ink at the top of each sheet of my PT (written beforehand of course) to train myself. To paraphrase Pac, the deep belly breaths really help regulate the serotonin levels (the stress hormone). When I get stressed, my brain literally shuts down. I have to keep breathing like Darth Vader in order to keep it open. Definitely something to explore what works for you.
  • solkriossolkrios Free Trial Member
    140 karma
    Same happened here. I was totally having an anxiety attack while taking the test, which has never happened before. I was practicing at 172 (it was while I was at home or in the library, so I recognize the environment could have had an effect - particularly because a tropical storm knocked out the electric a few times during our exam). I got a 159. HUGE drop.
    Storm + no sleep = anxiety attack. I'm curious to see what else people recommend, but I totally agree that meditation is key. I meditate often, but didn't meditate the day before at all and I think it could have really helped.
  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma
    This morning I PT'd a section at Denny's ("America's Diner"). It was really busy and distracting, but it got me out of the comfort zone of my house. I have yet to sit for the real exam, but imagine my stress will be somewhere near the level I experienced this morning (minus the veggie omelette.) I scored 18/23 on LG when I normally score 21/23 or 22/23.

    Others have suggested a variety of techniques for dealing with game-day stress. One thing I have found throughout doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu is that the importance of relaxation and a clear mind cannot be understated. If you have never tried, look for a local BJJ gym sometime! (That's my shameless plug for the serenity BJJ has given me!) Two weeks ago I rolled with a blackbelt and it took him 55 seconds to tap me the first time hahaha. I said to myself later that day: Hey, if I can survive 55 seconds with him, the rules of a pattern game aren't going to shake me! hahaha

    Post-test, what I have found helpful for me is attempting to get into the mindset of what made me freeze or hesitate and correct my thinking. Was there a rule or deduction/inference I failed to make? Was there something that didn't quite "click" and I couldn't confidently eliminate answer choices and the whole thing spiraled from there and panic set in? I have done hundreds of games over the last 8-9 months, yet it has only been in the last 2-3 weeks that I have started actively pushing out inferences up front in a meaningful/productive way.

    I'm glad to hear that you aren't going to let this June take get in the way of you and your goals!

    P.S. If you can, join us for the September BR groups!
  • Micaela_OVOMicaela_OVO Alum Member
    1018 karma
    @DumbHollywoodActor said:
    I’ve also started writing "BREATHE” in bright red ink at the top of each sheet of my PT (written beforehand of course) to train myself.
    Love this. Taking the time to pause and breathe while having a mini breakdown is wayyy easier said than done.
  • Micaela_OVOMicaela_OVO Alum Member
    1018 karma
    @solkahlerrios said:
    Same happened here. I was totally having an anxiety attack while taking the test, which has never happened before.
    About to PM you!
  • Micaela_OVOMicaela_OVO Alum Member
    1018 karma
    @doneill3389 said:
    I'm glad to hear that you aren't going to let this June take get in the way of you and your goals!

    P.S. If you can, join us for the September BR groups!
    Definitely not! It's comforting to know that the knowledge is there. Just need to focus on strategy and combating that test anxiety (that I never knew I had until my June take, unfortunately).

    I was pretty active in the BR group a couple months ago. I will probably join y'all again soon. Looking forward to it!
  • needmylsat180needmylsat180 Alum Member
    175 karma
    I had the same problem! completely clueless for the first two and finally got the flow for third and turned out to be an experimental. I was quick and accurate for LG during practice, and I usually finish like 5-7 minutes early too. But then during the test, not only that I didn't have enough time, I was completely frozen for about 5 minutes
  • Micaela_OVOMicaela_OVO Alum Member
    1018 karma
    @gabriellatkj I was super upset after that LG section, but I tried my best to put it behind me. I killed the experimental LG section I had, so that's honestly what kept me going through the rest of the exam. The hope that the section I messed up was the experimental. Well we know how that turned out. Lol.
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    A horrifying thing to do (but I found helpful) is create a collection of your worst sections... and add those in as 5th sections to a test. It helps you deal with the "bad" sections.

    On a less terrifying note, have a personal mantra or breathing thing you do as you flip pages during the test and a bigger thing between sections.

    The 4 deep breaths with a 7 sec exhale is suppose to be helpful.

    I am more of a doom and gloom motivator, so the bad sections worked for me, it helped me get over that crappy section feeling. The breathing thing also works well between sections.
  • InluskwetrustInluskwetrust Alum Member
    60 karma
    I did not read the other comments yet which I will go back and do. But last year when I retook mine I knew I did terrible on the RC section as well and knew I wouldn't score as high as i expected to do. With that said .. I say prep and take that bad boy again! If you don't you will regret at least not trying . Think about it like this - You know when you take any test , or the prep test you know you crushed and the score showed it... For a test as important as the LSAT I say you postpone taking it until on your prep test the last 10 you take at least 7 of them you feel like you rocked it and got your target score then and only then give it another go! My last one was last June and I am taking the test again in September and feel as though if I don't score close to my target score than I passed out in one whole section. Also if you want to team up and prep for the next test let me know !
  • Cergol.3Cergol.3 Free Trial Member
    11 karma
    @Micaela_OVO That 3rd game tripped me up as well, somehow still hit target but am considering retaking. On a side Drake mentions lawyers in a lot of his songs and it's awesome.
  • jamieholland216jamieholland216 Free Trial Member
    2 karma
    Good luck. I also took the June LSAT and will have to retake due to horrible score. I am planning to retake in December.
  • danilphillipsdanilphillips Alum Member
    edited July 2016 200 karma
    Same happened to me, although I pretty much knew I wasn't ready for the June but due to external pressures, I took it anyway. Glad to see I'm not alone. It's hugely demoralising, but I am trying my hardest to keep in mind that we learn the most when we fail. Grit is taking a hit, and getting back up to do it all over again. Keep going!
  • Micaela_OVOMicaela_OVO Alum Member
    edited July 2016 1018 karma
    @stepharizona I'll implement that mantra/breathing technique on my next PT and let you know how it goes :)

    @Inluskwetrust I'm always down to talk strategy! You should join the BR group if you haven't already. It's always helpful to hear the way other students solve problems in real time.

    @Cergol.3 I always light up when he mentions lawyers in his songs. How awesome would it be to represent Drizzy? Lmao #OVOcrew

    @jamieholland216 I'm glad you're not giving up on your target score either! Success is always sweeter when you get knocked down several times but keep getting up.

    @danilphillips I couldn't agree more. #justkeepsaging ?

  • InluskwetrustInluskwetrust Alum Member
    60 karma
    Yes I would love to join you all's BR group !
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