Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). how to easily print fresh copies using an app - 7Sage Forum

how to easily print fresh copies using an app

Coolmama09Coolmama09 Alum Member
in Logic Games 156 karma
Hi All.

Thanks to all who have taken the time to answer all my questions. It's time for me to give back. I'm sure there are various ways people are making their 10-20 fresh copies of the games. But this is how I do it and it literally cannot get any easier. Takes me less than 15 seconds per game to print. The big assumption here of course is that you gotta a physical copy of the test. So... here are the steps.

1. Get the TurboScan App. (Not free but costs you less than 1/2 of a cup of starbucks) 1 min.
2. Take a pic of the test page (fit it just right in your frame). 0.1 second.
3. From the Turboscan app, find that picture and choose the b/w option at the bottom right corner (It gives you photo, b/w color options if you tap through the same area). 2 seconds.
4. The App will automatically frame it for you so it's a perfectly straight copy even if your picture was crooked. And you can adjust the corners to make it perfectly straight for all my OCD peeps out there. This step is automatic but I just wanted to elaborate.
5. Print! If you have an airPrint print the you can do it directly from your phone and you can choose the # of copies you want. If you need more. Repeat steps 3 since you already have the picture. Just choose the game you want and print. If you don't have AirPrint, you can just email it to yourself and print from there.

I hope this helps those who are having problems making fresh copies the games !

#let's do this!!!

~ coolmama ~


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    I have the CamScan app that does essentially the same thing for no money :) thanks for sharing!
  • lsat2016lsat2016 Free Trial Member
    488 karma
    how does GeniusScan app on Android compare to these other apps?

    are these other apps better/worse?
    @montahar said:
    I have the CamScan app that does essentially the same thing for no money :) thanks for sharing!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @lsat2016 just checked out the GeniusScsn app, it seems to do the same thing as the ones mentioned :)
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    Thanks for sharing @Coolmama09 and @montahar

    I have always recommended ScannerPro, as once you open the app you can take the pictures of an entire section or test and it automatically bundles it for you into a PDF.

    Its great to share the different resources that are out there, especially with the amount of posts that this forum sees. I had completely forgotten about Quizlet and the decks I had made... and there is another thing out there like Quizlet that has a ton of great resources on it.

    I got mine for free via Starbucks, if you guys dont know there app offers free apple apps. Not sure if they still charge for this or not since I have had it since 2014.

    Nicole has also shared this in the past, but we both used pdf apps on our computers to drill and mark up exams. I cant remember the name of the program she used, but I use XODO doc for Windows.
  • Coolmama09Coolmama09 Alum Member
    156 karma
    @stepharizona Thanks!!! I'm just so amazed at the support here. Seriously rocks. I just discovered Quizlet. Ah-mazing.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Thanks for the always thorough response @stepharizona!! :D
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