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The Water Thread

SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
edited July 2016 in General 11542 karma

This time around I'm not playing any games. This will be my third take at the LSAT and I'm not planning on taking any more after this (Please God, PLEASE). I've made my first step in the right direction by undergoing the 7sage curriculum but now I'm understanding the impact of a healthy lifestyle. I believe a sedentary lifestyle along with poor consumption habits will not help you get an amazing score so I'm deviating away from that.

Oh yeah that brings me to my original point: water intake! Check out this article I stumbled upon that shows what water does to you: https://www.thrillist.com/drink/nation/i-drank-a-gallon-of-water-a-day-for-30-days-water-gallon-challenge

I plan on drinking lots more water now that I see how amazing it works for your mental health. Anyone willing to follow suit? Also what do you like eating/drinking/exercising that has helped your LSAT performance?


  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma
    Something with nuts for protein. Oat bread toast with almond butter. Plain animal crackers. Steer clear of salty things during the test breaks you'll get thirstier. An apple with yogurt. Or grapes. Granola. Just some thoughts.
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    edited July 2016 1762 karma
    I used workout regularly but for some reason I stopped exercising as much, eating crappy food and just focused on lsat for about 3 months. I started losing focus and I'd feel frustrated, and anxious. Im pretty sure it was burnout.
    So I cut out all my fav foods like cake and icecream, and pizza. I started eating healthier again. Rolled oats/plain greek yogurt with banana, cranberries/blueberries/anyberry, vanilla extract, granola in the morning. Bulk cooking chicken and veggies and prepping my lunch for work. Eating more fruit, and zero processed food, drinking more water/milk, sleeping better.
    Then at work I started doing chair exercises and pushups, and slowly crawled out of my lsat hole and back to the gym. Then I started going 3-5 times a week, two weeks ago and took 4 days off anything lsat. Last week I did pretty awesome on my drills, and I feel great. Increased focus, energy and accuracy.
    At this point I feel like I have the skills and a strong understanding of the test, but keeping my mind and body clear and healthy is a big part of getting that score too.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @nanchito said:
    Last week I did pretty awesome on my drills, and I feel great. Increased focus, energy and accuracy.
    At this point I feel like I have the skills and a strong understanding of the test, but keeping my mind and body clear and healthy is a big part of getting that score too.
    love this and congrats!!
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    @nanchito said:
    and took 4 days off anything lsat. Last week I did pretty awesome on my drills, and I feel great. Increased focus, energy and accuracy.
    Was wondering where yo have been... So smart to take that break! Missed you and glad you are back kicking some LSAT arse:)
  • allison.gill.sanfordallison.gill.sanford Alum Inactive Sage
    1128 karma
    Just make sure you slightly dehydrate yourself on test day. Be conservative with liquids intake and have a cutoff, otherwise you'll have to pee before the break, especially if you've been uping your water intake that much (your body will get used to it and crave that level). Way to be healthy, but watch it on game day...
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @allison.gill.sanford said:
    but watch it on game day...
  • BruiserWoodsBruiserWoods Member Inactive ⭐
    1706 karma
    I started training for a fitness competition about 3 weeks before LSAT in June and I noticed an extreme reduction in stress as well as an increase in energy. I workout 4-5 days a week and track my macronutrients. Basically, I try to follow a super protein-ified "clean eating" plan. Pissed I wasn't doing this all along, tbh.

    I drink about 100 oz of water a day. Idk how that translates to gallons tho.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited July 2016 11542 karma
    @BruiserWoods said:
    I drink about 100 oz of water a day
    that's 28 ounces shy of a whole gallon...NICE. How do you manage to drink 100 oz in a day?
  • BruiserWoodsBruiserWoods Member Inactive ⭐
    1706 karma
    I have a 32oz cup and I drink 3 of them during the work day haha.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited July 2016 11542 karma
    Omg I have one too! Lol contigo brand? @BruiserWoods
  • BruiserWoodsBruiserWoods Member Inactive ⭐
    1706 karma
    @montaha.rizeq lol errr it was $3.99 from Marshall's and has pink metallic swirls all over it. So? probably not.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Loool if it gets the job done that's all that matters @BruiserWoods
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