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Should you postpone?

AlexAlex Alum Member
edited February 2018 in General 23929 karma


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    Haha! Thanks @montaha.rizeq This place is so supportive and I love it more everyday!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    You and me both...let's get dem 180s!
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    YES! It feels much less stressful giving yourself the time you need to really learn this test. I'm feeling way less depressed and hopeless and way more positive I WE got this!
  • cmelman95cmelman95 Alum Member
    730 karma
    :') KIll em dude!
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27896 karma
    Well said. Essentially every high scorer has to go through this realization. You’ve fulfilled a necessary condition of reaching the 170’s, and relatively quickly. With a 3.9 GPA, you can totally make HLS happen. Good luck, and hope to see you there!
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    My new goal is a 180 and my new test date is whenever I am confident I can achieve that goal
    Slow clap*. You got this.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @cmelman95 I really can't wait until your Webinar is up because there are about 10 people I want to send that to. One of my favs by far! Thanks again :)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @nanchito Thank you :) I have a feeling if we all stick together, stay the course, and keep going we all got this!
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" Exactly how I'm feeling---like I've fulfilled a necessary condition. Looking back I don't know why I thought rushing through this process was ever a good idea. A tremendous amount of unnecessary stress disappeared when I decided to wait until I am ready.

    I hope I do get to see you there! Imagine us two young lads, following in J.Y.'s footsteps :)
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    edited July 2016 27896 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Yeah, it is a tremendous relief to have that realization. And I like the plan of following in J.Y.’s footsteps! We can graduate Harvard, turn down all of our job offers so that we can start a nonprofit to help kids from underprivileged backgrounds get into law school, and then create an online LSAT program which will bring test prep into the modern world. How do you like the name 8Sage? It’s one more better than 7Sage, and we wouldn’t have to share our instagram hashtag with a random 9 year old girl, lol.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" said:
    and we wouldn’t have to share our instagram hashtag with a random 9 year old girl, lol.
    Dude, you're too much LOOOL
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    That girl literally has hundreds of pics!
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27896 karma
    Haha, you know who I’m talking about @montaha.rizeq . You see her latest post? Girl can sing!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" Hahaha, I haven't been up to date but I'll be sure to binge watch later.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" @montaha.rizeq HAHAH! I just looked it up and saw what you're talking about! lmao..8Sage it is..
  • edited July 2016 1025 karma
    Fantastic post! I am delighted to see you are not settling for anything other than your best.

    I am curious as to how many hours (round about) you have been putting in a week. I am striving for June 2017, but if you are taking a year and I find we might have similar weekly study hours, I just might have to plan for September*** 2017.

  • gparmar92gparmar92 Alum Member
    edited July 2016 153 karma
    @"Alex Divine" You're 100% right my man. I'm in the same boat. My uncle is a lawyer and when I talked to him about this subject he said exactly what you are about to to do (and now what I've decided to do), take the LSAT when you're ready! This is why I've pushed my LSAT back to Dec. With your attitude towards this exam and GPA there is no way you're not going to HLS! Cheers from Canada
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited February 2018 23929 karma
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    You sir, have made the right choice. Many of us here struggled with that same decision - do I postpone and wait ANOTHER year before starting law school? Or, do I take a shot in the dark and hope for the best. The former has always proved more beneficial than the latter.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @MrSamIam It is a hard decision, but like you said, it is indeed the correct one. I am ready for the long journey to the 170s, and sort of looking at it like a challenging game. And the prize is the school of my dreams :)

    Thanks for the support with my decision. It is such a great feeling to know I am doing what is best.
  • 1025 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Great advice! I believe my study hours will be very close to yours. I have yet to take a diagnostic, but it is looking like September 2017 will be my date. Thank you so much!
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @Coreyy02 My pleasure! I think that is a great plan, as it will give you plenty of time to properly go through the curriculum AND have enough time to PT/Blind review. And from what I hear, this is where you are really going to see improvements. Another great advantage of having a test date that gives you ample time is that it allows you to take a week off here and there if you need it. Getting burned out sucks!

    As far as the study hours, J.Y. posted a great article the other day about how much time you should be studying per week.

    There ya go! (If you haven't already seen it)

    I'll always be around if you ever have any other questions as you're getting started. I know it is a lot to take in all at once...
  • 1025 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Very true my friend! I am sure I will be itching for some time off at the lowest points in this process. I cannot imagine burning out while still feeling the pressures to ramp up studying because of limited time.

    Thanks for the resource, I'll read it though now.

    I definitely will, I would imagine countless questions will arise in the future.
  • annannannannannann Alum Member
    304 karma
    This is awesome! I may end up sitting out this cycle as well. Good luck :)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Ann California" Thanks :) Good luck to you too! I am starting to see that having an extra cycle comes with tons of other advantages. For instance, now I can get my apps in early next year AND have a higher LSAT score. So it is certainly a win-win :)
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Alex Divine" you're still in undergrad right? if so I think taking a gap year will be well worth it.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq Yup! I am totally thinking about doing that... Work experience would always be a good thing for applications...
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Hey, good on you! I'm pretty sure I already said this, but in case I'm mistaken, email me ( once you upgrade and I'll add on the extra months since upgrading from a lower course only gives you +1 month per upgrade level.
  • CJF_2180CJF_2180 Alum Member
    106 karma
    Hey @"Alex Divine" Thanks for posting this. I've been studying since January, floundering is more like it, until I found 7sage in April. I wanted to sit the September test, but with a full time job and trying to cram as much as possible, I realized that I wasn't actually learning the curriculum. It was terrifying making the decision to postpone, but after watching @cmelman95 's webinar and reading your post, I know its the best decision for me.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Dillon A. Wright" Absolutely! I was so happy when I found that out. Just need to save up for a while. Unfortunately I spent all my discretionary income for a while buying a bunch of LSAT books I probably won't even use! Boo :( On the bright side, I am loving the 7Sage life so far, so I am excited to become an active member here and take advantage of all I have for now..
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @mcbeck418 Of course, I was happy to share for everyone else who might be toying with the idea of waiting. I can say it was probably the best decision I have ever made. I felt an immediate sense of relief... If I was still planning to take in September or December, I would still be trying to rush through the core curriculum to get to taking PTs. I'm sure it wouldn't have ended well...

    So I'm glad I could help you see this is the best thing! The best part is when we finally take the LSAT, we are going to feel so confident. The only butterflies in my stomach will be happy-excited ones. Good luck!
  • jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
    48 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Holy shit that was inspiring! I definitely need to get 7Sage. Do you mind if I send you a message with some questions. I am wondering what package you recommend and need some help with logic games. Do you charge to be a mentor?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2016 23929 karma

    Hey man! I'm glad to know it resonated with you. I wrote that all from the heart and mean every word.

    Nope, mentors on this site are free! That is why I truly love 7Sage and became a convert from other prep programs. And we will always be here to help you in anyway we can. Feel free to message me with any questions you might have.

    As far as recommendations, the Ultimate + is the best you can get for LSAT prep hands down. Both from a quality and price value point of view. That sounds like hyperbole, but take it from the guy who dropped $300+ on tons of books that were essentially a waste of time. The Ultimate + contains everything you need for prep. The lessons are actually fun and I look forward to watching them. I kind of feel like JY and I are friends, lol. And having the lessons conveniently on video are awesome if you're someone who is busy. I literally can watch a few lessons during the day at work. It's good stuff. Because of the pdf ban you'll have to get the actual practice tests, but you can get those relatively cheap.

    If you're tight on cash grab the starter course ($179) and you can always upgrade later. The secret is just getting started!

    Shoot me a message if you have any other questions :D
    Welcome to 7Sage!
  • jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
    48 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Thanks a million bro! What do you do for work and how to you balance that with studying? Also did any classes you took in undergrad help with the LSAT? I'm going to be a senior and want to sign up for anything that might help?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @jaymasonman13 My pleasure :D
    I work at a bank as an analyst. It is extremely mundane work so at the end of the day I'm not too mentally worn out. I think a boring job I hate is to my advantage while studying for the LSAT. I'm also probably going to quit once I get into the PT phase, but we shall see.

    As far as balancing that with studying...hmm.. I think I'm naturally really dedicated and get borderline obsessed for lack of a better term when it comes to tests, goals, and school in general. And I think it is good to be obsessed when it comes to the LSAT, at least a little.
    I basically get up at 6am everyday and try to study a bit before work. After work I come home, eat dinner, I study more until bed. There's no secret to balancing it, I just sort of make it work. It certainly helps to have set times every day for your LSAT prep. Like no matter what is going on I know my prep time is from 6pm-11pm. Your body starts to get into the habit and it just becomes something you do automatically.... Also, I make sure to take at least most of Sunday's off to relax and do something non-LSAT related. The balancing with work isn't hard when it comes to prepping, but it is hard when it comes to finding time to relax and take breaks.I highly recommend that you make sure you have some hobbies outside of LSAT prep.

    I ended up double majoring in history/economics and have a minor in philosophy. But I studied moral and ethical philosophy which hasn't proven to be much help on the LSAT since it was more theoretical stuff. I did learn about argument forms and such, but I don't think it is worth taking an entire class around it when you can learn that from the lessons on 7Sage. Take classes you are interested in and that will keep your GPA up. At the end of the day, admissions is 95% a numbers game.

    I don't think any particular classes helped me with LSAT prep per say, but I think the sheer amount of reading I did in History and Philosophy classes as a whole helped me be a stronger reader. And imo the LSAT is a reading test so honing those skills will be helpful.

    That said, keep a light schedule if you can to make LSAT prep easier, and don't take classes you aren't interested in. You can always prep for the LSAT for as long as you need to. You only get one chance at a good GPA!
  • jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
    48 karma
    @"Alex Divine"

    Thank you for the detailed reply!

    I'm a sociology major so I read quite often, although not very much anymore.

    So you think I should just focus on the LSAT and not any specific classes?

    Also, how long will it take to prep to get a 165 or better?
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @jaymasonman13 said:
    want to sign up for anything that might help
    Don't waste your time taking a class thinking it will help on the LSAT...if anything a history or english seminar might only help slightly in RC if anything. Just focus on your GPA and keeping/getting in touch with professors that you have a good grade in their class...this will work in your favor instead of taking a class thinking it will somehow help with the LSAT
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2016 23929 karma

    Happy to help :)

    And yes, I think it would be best to focus on the LSAT at this point. If you were a freshman, I'd say check out a philosophy class and learn about arguments, syllogisms, and validity. But at this point, I think the time invested in an extra Phil. class would be better spent just learning exactly what you need for the LSAT.

    However, I took an introduction to logic class that was actually helpful now that I think about it. I took it freshman year, but I'm sure you can petition to take it as a senior at your school, maybe?
    I think that might be helpful. But don't feel compelled. I still think it will be better to focus on what Montaha said above me.

    How long will it take to get a 165?

    However long it takes, lol. That is the short, annoying, but true answer.
    The answer is so different for everyone. If your diagnostic is a 157 it is going to be a different answer than someone who scores a 148 on their diagnostic. And in some cases, people who score the 148 get to 165 faster or easier than people who have a 157 diagnostic. So there is little rhyme or reason to that answer. It is simply different for everyone. I know that answer probably isn't satisfactory, but I don't want to lie or put any ideas in your head that it will take X amount of months or something like that.

    If I was aiming for a 165, I wouldn't take the test until the average of my last 5 PTs were like a 168. This way you go in confident that even if you have a bad test, you will come out on top.

  • 181please181please Member
    171 karma
    I read @montaha.rizeq comment on my thread "...pop the question haha...(what is this a proposal?)" and then saw this and read this title as "Should you propose?" and thought to myself... is this was 7sagers talk about on a daily basis? Is someone trying to tell me something through 7sage?... hmm...
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    HAHAHAHAHA! Yes, when us LSAT nerds aren't discussing how to tackle the LSAT, we seek ways to help out our fellow 7sagers propose to their significant other although we have no experience in the romance world nor do we have a social life outside of this forum. Please keep the judging at a minimum :P @Whenwillmy180show
  • ay_fegetaboutitay_fegetaboutit Alum Member
    116 karma
    @o'drama ;) I see Y in your future
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @Whenwillmy180show said:
    I read @montaha.rizeq comment on my thread "...pop the question haha...(what is this a proposal?)" and then saw this and read this title as "Should you propose?" and thought to myself... is this was 7sagers talk about on a daily basis? Is someone trying to tell me something through 7sage?... hmm...

    Hahaha! Imagine that....

    We talk about a lot of things, but proposals haven't been one of them...At least not yet. But you never know :) I love 7sagers so much it is to the point where I probably would make a thread to field the question, lol.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"ay_fegetaboutit" said:
    @o'drama ;) I see Y in your future
    ;) Now I have to try to guess you!

    & Oh my gosh, that would be incredible! Y would make me so happy.

  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    I have no idea what you guys are saying lol @ay_fegetaboutit @"Alex Divine"
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited August 2016 11542 karma
    Oh good Lord @"Alex Divine" don't ever ask us for proposal advice. We'd probably say something like "tell her: I need you like I need that 15 minute break after section 3"
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited February 2018 23929 karma
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited February 2018 23929 karma
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Awww, @"Alex Divine" you're the Barack O'drama? Haha I've encountered you once on TLS and thought to myself, "ok I guess not everyone on here is full of themselves" lol thanks for that! :)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2016 23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq Aww :) That makes me happy to know. I really am a nice person IRL and I'm so glad to know that it comes across on the interwebz...

    Needless to say, I am a convert from TLS to 7Sage<3
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