I honestly have been thinking about writing a review about how amazing this pencil sharpener really is. But I was hesitant to do so. But I have been so happy with it that I had to share this with you all. Maybe someone will find this useful and make that change.
The History: For the past three months, I have been using only pencil to study for LSAT. This is because I want to get into the habit of working with them. I was a full believer in buying the 46 cents pencil-sharpener from Walmart. I hate wasting money on stupid things, and I definitely believed a pencil sharpener at the end of the day was just a pencil sharpener. The result: I hated sharpening pencils! They would often break, get stuck in the sharpener, and I literally had to buy a pack of 12 pencils per two weeks with a new sharpener because I think it stopped working as well as it did the first couple of days. It was so frustrating! Sometimes, that pencil sharpener would actually split my pencil in halves!!!!!!!! So, one day, while I was watching one of Nicole's video's one youtube, I think for reading comprehension, and she mentioned the Blackwing Palomino sharpener. I looked it up on amazon...$12 bucks!!!! I know in the scope of things its not much, but to me it seemed a bit excessive for just a pencil sharpener. So I basically continued trying to work and be frustrated with my cheapest Walmart sharpener. But one night, I realized enough was enough and I just put my values of being cheap on sharpener's aside and just bought it.
The Result 1 Month Later: It's honestly one of the most amazing pencil sharpener's that I have come across. Lets start with the fact that it has yet to break ANY of my pencils, lead or the whole pencil, while sharpening! Also, the pencil is sharpened to a perfect pointy way which makes writing with it, especially when doing games where you want you pencils to write crisply so your boards look neat and clean, so much more a reality. I have yet to buy another sharpener or another PENCIL PACK! It's so efficient in sharpening that I barely have to sharpen often and because it doesn't break my pencil's lead, I don't have to go buy as many pencils which in the end have saved me much more money than I did with the 46 cents Walmart sharpener.
Verdict: BUY IT!!!! lol I don't think I would buy it later in life where I will not be using pencils as much but right now when I am working 6-10 hours a day with a pencil, a good sharpener makes a difference! Plus one less thing that's frustrating me while I am studying for a very frustrating test.
Also, If you guys have any other cool suggestions please let me know
My only suggestion is the Noricas if you don't already use them. I got 72 (2x36 packs) for under 15 bucks at Staples.
@"Alex Divine" ok, let me know. They're growing on me. They write really smooth.
I limit my liquids to an 8 oz cold matcha during the break. For snack I have a banana, protein bar, and trail mix.
And @peteyj42 , the Palomino Blackwing pencil which this sharpener was specifically designed for is considered something of a classic for sure. It’s highly regarded by pencil enthusiasts everywhere, so that might be one to try for the white coat effect.
P.S. After all that writing and reviewing yesterday, I realized I left my Palamino sharpener at home today! lol! Had to dig out my old Walmart sharpener from bag! It was terrible. I can't believe I ever used this thing everyday.
I think it will fit the Wopexes. I was thinking about picking some of those up. How do you find them?
I bought 2x 36 packs of Noricas a few weeks back and so far have used like half of one, so I would feel wasteful buying more pencils. I really recommend that anyone using the Noricas use the blacking sharpener because the actual point will last longer.
Like @"Cant Get Right" said, the wopexes have a wood composite. The lead is kind of soft and I cant make it too pointy because it snaps. It writes.... smooth. I cant think of any other word besides smooth, and a tad bit lighter than tricons. I likey.
Have you tried them [Blackwings] at all?