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Technical Problem on Preptest Answers

David WayneDavid Wayne Free Trial Member
edited August 2014 in Technical Problems 571 karma
Anyone else notice that the question whose video explanation you are viewing is no longer highlighted in the question numbers on the answer page for preptests? Makes it kind of annoying to go through question by question when doing your review of the preptest and you want to go question by question but don't necessarily remember the specific number of the question you are on. I know it still says the question number on the top of the page but it still is kind of annoying.


  • joegotbored-1joegotbored-1 Alum Member
    802 karma
    It may not be highlighted in the list of links to other questions, but it is still the title of the page. If you look about 5 pixels above the video, you'll see the problem # like this, "LSAT Prep Test 49 (June 2006) - S2 - Question 02" followed on the next line by the 7Sage instructor name followed by the video box.

    If you don't remember which problem you're watching.... you can just scroll up, or if your monitor is bigger than my tablet, you could probably just scan your eyes up and see it.

    I'm failing to see a problem here. Am I misunderstanding your issue?
  • David WayneDavid Wayne Free Trial Member
    571 karma
    No you're not. I just wanted to point it out to the tech team since it used to highlight the question you were on. When you scroll down to go to the next question you may not be thinking of what the exact question was. I don't know why it doesn't highlight it anymore on the question list tho. I don't always remember.
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    Hey Christian, thanks for letting us know about this! I put in performance optimizations to speed up the site, and one of the things that got lost along the way was highlighting the current question.

    I figured out a workaround so that the performance optimization still works, plus the old highlighting feature works too. You may need to force refresh to see it.

    The current explanation should be highlighted with a deep blue background. I hope this helps!
  • David WayneDavid Wayne Free Trial Member
    571 karma
    Hey thanks so much Alan, sorry to be nitpicky but i'm sure this is beneficial for plenty of people.
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