Hi admin, et al...
I have noticed a 5 point difference between my scores from older test vs. more recent (30s vs 60s), with the lower scores being the most recent. Are the newer tests simply more challenging than those from ten years ago? Should I really only be basing my potential score estimates on newer tests? Should I save those recent tests for last? Anyone else notice this same effect?
I just want to make sure that my increase in score is not an artifact of the test difficulty itself.
It might help to look at what sections you are scoring differently in (e.g. are you doing much better in LR in the older tests as opposed to the newer test, or are you doing evenly better/worse on the sections overall.)
Are there certain sections that are lower? What's harder? On LR, is it harder to follow the argument (see what it's saying)? On RC, are the passages harder to follow? Are you missing inferences on games or are you not finishing in time?