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Mistake With My Photo

heatherelizabethheatherelizabeth Alum Member
in General 146 karma
I stupidly ignored the updates about changing my photo before the deadline, because I uploaded the same photo that I used for my June take and figured that it would be fine for September. Just now, I realized that it doesn't conform to the 2x2 box (I'm assuming that this is a new guideline). Now that I can't change my photo, does anybody have any recommendations about what I should do? Im tempted to ignore it, but I know that that is most likely a bad call.
Thanks in advance.


  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Call/email LSAC and see if you can fix it. You don't have many options now that the deadline is passed. :/
  • heatherelizabethheatherelizabeth Alum Member
    146 karma
    @"Dillon A. Wright" thanks for your response. Do you know whether my getting denied entry would count as one of my takes?
  • Michael PMichael P Member
    11 karma
    Let us know what LSAC says. I am in the same boat as you. It's funny that no matter how hard I tried, every photo that I would upload would not conform to the box and appeared with a white gap on either side. Hopefully this will not prohibit us from taking the test.
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @"Michael P" what do you guys mean?? I also have white on the left and the right... I don't think it matters as long as it's a clear picture....
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @heatherelizabeth same boat. please let us know what they say.... :/
  • heatherelizabethheatherelizabeth Alum Member
    edited September 2016 146 karma
    @Nina_Lucas The guidelines state
    The photo must completely fill the 2”x2” (195px x 195px) photo display box
    It also shows a photo with white around the edges as an example of an unacceptable photo. I may be wrong, but I am taking this to mean that there can't be any white in the box :/
  • heatherelizabethheatherelizabeth Alum Member
    146 karma
  • Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited September 2016 1650 karma
    I just checked my picture and realized I'm also in this situation. I don't know why they would not include in their emails that a previously accepted June photo would not be sufficient for use in September, especially considering that June was the first time this photo upload came into existence. I will also be calling LSAC tomorrow.

    Side note, my June proctor was the most lax person of all time. He barely looked at people's photos. Obviously you don't want to rely on hoping for a laid back proctor, but I feel like they're not looking to turn as many people away as possible based on photo requirements. (This is assuming you have the small white strip on the side of your picture)

    Further to touch on what @heatherelizabeth is saying about the example of a bad photo based on size..that shows a miniscule picture within a white box, definitely more egregious of an error than simply white strips on the side. I even checked my picture a few days before the deadline and didn't even notice the white strip..seems like a ridiculous technicality when you consider how stressful this test already is. Pretty pissed if this prevents me from the retake I have paid/worked for
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @"Ron Swanson" i completely agree with you. let's just wait and see what their response is and go from there. Thank you @heatherelizabeth
  • rmshirk22rmshirk22 Alum Member
    80 karma
    Please let us know what LSAC says. I'm also in the same situation. I simply uploaded a picture that has a white background, but has a small white edge on both sides due to the upload from my phone. I just made a huge move from PA to FL so I didn't have time to fix it. I'm freaking out because this move is stressful enough let alone this photo requirement that might prevent me from taking the test.
  • DallasOnFireDallasOnFire Member
    249 karma
    I am a re-taker, while I did crop my original photo from June to fit the 2x2 (my hands were in the original photo, whoo-dee-do), I highly doubt the proctor will care in the slightest so long as the picture is clearly you and isn't the same photo as your test center ID (i.e. can't upload the same photo you walk in with). These people are just average joes looking to make some easy weekend income.

    All this stuff about the white box? Again, as long as it isn't egregious and your picture doesn't look like an 8 bit video game hero, I wouldn't sweat it at all. The LSAC makes these rules purposefully too strict so people don't come in with a high school ID and sit to take the test for their neighbor. They can't be too anal come game day, because printers are variable, image quality is variable, paper quality is variable. There are too many things that a student could raise a big stink about.

    Call them if you like, but I'm certain it's a non-issue, so long as you uploaded something reasonable.

  • mohampleasemohamplease Free Trial Member
    3 karma
    Same issue, I think everyone who has this issue should email LSAC so that maybe the frequency of the mails concerning the same issue makes them more lenient.
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @DallasOnFire i'm sure you are right!
  • juuyuu95juuyuu95 Member
    130 karma
    Hey guys, I actually emailed them about this issue a couple of days ago. I told them that initially when I uploaded the photo the 2x2 requirement was definitely not there, and I asked if it would be okay or if I could change it.

    This was their response:

    "I am sorry, but it is now too late to change your photo. Acceptability of your photo will be determined by the test center supervisor on test day. The test center supervisor will confirm that the photo displayed on your admission ticket matches your appearance on the day of the test."

    Honestly, I doubt the proctor would deny anyone for this particular issue, but then again, it's LSAC...
  • ariellentbariellentb Free Trial Member
    57 karma
    Since when is the 2x2 requirement new? I strongly recall trying to make sure my December '15 photo fit in a 2x2.
  • juuyuu95juuyuu95 Member
    130 karma
    @ariellentb hmm really? When I signed up for September in June the "what is an acceptable photo?" section was different than how it is now, and back then it definitely did not have the 2x2 requirement. I remember being super cautious and checking my photo against the requirements one by one.
  • Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    1650 karma
    Just talked to a rep from LSAC, she was actually really nice. She said that the white strip won't be an issue as long as the proctor can look at the picture, identify it's me, and that it's attached. She specifically said that the small white strip wouldn't be a reason to turn me away and that previously accepted June photos will be fine for Sept.

    My guess is that the situation will be similar to what @DallasOnFire was describing. They probably instituted the photo requirement because previously, when you had to attach a photo, some would probably forget to attach it, lose it before arriving to the test center, etc.

    1....2....3.... *sigh of relief*
  • DallasOnFireDallasOnFire Member
    249 karma
    Glad to hear it worked out.
  • CalPoliSciCalPoliSci Member
    236 karma
    My photo is sideways and I called LSAC twice about it and they said it's fine as long as it's clearly you.
  • heatherelizabethheatherelizabeth Alum Member
    146 karma
    This was LSAC's response this morning
    You would not be able to change your uploaded photo at this time, however please be advised that your current photo appears to meet all requirements listed online for the admission ticket. Please be advised that admittance to the exam will be determined by the test center supervisor on test day, who will confirm that your photo meets all requirements, and matches your appearance on the day of the test.
    To reiterate what others are saying, I think we will be okay!
  • s.beckford18s.beckford18 Member
    7 karma
    Yeah I just looked and I'm in the same boat as everyone here, except my white stripe is at the bottom... This definitely wasn't a thing for the June test so I just a a freaking heart attack but my head and shoulders are in and you can clearly see it's me. Glad to hear it worked out okay for everyone. Good luck to everyone :)
  • Jennifer NJennifer N Member
    45 karma
    I was worried about the same thing. I have two white stripes on the left and right of my picture, but you can tell my picture is me. Thank you for reaching out to LSAC and finding out for sure.
  • red416416red416416 Free Trial Member
    82 karma
    For anyone still struggling with this issue, and is taking the December exam, the way I fixed this issue was using lunapic ( - you upload your picture and you choose the pixels you want (which would be 195 x 195, according to LSAC)

    To anyone who sees a white gap, the bad example they give clearly shows a huge white gap, so I wouldn't be worried too much but then again this is just my opinion
  • hannah526hannah526 Member
    89 karma
    I had the same issue. I called them (before the deadline) and they told me to upload it from Firefox instead of Safari (since I use a Mac). There have been issues with non-PC users.

    It may have also been because your photo was taken with a digital camera, which cuts off the edges horizontally. That was initially an issue for me, so I used my IPhone to get a better picture.

    But @heatherelizabeth, I would try to call tomorrow. The first time I called, the representative checked my photo and although I had white space he said it was acceptable still. Even though he said it would be fine, I tried uploading it again with Firefox and it worked great:) I hope that helps!!
  • kmarie7kmarie7 Alum Member
    edited September 2016 208 karma
    So i just realized my fingers are in the picture for the september test. I am freaking out. I was kind of holding my shirt back at the shoulders. Do you think this is a serious problem? You can clearly see it is me. If I get turned away, does this count as a take?
  • DallasOnFireDallasOnFire Member
    249 karma
    So i just realized my fingers are in the picture for the september test. I am freaking out. I was kind of holding my shirt back at the shoulders. Do you think this is a serious problem? You can clearly see it is me. If I get turned away, does this count as a take?
    I have no idea what stance you are making if you are holding your shirt back at the shoulders. Like an upright mummy with crossed arms?

    Doesn't matter, as long as you can tell it's you. Don't over think it.
  • kmarie7kmarie7 Alum Member
    208 karma
    @DallasOnFire HAHA! I was wearing a jersey, and trying to show off the number! It was the only photo on my computer that wasn't a selfie. LOL But thanks. I mean its a clear shoulder and up picture.
  • esteeroseesteerose Alum Member
    382 karma
    So if I'm unsure that my home-taken photo is ok, the lsac will look at it if I call or email?
  • heatherelizabethheatherelizabeth Alum Member
    146 karma
    @esteerose You could try, but keep in mind that it's too late to change it at this point. If it would ease your mind though, you might as well give it a shot.
  • sunflowerssunflowers Free Trial Member
    edited September 2016 4 karma
  • souman11souman11 Alum Member
    72 karma
    Hi. Same thing happened to me. I called LSAC. They told me that it is ultimately up to the proctor but it is more important that the proctor can identify you. Shouldn't be a problem as long as it's a decent size.
  • heatherelizabethheatherelizabeth Alum Member
    146 karma
    I just wanted to update everyone and say that this was a nonissue for me today, incase you make a similar mistake in the future.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27891 karma
    Oh good! Hoped you'd make it in!
  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    Just found out I'm in the same position. My image is 2x1.
    Nerve-racking not knowing whether or not I'll be allowed to take the exam.

  • sunflowersandlawsunflowersandlaw Alum Member
    360 karma

    If it helps, I had a friend whos picture was way too small for the box and they let her in. She spent a good two weeks freaking out about it. Just don't overthink it and take an ID with you. Most proctors are pretty lenient, but shit does happen. Should be the last thing on your mind though. Focus on your exam, review, meditate, work out, do whatever you have to do but don't worry about this! it's too late at this point to worry about the picture. :) If they don't let you in, then think of a plan B. Too early for plan B thoughts.

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @sunflowersandlaw said:
    If it helps, I had a friend whos picture was way too small for the box and they let her in. She spent a good two weeks freaking out about it. Just don't overthink it and take an ID with you. Most proctors are pretty lenient, but shit does happen. Should be the last thing on your mind though. Focus on your exam, review, meditate, work out, do whatever you have to do but don't worry about this! it's too late at this point to worry about the picture. :) If they don't let you in, then think of a plan B. Too early for plan B thoughts.

    Yeah I read a lot of posts where people said the size wasn't a problem, but I was still up for most of the night wondering if I'd run into problems.

    I called LSAC today, and below is a summary of what I was told (incase anyone else has this problem):
    - A picture being small alone is not sufficient to deny you admission. If they can identify it is you in the picture you are fine.
    - I asked if it would help if I enlarged the image digitally, and was told not do that as you are not allowed to modify the admission ticket in anyway.

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