so hopefully this is a temporary loss of clarity, but I can't quite articulate the difference. In grouping games it seems that both A-->/B and A<-->/B can both be represented visually on a gameboard stacked in a box with a slash no? As in, if A is in a group then B is not; compared to A and B cannot both be in the same group.
Someone get my back!
But in case of A->/B, if B is not there, it's a necessary condition, so nothing happens, it means it's ok for both A and B are out, I guess.
1. A is in (where B is out)
2. B is in (where A is out)
3. Both are out.
A<->/B Allows for 2 situations
1. A is in (where B is out)
2. B is in (where A is out)
because of the double arrow, the rule flows in either direction (so your necessary is also your sufficient) so by having /B (where the relationship would normally fall away, leaving A to "float" instead having /B forces A to be in.
If my knowledge serves me well
So when you're drawing your in/out game board, you can properly infer for the first case that one of the out group slots will be occupied by either A/B (or both and therefore 2 slots)
Whereas on your game board for the second scenario you can properly infer that one slot will be filled on both the in AND out group.
These are my favourite rules because they make games so much easier (but only if you can figure it out from the language the rule is provided in.)
Hope that helps!
It does:)