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Identify conclusion

imran123imran123 Free Trial Member
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

Electronic communications such as email, text messages, chats, and posts on the "walls" of social media sites are considered by psychologists to be "impersonal" forms of communication, meaning that the sender of the communication is distant from the receiver of the communication. This separation often results in misinterpretation by the recipient. Since such communications are also primarily one-way interactions, there is no chance for the sender of the communication to realize and correct the misinterpretation. Electronic communications should therefore be ____________.

Used only when face-to-face communications are not possible.

Written in straightforward language that is not liable to various different interpretations.

Used in situations where personal communications might be embarrassing.

Forbidden in professional occupations, such as medicine and law.

Used as frequently as possible, due to the convenience of avoiding lengthy conversations.

I fell for the trap, choosing A. Any thoughts how to eliminate A.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @imran123 said:
    Used only when face-to-face communications are not possible.
    I'm not familiar with this question, but I would eliminate (A) because it never mentions face-to-face interactions. Also the use of "only" always gives me pause when I see it on the LSAT. Be cognizant of quantifiers like only, most, all, many, some, etc.

    B seems correct because it logically follows that doing so would help mitigate the issue of misinterpretation.
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited October 2016 10801 karma
    I think a better way to see this question instead of seeing it as identify the conclusion is as "most strongly supported". In this case the task becomes to find a statement that can be supported by the information presented.

    Answer choice A talks about face to face communication. Do we really know anything about face to face communication from the stimulus above? Infact the stimulus above does not talk about it at all. So we can't confirm what answer choice A is saying about face to face communication from the stimulus. What if electronic communication had more redeeming quality than face to face despite being prone to misrepresentation. Also the word "only" is very strong. Nothing in the stimulus gives us such a strong statement.

    Answer choice B "that Electronic communications should be written in straightforward language that is not liable to different misrepresentation" addresses what is going on in the stimulus. We know from the stimulus that Electronic communications are liable to misrepresentation. Answer choice B gives us a solution and unlike A defines straightforward language for us, it is not liable for misrepresentation. So if we know Electronic communication is liable for misrepresentation then maybe straightforward language that is not liable to that same mistake can be the solution.
  • imran123imran123 Free Trial Member
    67 karma
    @"Alex Divine" and @Motivated, Thank you so much. This clears a lot of things.
    B is right.
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