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How to combat a wandering mind

madeleinemadeleine Alum Member
edited September 2014 in September 2014 LSAT 259 karma
So my dog died yesterday. I know. She has terrible timing. Every drill I've done in the last 24 hours, I totally lose focus and wander off. I can't seem to think of any method other than to say "just focus" to myself. This method is obviously not great. I know I'm not the only one who has had distractions to manage. If anyone can share ways they combatted distractions or a wandering mind, any strategy to keep you on track, I would greatly appreciate it !


  • $chedda$$chedda$ Alum Member
    72 karma
    Sorry about your loss. I usually keep my mind from wandering by trying to be more aware/sensitive to when my mind starts to wander so I can instinctively stop myself before I really start and redirect myself to the material at hand ASAP.

    Not sure if that will help, but it's worth a shot.
  • StephanieTStephanieT Alum Member
    64 karma
    Losing a family member is not something that is easy to distract yourself from. If you still feel distracted as test day approaches (which would be understandable), you might want to consider postponing. Good luck in the healing process.
  • StephanieTStephanieT Alum Member
    64 karma
    Sending positive thoughts...
  • DrackedaryDrackedary Member
    239 karma
    Sorry to hear about your loss.

    Rather than try to combat a wandering mind, why not just take some time off? You lost your dog, a family member. You're understandably grieving. Take a few days off. Your emotions need it. I don't think it's something you could distract yourself from. It'll just be in the back of your mind.

    Good luck!
  • hkm22517hkm22517 Alum Member
    edited December 2017 151 karma
  • AnkushSaxAnkushSax Alum Member
    59 karma
    Sorry about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • madeleinemadeleine Alum Member
    edited September 2014 259 karma
    Hi all,

    thank you so much for the kind words and suggestions. I took the advice that some of you recommended: I took the rest of the day off yesterday. If I thought about her, I directed those thoughts towards the good, not the sad. I went to a school event with classmates and had a glass of wine (just one!). I went home and went to bed at 9:30 and got a full night's sleep.

    I woke up this morning feeling much better. I did 2 sections before work and didn't feel as distracted. If anyone else is having a life event come up, from my experience I highly recommend time away, even if it's a day. (also, @hkm I will be trying your 3-4 minutes of quiet before starting. very sorry to hear you lost your brother). And I know this surely varies by situation, but being able to talk about the good, and the funny stories with friends and family has proven very helpful. She was a great dog.
  • KellyLBNKellyLBN Alum Member
    4 karma
    Awh Madeline that's terrible - my dog was diagnosed with a nasal tumor the week before the June LSAT and that was enough to keep me from writing it as I was a wreck. I postponed and re-registered for the September exam. I am in no way suggesting that is what you need to do (as you sound a helluva lot stronger than me!) but just take care of yourself and my heart goes out to you.
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