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Should I apply with September LSAT score and put on hold?

emilycyoung1emilycyoung1 Free Trial Member
in General 234 karma
I took the September LSAT and will be getting my score back hopefully today or tomorrow. I don't think I got what I wanted though so I am signed up for the December test. How do I go about applying? I don't want to apply and then get rejected for my September LSAT before they see my December one. Should I apply and contact them to put my application on hold until my December LSAT comes back?


  • ChrisN21ChrisN21 Alum Member
    112 karma
    "When a student registers for a future LSAT, the admissions team will hold on reviewing the application until a new score is received."

    - This will be the typical response you will receive. You may apply contingent on your December test score. You will need to indicate that you are taking a later test date on Application ___ and so forth.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @emilycyoung1 said:
    Should I apply and contact them to put my application on hold until my December LSAT comes back?
    I guess it depends on what you get on the September score.

    If you fell short of your goal and are absolutely sure you want to apply this cycle, I would apply as soon as your apps are done if you intend to take the December LSAT.
  • emilycyoung1emilycyoung1 Free Trial Member
    234 karma
    @ChrisN21 so if I am registered to take the December LSAT no school will review my app until I get the December score back by default? Or I need to indicate that to them? Some schools my September LSAT score may be good enough for, just don't think I'll get good enough for HYS.
  • ChrisN21ChrisN21 Alum Member
    112 karma
    @emilycyoung1 I cannot vouch for all schools; however, in most cases, your application will be set aside until that school receives your updated score. At this point, your application is considered "complete." It is best to reach out to the school(s) you are applying to and confirm with them.

    On your application, you will come across a section that allows you to indicate that you are taking a future LSAT. I would think this would suffice, but for your peace of mind, as stated above, email the school(s) and let them know.

    Also, @"Alex Divine" has provided great insight in previous posts regarding the benefits of applying before the "holiday season."
  • emilycyoung1emilycyoung1 Free Trial Member
    234 karma
    @ChrisN21 What should I do if I go ahead and apply to some schools with my September LSAT and want them to go ahead and review my application despite the fact that I am taking again in December? Will they do this or put it on hold regardless until my December score gets back?
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    To my top school I submitted my application and all required documents with the exception of my LSAT. That way when my score does come I can be accepted almost immediately. I want to start in January
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