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Should I just give up?

abcdef312abcdef312 Member
in General 14 karma
I've taken the LSAT 3 times and I've done horribly.

1st LSAT- 147 (fresh out of college)
2nd LSAT- 153 (1 year out of college)
3rd LSAT (this past Sept)- 144. (3 years out of college)

the sad part is I actually studied for the Sept. one and it's the worse score I've gotten. I'm starting to think maybe law school is just not for me....Should I give it one last try?!????


  • MikeyMangoodMikeyMangood Alum Member
    100 karma
    I don't really know what to say to help, but I appreciate that you shared this. I'm gearing up for my 2nd take and I wonder the same thing. The right question to ask yourself may instead be, how many times are you willing to get back up and try again? You're likely going to meet a lot of criticism as you travel this path, but if it's right for you, then who besides you should care?
  • danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4181 karma
    I'm guessing you have two more takes, since it's been three years since your previous take. If that's the case, and if you know you want to go to law school, keep going for it.

    The next pressing issue is your studying. More often, disappointing scores are indebted more to studying methods rather than inherent intellect. Plenty of factors come in to play, of course, but a much lower score after studying seems to indicate, more than anything, what you can learn about the studying process.
  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8705 karma
    I would say no, don't quit if this is what you want to do. But any serious strategy moving forward is going to have to include a real deep look at what specifically went wrong with this last take. What was your distribution of missed questions? How was your timing? Were you comfortable with the material in the weeks prior? Did test-day anxiety get the best of you? These are all questions that you are going to have to address for a future take.

    We here on the boards are here to help you through that process and formulating a strategy for the future take. My recommendation would be to take a day or two, get some info together and really seriously start building from the bottom up to finally conquer this exam.

  • 194 karma
    I think there is a serious flaw in how you are preparing for the exam. You can do it. I believe in you.
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