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Logic Games Timing

jowens7317jowens7317 Alum Member
in General 244 karma
Hello 7sagers, do any of you guys have any tips on how to improve LG timing? I'm always pushing the 35 minute mark if not going over it. I'm honestly not sure if I'm diagramming too much or if I'm just moving to slow. I have the games pretty much down its just the timing issues I'm struggling with. Thanks for reading


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma
    For me, it was nothing more than fool-proofing PT 1-40. What I think gets little attention when people talk about LG timing is getting the easier games done quickly and with confidence. If you can get the first two games done in 12:30, you are in fantastic shape. That is what really helped me get my timing down. I hardly ever finish games under 5 minutes. But confidently finishing the first game in about 6 minutes for me goes a long way!
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @jowens7317 said:
    Hello 7sagers, do any of you guys have any tips on how to improve LG timing?
    @David3389 said:
    For me, it was nothing more than fool-proofing PT 1-40. What I think gets little attention when people talk about LG timing is getting the easier games done quickly and with confidence. If you can get the first two games done in 12:30, you are in fantastic shape.

    Agreed! This is such an underrated point, but getting those easier games done in 5-6 minute each will leave you in a great spot. One of my issues when I was first learning games was always giving myself 8:45 to get games done. It didn't matter if they were easier or hard. The thing was the hard games take 10 minutes and the easy ones 5-6 minutes. So great point, David.

    Getting better with time on LG comes from a couple of skills, but the most important one i inference making. When you fool proof the games you are essentially memorizing inferences that many games have in common. Games will rarely ask about a specific rule, e.g., "R cannot be in 3rd" - Yeah, you're not going to get a question asking if R can be in 3rd.... But you already knew that....

    My point is every many game tends to have 1-2 rules that are "game breaking" inferences. Generally, they are ones we push out by pushing two rules together. If you get better at making these, timing will come.

    Fool proofing is a great way to do it!

    I'm continuously working my way through the games in PTs 1-38.

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