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Question about listing employment in applications

Liz L 123Liz L 123 Free Trial Member
Should I list the year I was a Fulbright Scholar (English teaching assistant program) under employment in the LSAC applications? I wasn't employed per se, but it seems odd to leave it out, especially if I'm putting in my unpaid internships from college. (Obviously, it's on my resume--just asking about the app itself). Thanks in advance for your input!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Liz L 123" said:
    Should I list the year I was a Fulbright Scholar (English teaching assistant program) under employment in the LSAC applications?
    Absolutely make sure to fit that into your resume. It is a wonderful soft! Congrats :)
  • Anna MarieAnna Marie Alum Member
    210 karma
    1) Congrats!
    2) Yeah, ETA is definitely employment (ridiculously fun employment, but still). I listed Fulbright under work experience on my resume and plan to list it under employment for LSAC apps.
  • Liz L 123Liz L 123 Free Trial Member
    73 karma
    Thanks, guys! I'll put in employment on my apps (as well as my resume).
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