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Implementing @AccountsPlayable LR Blind Review strategy...

twssmithtwssmith Alum
edited November 2016 in General 5120 karma
Thank you David for sharing your BR strategy in your Webinar and Office Hours!!

JY's Blind Review has been an invaluable part of all of our studies. At least for me, I would take a clean copy of the PT and BR the questions that I circled in each section and then score the entire PT at the end. Learning from confidence errors and double misses on questions has helped guide my focus on drilling and weaknesses before the next PT.

For your BR process: as you are going through the LR section, for each question that you circled, you would BR that question and write out your own breakdown of the question down with full analysis of stimulus and answer choices (whether within 7Sage comments or on your own Word type document).

As I hopefully understood the next stage of your process = The NEW aspect is that you would actually pull up JY's explanation immediately following each flagged BR question and evaluate your thought process in contrast to JY's. I really appreciated what you said - having that immediate feedback while your thought processes were dedicated to that specific question made more of an impact than watching the videos later for all of the questions you flagged or missed.

As I learn more about how to utilize the Question Bank, your process has to be one of the greatest opportunities to use this feature. When BRing LR tonight, I had the Question Bank open. For every question that I circled, I would watch the video after I BR'd it. Immediate feedback on my reasoning process has been a "game changer" in how I will approach my future PT BR process.

@"Accounts Playable" If I missed anything or you have more to share about how to implement your strategies, I would gratefully appreciate your advice:)

Hope this helps!!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    That's so neat! I find that adopting a similar approach has also helped me immensely!
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @twssmith thanks for the post, it is really useful. I wish I knew about this system at the beginning of my prep.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    And bookmarking. Thanks ty.
  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    3107 karma
    Great write up and summary of how I BR!
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