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September 2016 retakers

TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
in General 698 karma
If you took the September LSAT how do you feel you did on December? Better or worse?


  • 224 karma
    SO much better!!
  • juliekimjuliekim Alum Member
    36 karma
    Better because I actually finished, but the test was harder
  • bjphillips5bjphillips5 Alum Member
    1137 karma
    I think easier RC, LG. Maybe slightly harder LR? But I was also less able to focus during LR for some reason.
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    I think so too. Excited about getting my acceptance letter!
  • SmartsmogSmartsmog Alum Member
    39 karma
    LR on par/slightly easier. RC was definitely easier. LG harder.
  • emilycyoung1emilycyoung1 Free Trial Member
    234 karma
    No idea. Test was a lot harder but I wasn't as nervous the second time around. Logic games murdered me on this one.
  • 224 karma
    I can honestly attribute my interpretation of the Sept LSAT as difficult due to me losing my shit on section 1,2,3 and 4. I was so much more relaxed and confident and I actually slept the night before. RC was definitely easier. I felt LG were both pretty hard. I actually felt LR was infinitely easier this time around.
  • stgl1230stgl1230 Member
    821 karma
    I feel as if I did a lot better. I think I was more prepared and confident, and it was possibly an easier test, at least for me and my strengths/weaknesses. Of course, I could have totally missed something and found it superficially easy. We will see..
  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    I took both of these tests on Mondays as I am a Sabbath Observer so my insights on the relative merits of the two tests probably are not relevant to most. On the general front though, my Sept LSAT had some crazy jack-hammering interruptions and I personally screwed up my timing on RC. It sucks because my one mistake on RC really impacted my score (I think, but Monday LSATs are non-disclosed except for June so who knows for sure) but overall I was very composed, confident, and on cruise control.
    The experience of things going so horribly wrong must have impacted me greatly though because I was a mess from a physical standpoint today. My body was dealing with so many nervous physical reactions that it felt like my brain was fuzzy and hazy during the entire test. No timing mishaps this time though although I did have some misreads on LG that I think I mostly recovered from. It was just interesting to me that I was more nervous the second time but I think it was because I was so prepared and confident the first time and things STILL went wrong (some in my control and some out of my control). Thus I had a hard time being confident today and ultimately it affected me physically in a way that I have rarely experienced during testing.
    Who knows. Overall I feel good because my LSAT experience is behind me and I didn't make any huge errors that I am aware of.
    The only thing that sucks is getting my LSAT score and never knowing how I did on individual questions. Non-disclosed tests definitely leave you with a lot of questions.
  • carlisticscarlistics Alum Member
    55 karma
    LR - One section harder, one section easier
    LG - Easier
    RC - Easier

    I canceled in Sept due to illness but we'll see in a few weeks.
  • bjphillips5bjphillips5 Alum Member
    1137 karma
    I didn't want to know my score after Sept. Now everyday seems like the longest WAIT.
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    The first test I don't think I was nervous enough because I knew a retest was possible so I was extremely relaxed. This time I wasn't nervous but I was more focused because I knew that a lot was riding on it. That RC was definitely beyond easy. I killed the real estate LG and picked up a few points of the other games. My LR remained the same.
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