I took my first LSAT, this December. I am staying optimistist about the result, hoping I will score enough to get into the school I will me applying. But then again, there is always a chance I might have to take it again. I decided not to mess with February since, I want to take a break and on top of that, I don't think I can improve my score substantially. Wondering, what do you guys do while waiting for the results?
The dude
My best,
The dude
1. Schoolwork. It is my senior year so I've been nicely busy with tons of end of semester papers and tests. These coming two weeks I have 3 papers and 2 finals so...yeah.
2. Work. I work the weekends so that occupies about half of 3 days right there.
3. Exercise. I like to exercise 3-5 days a week. It helps me relieve stress and improves my mood(not only because of the immediate effects but because I like being in shape)
4. Any leisure I couldn't do before. Just like @kmob561 I am a fan of video games and have been taking a week to indulge myself HEAVILY.
The dude
For our purposes though (our meaning those of us applying this cycle) we need to be desperately working on Resume's and PS.
Go in peace my friends
Take away: give less shits.
The dude
The dude
The dude
The dude
The dude
The dude
The dude
The dude