Logic Games -- Speed

SoporificSoporific Free Trial Member
in General 19 karma
So this is my problem. If I give myself ten extra minutes for each LG section I do, I will get 100% right. Every time. But the issue is time. Often times, I find myself struggling over a problem because there is ONE RULE that I haven't seen the full implications of. When I finally see it, I say to myself, "Oh...duh!" and wonder why I didn't see it in the first place. After about three months of studying, I went from a 161 to a 173, but I haven't practiced LG nearly as much as I have RC and LR. If I can shore up my LG, then I'll be set. Can anyone help me out? Is my problem simply due to a lack of practice? Thanks.


  • dennisgerrarddennisgerrard Member
    1644 karma
    how do you practice LG? I assume that a high LSAT taker(above 170) is sharp at LG. There are many LG which are driven by rules, I would say.
  • 180pronto180pronto Free Trial Member
    58 karma
    It sounds like you have an adequate understanding if you can answer all the questions correctly with 10 extra minutes. You probably need more practice by drilling logic games. In my experience, once I grasped logic games and could answer games with 100% accuracy with unlimited time, I got faster as I drilled more and more games. The least likely explanation is that you are using method(s) to solve logic games that take too much time than it should.

    So my question to you is how did you learn logic games?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @180pronto said:

    So my question to you is how did you learn logic games?

    Also interested in what method(s) you used to learn games? Believe it or not, it can make a big difference.
  • SoporificSoporific Free Trial Member
    19 karma
    Thanks for the replies. I learned notations from the Powerscore LG Bible, but I don't stick to them 100% -- just enough for me to get the diagram down. That's really my only resource so far, plus getting a sense of how JY Ping does it from YouTube.

    Could it be the old LSATs? I'm doing PTs 7-28 right now and they seem different from the new ones. Like, I JUST solved a problem, but it took me so long to finish because I didn't see a connection between two rules (connections that are WAY less obvious than simple conditional linking, etc.). This was PT 21, Game 1.
  • 180pronto180pronto Free Trial Member
    58 karma
    You need to keep drilling games and pointing out your weaknesses like the missed connection you mentioned. After you have highlighted mistakes and weaknesses work on not making them again. Watching JY do games and the LG bible are great resources. Some people swear by LG bible and maybe you should stick to the technique 100% as it may make you faster.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited December 2016 23929 karma
    @Soporific, I found the LG Bible moderately useful to learn the very rudimentary basics, but learning and mastering Logic games is a visual exercise and videos that show you how to do them are objectively better. I recommend ditching the LG Bible and using the free 7Sage videos and/or getting a course, if you can afford it. Even the Starter course ($179) I began with to learn games was perfect.

    All in all gaining speed with logic games is constitutive with becoming better at diagramming, recognizing reoccurring inferences/deductive reasoning. This will come with practice and repetition. What has worked for many students is the fool proofing method found here: https://7sage.com/how-to-get-a-perfect-score-on-the-logic-games/

    Don't give up - it will come with patience, practice, and time!

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27896 karma
    @Soporific said:
    I learned notations from the Powerscore LG Bible, but I don't stick to them 100%
    If you're anything like I was on Powerscore, you probably spend a lot of time just trying to classify the game. I also found that the notations were overly complex, so I wouldn't encourage sticking to them 100% anyway. Like others have said, watch JY game a few and see if that looks better to you. If JY's process looks more intuitive, I would (and did) abandon Powerscore all together and go with JY.
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