Hey everyone!
This may be an odd question, but to all of those belonging to the LGBTQ community, do you mark on your applications that you identify as LGBTQ?
I am trying to figure out whether or not this is a good choice? Do school's actually care? Does this contribute positively or negatively to your application?
Since this is a safe space (thanks to all of you that are awesome 7Sagers!), I'd like to add that I identify as bisexual, but I am not super "out" about it. It is not something that defines me as a person, and if you don't know me, or have only known me for a short amount of time, you'd probably never know because I have been dating my boyfriend over the past couple of years.
Only my closest friends and family know about this, so I am debating whether or not I should bother marking what I identify as....
What do you guys think?
I wear my rainbow pin proudly and have a drink on June 26th yearly. That's the kind of progress this country needed. Still have a ways to go, but we are getting there
Nonetheless it is something I identify as (if someone were to ask me), so I feel as if I would be lying if I chose "no" as the answer to that question.
@vduran1988 Thank you for proudly wearing the rainbow pin!!!!! Cheers to that!
I would like to tie this somehow into my application, but am not sure how quite yet. I've already written my personal statement about my experience as a German immigrant immersing herself into the American culture and academia, so I think it would be overload to add that somewhere in there.
I've always been a very active member in the LBGTQ community/clubs and have done a lot of work for/with LGBTQ youths in the community, so I have considered tying that (and my personal experiences) somewhere into my application.
But I guess the initial thought that prompted this post is that if I choose not to write anything (or only very little) about my experiences, I feel as if I would be lying if I chose "no" to the question on if I identify as LGBTQ. So I was just curious if anyone with similar experiences would choose not to answer the question at all, or only answer with "yes" if they had an accommodating statement?
I think I'll make sure to include a little something into my application on that!