But did you, or any of us 7sagers actually receive this email personally?
It makes me wonder why they would send this email to particular individuals and not send it out across the board to all of us. The spelling mistakes also seriously point to a hoax, despite Dave's explanation for them. My opinion.
I won't believe anything I see online until I see it in my inbox myself, directly from LSAC.
@mcmlaw36 said: The spelling mistakes also seriously point to a hoax, despite Dave's explanation for them. My opinion.
I've been following the reddit thread all morning, other people have spoken to LSAC in the past and received the same weird spelling errors. I still wouldn't take that email to heart since emails from them will always say the scores are coming out on the date they announced so.
@"Dillon A. Wright" said: I still wouldn't take that email to heart since emails from them will always say the scores are coming out on the date they announced so.
That's what I was thinking, too. From what I've seen on these forums, LSAC has rarely (if ever?) missed a score release deadline so it doesn't make sense for them to even suggest that they might.
@mcmlaw36 said: That's what I was thinking, too. From what I've seen on these forums, LSAC has rarely (if ever?) missed a score release deadline so it doesn't make sense for them to even suggest that they might.
"Mercury rules communication, clear thinking, truth and travel, so when the planet goes retrograde — which means that it looks like it's going backwards in the sky — all those things go backwards."
Communication gets all funky apparently - just thought it was interesting to note!
I just called lsac and they stated that the lsat scores will be released tomorrow and not today. I proceeded to try to explain that in prior test dates, they were released ahead of scheduled time. I was then told that it will not be released today and will be released tomorrow.
@amankos Apparently no matter what, they always say the release date when you call. You could be right, but I read recently that someone called after the scores were already released and they still said they wouldn't be released until tomorrow. Ugh, I guess we'll know soon enough.
@"J. Tharp" said: You could be right, but I read recently that someone called after the scores were already released and they still said they wouldn't be released until tomorrow.
I heard similar things. Still very likely today. Though certainly possible not until tomorrow.
I received an email from a law school promoting their program just now. The email said that their record shows that I have taken the December LSAT. Does that mean that the December score has already been released to law schools?
@dx369 said: I received an email from a law school promoting their program just now. The email said that their record shows that I have taken the December LSAT. Does that mean that the December score has already been released to law schools?
Said this a few times already in this thread, but we're all unsure. Today is weird for the LSAT because numerous people are getting that email but the scores haven't been released. General rule is schools get our scores 24hrs AFTER we get them, not before. I'm taking all of that as miscommunication errors.
@mcmlaw36 haha not a problem. I just see so many people trolling and getting people's hopes up... so I called back again lol and the first question I asked was "will the lsat scores be released today?" Trying to phrase the question a bit differently and received a "no sir, tomorrow!"
@dx369 said: I received an email from a law school promoting their program just now. The email said that their record shows that I have taken the December LSAT. Does that mean that the December score has already been released to law schools?
I just received the same thing what the hell is happening!
It makes me wonder why they would send this email to particular individuals and not send it out across the board to all of us. The spelling mistakes also seriously point to a hoax, despite Dave's explanation for them. My opinion.
I won't believe anything I see online until I see it in my inbox myself, directly from LSAC.
Do Not Have Plastic Surgery or Other Elective Surgery When Mercury, Venus, and Mars Are Retrograde
Shit I was gonna go get plastic surgery today...probably not a good idea
And on second thought, impressive.
"Mercury rules communication, clear thinking, truth and travel, so when the planet goes retrograde — which means that it looks like it's going backwards in the sky — all those things go backwards."
Communication gets all funky apparently - just thought it was interesting to note!
That, folks, is reliable info!
I just received the same thing what the hell is happening!