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jennilynn89jennilynn89 Alum Member
in General 822 karma
After studying for 1.5 years this frustrating journey has come to an end for me.
Sadly, I don't have any uplifting LSAT stories to tell, since after deciding to delay a year, and studying for an extra year has led to only a mediocre increase from my Dec. '15 LSAT.... which is incredibly frustrating. Maybe it was nerves/test anxiety, maybe it was the testing facility, maybe I'm just really, really bad at taking standardizes tests (most likely this), but I've decided to end my journey here. I gave it hell, and that's all I could do.

I'm posting this to let the people who also did not do well know that this is not the end of the world, and you're not alone. Have a good cry, and pick yourself right back up. Let this be the fuel to your fire.
If you have it in you to delay a year or two and increase your score to your maximum potential, you should absolutely do it and I wish you all the best in the world! Don't let this test beat you down. You are not your score.

Due to various circumstances in my life, I can not delay going to school another year, and am just going to give it my best shot and hope to get into one of my desired schools (hopefully with some scholly).

The 7Sage community really gave me strength and optimism throughout this journey, and I want to thank you all who listened to me, gave me some sound advice, and for your kindness. The kindness and positivity on this Forum is really rare and special. To all you fine people I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you! To all the newcomers on this Forum, stick around, kids. It's worth it.

If you ever need a friend to talk to, have questions about the LSAT, applications, or just need to vent, I've always got an open ear for you! We're all in this together, and we'll come out stronger together.

This is not good bye, but rather thank you and talk to you soon! <3


  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27898 karma
    I love this @jennilynn89 .

    The LSAT has two faces. The first is a means to an end: It's simply a thing we have to do before we can go to law school. The second is much more intangible and personal, and those of us who've given significant time to this test come to know it quite well. It's a test of character and mettle. While the first is measured by our score, the second is internal and subjective. Even though you didn't received the objective score you wanted on test day, your words do not at all suggest defeat. And that's a much more significant test. It will not influence your applications, but it will contribute to your success far greater than a test score ever could. You're going to do great out there.
  • jennilynn89jennilynn89 Alum Member
    822 karma
    Thank you, @"Cant Get Right" !!! Well said. You've been a huge inspiration/voice of wisdom throughout this journey!

    You are so right, the LSAT really does have two faces (phases? :) ) you just can't let either knock you down. Honestly, if anything, this has really fueled my fire to excel academically like I've done in the past. I thrive in intellectually stimulating environments and know for a fact that the LSAT is not representative of my abilities. Gotta keep fighting the good fight!

    Thanks again, and I also wish you nothing but the very best! I know you're going to do amazing things out there (you already are) !
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    631 karma
    Well said, @jennilynn89.

    Good for you for not letting it get you down.

    I'm currently under similar (although my LSAT journey isn't yet over) circumstances and totally understand where you're coming from in what you said. I've learned, as well, to maintain a positive mentality. More importantly, I've learned to accept that the LSAT is just a number on paper. It doesn't always reflect one's capabilities and determination... definitely not in my case and clearly, not in yours!

    Good for you for sticking with it and not giving up.

    Please keep me updated with your law school endeavours, and I truly wish you the best in the future :)
  • jennilynn89jennilynn89 Alum Member
    822 karma
    @mcmlaw36 Thanks, girl!! Wishing you all the luck and good vibes in the world for the rest of your LSAT/law school journey!

    Maintaining a positive mentality throughout the LSAT process is so, so, so crucial. I've learned this the hard way. Yes, in the end the LSAT is just a number on paper. Nothing more, nothing less. I had to teach/tell myself that I am more than just that number on the page. That I'm not stupid, inept, or worthless because I can't get the score I wanted so badly. My journey to self-love was pretty real throughout the past couple of months.

    Much love to you, and let's keep in touch :)
  • lianaf92lianaf92 Member
    99 karma
    congrats @jennilynn89! Writing the LSAT is an accomplishment all on its own. Your LSAT number does not determine your future success in any way. The fact that you sacrificed a year of your life to study for this test shows that you are a hardworking and determined person, which to me, is a much better indication of all the success you will soon receive in all your future endeavours.
  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    @jennilynn89 Hope to see you in 1L. You are awesome!
  • jennilynn89jennilynn89 Alum Member
    822 karma
    @lianaf92 @desire2learn Thank you both so much!! Best of luck to you in your future endeavors! Also hope to see you both in 1L :)
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