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PrepTest 79 on Sale NOW for $5.97!

inactiveinactive Alum Member
edited January 2017 in General 12637 karma
We're happy to announce that explanations for PT 79 (September 2016 LSAT) will be on sale at 7Sage starting today, Jan 9th.

The price will be $5.97 for roughly one week. After that, the price will go back to the normal price of $29.99.

You can pick it up here:


  • dennisgerrarddennisgerrard Member
    edited January 2017 1644 karma
    Lucky to be a Ultimate+. Can't wait for PT80.
  • dml277dml277 Alum Member
    775 karma
    Yay! Thanks Dillon!

    (It says PT 78 instead of 79 in the post - I'm sure we all know it's 79 but just thought to point it out in case this confuses anyone)
  • Ruth_LsatRuth_Lsat Alum Member
    127 karma
    @"Dillon A. Wright" After you purchase the explanations for the PT do they just stay on your account as long as your account is active? or do they expire at some point?
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    @dml277 said:
    (It says PT 78 instead of 79 in the post - I'm sure we all know it's 79 but just thought to point it out in case this confuses anyone)
    Whoops! Thanks. :D

    @"Ruth_Lsat" said:
    After you purchase the explanations for the PT do they just stay on your account as long as your account is active? or do they expire at some point?
    Yup! The PT will also add a +1 month to your account. Any add-ons will expire when your course does, so keep that in mind.
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    631 karma
    Thanks! Purchased :)
  • sarahn11sarahn11 Member
    edited January 2017 8 karma
    Thank you! Will PT 80 be available for purchase with explanations before the February LSAT?
  • BryantFuBryantFu Alum Member
    72 karma
    @snasr11 said:
    Thank you! Will PT 80 be available for purchase with explanations before the February LSAT?
    LSAC won't release PT80 until after the Feb exam
  • zkchrumzzkchrumz Free Trial Member
    164 karma
    Question. I'm not currently doing a 7sage Course right now, but I'd still like to buy the explanations for PT 79. I understand how it would be a really good deal for someone with a Course right now, especially an ultimate or ultimate+, the extension would be more than worth it. However, for me, only being to access it for a month might be a bit problematic, say if I need to review it later, past Feb 15th. Is there any way for me to get a bit more time only to view PT 79 explanations?
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    @zkchrumz said:
    Question. I'm not currently doing a 7sage Course right now, but I'd still like to buy the explanations for PT 79. I understand how it would be a really good deal for someone with a Course right now, especially an ultimate or ultimate+, the extension would be more than worth it. However, for me, only being to access it for a month might be a bit problematic, say if I need to review it later, past Feb 15th. Is there any way for me to get a bit more time only to view PT 79 explanations?
    Normally you'd have to pick up an extension to view it for more time. :(

    Though if you do pick it up, email me ( and we can figure something out.
  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma
    @BryantFu Did you LSAC inform you that PT 80 wouldn't be released until after?
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14289 karma
    @westcoastbestcoast @BryantFu PT 80 (December 2016) has been released already. We'll have the videos up and ready for you guys before the February LSAT. :)
  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma
    Haha thank you for the heads up @"J.Y. Ping" . I was searching amazon to purchase PT 80 and I couldnt find it yet. Do you know where I could purchase the exam?
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14289 karma
    @westcoastbestcoast That I do not know. The LSAC released the test to us but we don't have permission to release it to anyone.
  • jaybee88jaybee88 Alum Member
    165 karma
    how do we leave a review for 7sage?
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    edited January 2017 12637 karma
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