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Studying techniques

savannah.parrishsavannah.parrish Free Trial Member

Hello all! I was hoping I could get assistance with the order in which I should study for the LSAT! I am taking the exam in September but I thought it's better to study earlier since it's my first time taking the exam! I have been studying logic games for 30 minutes a day for a week now. I was wondering if that's a good amount or the right thing to study first. Should I start with logic games then reasoning then comprehension or is there a better order? I am going to try and do an hour a day for the remainder of the time I have before the exam I just want some good tips starting out so I am best prepaired! Thanks so much!


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8705 karma

    Some very general tips, right now you are essentially (if I understand correctly) learning the basics. My very cursory remarks would be to invest in a 7Sage package to really learn the fundamentals of the exam. 7Sage has an option where you can tailor your study schedule to when you want to take the exam. The other benefit to this approach is that each day you get real, tangible, useful stuff done on the checklist that you can keep track of, these are lessons you can revisit.

    As far as whether or not what you are doing now with LG is enough, it is hard to judge. Where did you start with LG? How comfortable are you with a very basic game like PT 2 Game 1? Can you get that game done in 7 minutes or so for a -0? I'm asking this to gauge how far you are getting within that 30 minutes per day. When I first started prep, it took me an hour to figure out one game.

    One last cursory remark would be not to neglect RC. Often, because RC is so draining, people put RC off or essentially leave it on the back burner.

    Good luck and stay in touch with any questions about specifics

  • danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4181 karma

    @BinghamtonDave said:
    Some very general tips, right now you are essentially (if I understand correctly) learning the basics. My very cursory remarks would be to invest in a 7Sage package to really learn the fundamentals of the exam. 7Sage has an option where you can tailor your study schedule to when you want to take the exam. The other benefit to this approach is that each day you get real, tangible, useful stuff done on the checklist that you can keep track of, these are lessons you can revisit.

    I agree with this 100%.

    As far as whether or not what you are doing now with LG is enough, it is hard to judge. Where did you start with LG? How comfortable are you with a very basic game like PT 2 Game 1? Can you get that game done in 7 minutes or so for a -0? I'm asking this to gauge how far you are getting within that 30 minutes per day. When I first started prep, it took me an hour to figure out one game.

    Very true. Oh, and @BinghamtonDave is only just touching the surface on his LG knowledge. His genuine love for logic games would be near-nauseating if it weren't for the fact that it's extremely useful, haha.

    One last cursory remark would be not to neglect RC. Often, because RC is so draining, people put RC off or essentially leave it on the back burner.

    This is a tremendously important point and one you won't read often.

    Good luck and stay in touch with any questions about specifics




    Easiest post ever! Thanks @BinghamtonDave! Literally couldn't have done it without you :*

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8705 karma

    hahaha! @danielznelson

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