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LG help!

deedsLsatdeedsLsat Free Trial Member
edited October 2014 in General 35 karma
So after about 5 months of studying w 7sage my LG is by far my worst section. I range anywhere from 50-75%. Sequencing Games/Dual Layered Seq Games are my weakness. I work on Logic Games extensively printing the games out 10x each and perfecting them. Once i have "perfected them" i leave them alone for a few days/weeks and go back to them periodically and can still finish them pretty quickly. Yet when I am testing, its as if Ive never seen a LG in my life and i freeze or go way too slow. I don't know what to do about Games, any pointers? tips? suggestions?

Is anyone else having similar problems?


  • danielvs13danielvs13 Alum Member
    4 karma
    Are you watching the video explanations?
  • deedsLsatdeedsLsat Free Trial Member
    35 karma
    I watch the explanations after my second run at the game, and almost as soon as i finish watching it i could grasp the concepts and get them 100% and at a reasonable time. I think i psyche myself out too much whenever i see a new game..
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Seems like you're getting the concepts, but you're too anxious when you see a new game on a PT. You have to just focus and let yourself know that it is honestly the same game you've done before, it's only disguised with new words and names. I would get destroyed with Logic Games before too, freezing on new games and spending too much times on the simple ones and not having enough time for the more difficult ones. Keep practising and honestly it'll come to you, sooner or later.
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    Just gain some confidence in your ability. You obviously know what you're doing :) just say. Ok LG I'm going to f&^* you up. And persist! You can do it, you have all the knowledge!!
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