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Hi guys,
I really need some advice. I applied to the University of Victoria in BC, Canada. My index score (based on my GPA and LSAT) is quite high compared to most of the students who have posted about their acceptance on BUT I applied on Jan 15, five minutes before the deadline... I did not do a good job on my personal statement, despite being a good writer, because I was anxious and procrastinated for far too long. I have this uneasy feeling that this HUGE mistake (which I know was a major fuck up) might have cost me my acceptance. What's the best thing to do now? Just wait patiently and hope for the best or get in contact with the admissions team? I mean, I don't know what I would say, I just know that I really want to get in...
At a loss for next steps... has anyone had this happen?
Thanks so much ♡
P.S., no I am not being hard on myself. My PS actually sucked.
Well, fortunately the two biggest factors in law school admissions are LSAT score and GPA. There is not much else you can do in regards to writing a poopy personal statement.
In a few days, consider writing a letter of continued interest. Something like "Thanks for taking the time to consider my application blah blah blah. I'm extraordinarily excited for the possibility of working closely with (X program or X professor). I look forward to hearing you decision."
Best wishes
Thanks @jknauf. Good suggestion
Have you already written a Diversity Statement and/or a Why X Statement? If not, I'd do so, so admissions directors can ease their own concerns, assuming they have them when reading your personal statement. Give them another opportunity to read something about you, if you can.
The "why law school x" was a component of the PS and that part I wrote decently well so thats a plus. They dont ask for a diversity statement. I wish i could find a way to sneak in another writing sample but I think a LOCI is the only way. @danielznelson
Thank you so much for responding
UPDATE! I actually do have access to the admissions bundle and just checked out the LOCI section. It says not to submit a letter if you haven't already heard from the school. SO I'll sit on my hands until I hear something but work on a LOCI in the mean time so it's strong and ready to go if I need it later.
Still -- greatly appreciate the responses to this thread. And hopefully this is of use to someone else in the future.
what makes you think your personal statement sucked? unless there are gross spelling and grammar errors, i think you'll be fine since you said you're above their lsat and gpa average. are you above it by a lot? if not, then yeah maybe there's something to worry about.
Sorry I'm late to the party! I was traveling...
Anyway, @jaybee88, I think you arrived at the right answer: prepare a LOCI and just sweat it out
. But also—be optimistic! Your index counts for more than your PS.
Let us know what happens. I'm crossing my fingers!
@"david.busis" i was too busy drinking and celebrating to remember to update!! But i got the call the very next day after you posted
@jaybee88 Congrats!! Things have a way of working out.