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Feel like this after an LG game or RC passage???
Join us Wednesday night - the BR call will focus on RC & LG. The Saturday Study Group session will cover LR PT65. So many people asked Vanessa and me for this type of BR call so here it is!! Participation & Feedback will determine if we continue to offer this type of BR call:)
We will review individual RC passages and have the white board app to work through specific LG games. We will start with PT65 and can include PT63 & 62 if requested. Please post your RC passage/LG game requests to help prioritize what we cover on the call since they can be a time consuming process.
With the RC intensive next week provided by our Sages, Vanessa & I want to provide an opportunity to talk about specific passages and isolate weaknesses for us all to gain the most from the upcoming RC webinars!
Mark your Calendar - RC Intensive Schedule:
Sun 3/5 Webinar: Tackling Questions with Limited Passage Understanding with David (Accounts Playable)
Tues 3/7 Live Commentary: Commentary and Pacing Strategy with Josh (Can't Get Right)
Thurs 3/9 Webinar: Breaking Through Difficult Passages with Daniel (danielznelson)
The BR session will start on GoToMeeting but it has had so many glitches lately, please be prepared to switch to Discord if necessary:)
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
Access Code: 806-526-421
A trick if GoToMeeting app freezes on the "Waiting for admin to start the meeting" - close the session. Use this link and on the main page click "Join a Meeting" then enter the 9 digit Access Code - 806526421 to join. We will start the meeting at least 5 minutes early to determine if there are any issues
If you actually read this entire post - one of the most important things to do for this type of call is to have a clean copy of the passages & games. Please post your requests and mention that you will have a clean copy
Yayyyyy! I need this after Passage 4 and Game 4...RIP
@dml277 @BinghamtonDave @"Alex Divine" @ScooterMinion @aimhigher @leannasamson @Omed_OvO @cm214998 @nanchito @"Lauren L" @Emely.Moreta @"el chucho" @jgsisco @Sharmetz @877blessed @mnrahall @jennagould60 @Citygirl @aaronmorris222 @bswise2 @KWoulf13 @mckenzieleanne10 @hhhiser_06 @DinnerAtSix @couchifer @poohbear @SherryS1 @smartaone2 @red_ambrosia @crp9ce @DiligenFxy0628 @karen.sov @spbarry @cfield.3 @JustDoIt @lawgikal @TheMikey @justicedst @bbutler @Mitzyyyy @AlexandriaD @"Burt Macklin" @"adore-no" @twssmith @gaandrsn @RafaelBernard @CinnamonTea @TheMikey @sheridan9194 @jimmyrivera201 @meg321go @carlistics @draj0623 @jcorine26 @caitieadams @ppcoelho1 @Gladiator_2015 @sunnyvictoria0610 @yamameerzada484 @bruingirl1205 @emilyxiong315 @lawschoolstuff16 @joneselisabethpenn @gaandrsn @tsan220 @Grace... @dantlee14 @dannyshaw @"Not Ralph Nader" @etphonehome @"subi rami" @cetienn2 @zyahya @Connor180 @Walliums @canadalegalbiz @jeremybentham @HennaC15 @helentang02 @imekahel @sacksj18 @Mattglandry @trxdsd91 @jknauf @hernandk @far_k_hd @BenjiM123 @morganclarke @phelanj75 @d_villa @5everLSATing @mo.sheikh @zyahya @cetienn2 @"subi rami" @etphonehome @rachaels @"Michelle Juma" @rpffj1213, @alex.e92, @McLovinLSAT, @bswise2, @corgimeister, @BryantFu @leslieh327, @etphonehome, @evan3826 @danielznelson @cskent329 @"jw316 TLS" @cvo1 @"Jeong P." @LsatChic
Looking forward to covering passage 3 & 4! will be there with my clean copies
What is this RC intensive session(s?) that you speak of? I'n curious and more than likely 100% interested if I'm available during the given times.
Hey! Are all of these intensives on the BR calendar?
@Walliums Yes! It is on the BR calendar:
@TheMikey - Josh @"Cant Get Right" organized the 3 webinars listed above concentrating on RC strategies. More information will follow:)
Awesome, thanks! I am 100% interested in all of them considering RC is keeping me out of the 170's!
Definitely interested in the RC webinars!
Super excited for this! Sorry If it's written somewhere, but what time are the webinars?
Yeah, next week is going to be excellent for RC! Posting soon, so keep an eye out for more details!
@Gladiator_2017 click the google calendar link for dates and times.
Excited to share that Mentor @BinghamtonDave will be joining the call at the beginning to lend his experience on Logic Games - if you have seen his posts, he practices them blindfolded:)
If you have any games that you want to go over at the beginning - let us know!
@JustDoIt Gotcha on Game 4:)
Requesting Game 4 too (and Game 3 if there's time), waiting with a fresh copy
@"maple sarap" gotcha down for the next study group post too!
@poohbear @"maple sarap" YAY I have my clean copies ready to go too<3