Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). "Massachusetts School of Law does not consider the LSAT when making admissions decisions." - 7Sage Forum

"Massachusetts School of Law does not consider the LSAT when making admissions decisions."

NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
edited March 2017 in Law School Admissions 5320 karma

**Edited this post because this is the internet and therefore I need to be extra careful that the intended meaning is conveyed.

This is an email I received today from a law school. I've received several emails from law schools daily since writing for the LSAT last December. The problem is that I didn't reach my target score, so every successive email serves as a reminder of my formerly misguided prep (I immediately unsubscribe). But this email alarmed/amused me.

This is a Tier 8 law school apparently so desperate to fill their classrooms that they don't even ask you to take the LSAT (or the GRE). It's alarming because I regard this sort of email as predatory -- particularly for students who may not know better or are feeling down about a poor score. And it's amusing because, well, it's just so absurd! It's absurd because here is a school whose sole premise for why we should apply there is that we don't need to take the LSAT.

To anyone out there frustrated with their first, second, or third take, your score doesn't define you. The 7Sage community is here to support us all in our LSAT pursuits so that when it's all said and done, we're left without regrets. But for some of us, despite our wishes, dreams, hard work, or expenditures, Law School may not be the best option. If you are even considering a school such as the one who sent me this email, please, PLEASE contact a Sage, Mentor, or Tutor in this community and chat. I promise there will be no shortage of knowledgeable people ready listen and share feedback.

"Instead, it considers an essay test that the school itself has developed and most importantly, it is read and graded by a full time MSLAW professor who, based upon years of practical and academic experience, is well qualified to assess an applicant's ability to think and write well. The requirement of a mandatory interview, the review of an applicant's entire record in school and the work force, and the essay aptitude test enable the Admissions Committee to identify worthy students who would be denied admission to traditional law schools simply because of their LSAT scores.

Applications are still being accepted for the Fall 2017 Semester. Apply Today!



  • AidoeAidoe Free Trial Member
    236 karma

    No offense to anyone, but being accepted to a tier 8 is almost equivalent to not having to take the LSAT anyway.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    edited March 2017 5320 karma

    @Aidoe Well, it is precisely that, in fact. This school is so desperate for students that they don't even ask for an LSAT. If anyone one is considering this school or another tier 8 school, really consider PMing a Sage or some well-respected member of the 7Sage community to chat. There will not be much one can do with a degree from the school above except try to pay back your loans.

    I am retaking the LSAT this year and each one of these emails I get reminds me of misguided approach to the my first take. But this email provided some comic relief : )

  • allanisraelallanisrael Alum Member
    98 karma

    Wow! IS there really such a school? @jkatz1488 could you send me a personal message about what a Tier 8 school is all about? thanks

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Looks like I know where I'm going next year!

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