Hey Alex! I have been studying full-time since February and I like this idea. As these next two months roll by it will be beneficial to keep each other accountable. I've been doing PTs and BR once a week but this week I've been doing an RC intensive. I usually study from 9:30 to 5ish but with breaks. Don't overdo it!
Generally, my plan is to study full-time for the Summer starting May 12th up until mid-August, 9am to 3-4pm, 5-6 days per week, with occasional evening hours too because of the awesome webinars. I'll have some sporadic life interruptions, but shouldn't be more than 1 or 2 -day break/interruptions.
I'd dearly love to register for the September and/or December dates, but I'll see how the Summer studying goes.
Thank you!
P.S. Congratulations on your ability to study full time!
Wondering how you guys structure your studying periods while studying full-time?
i.e. Week 1: RC, Week 2: LR, etc. etc.
How do you decide what skills to work on beforehand/setting up study goals as opposed to just studying with the flow? This is also assuming that most of the CC is reviewed and you're moving on towards doing timed sections itself, etc.
In short, how do y'all generally plan for the study week? (if at all)
Here's what I'm trying to do right now. All of this is driven by the latest PT. I'm PT'ing at 161 and my blind review is around my target score. So, I'm in "phase 1" of studying, which means I'm trying to push my BR up to 170-175. This should be different if you're at a different stage in studying. I also go to school Tues/Thurs so this is more of a MWFS thing.
8:00AM - Wake up (or try begrudgingly)
8-9:00 - Shower, breakfast, coffee, pet dog (golden retriever)
9-10 AM LG Foolproof (via Pacifico Method)
10-1015: Break (look at sneakers)
1015-12:00: Drilling LR types based on my weaknesses from the previous PT and BR. For ie, I missed 3 MBT/MBF last week and had variety in my other misses. I'm doing a blanket approach of little bit of everything this week.
12:00-1:30 Gym
1:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-4:00 Individual LR/RC section with BR; alternate between the two each day. IE. Monday: LR; Tuesday: RC. Focus on earlier PT's (1-20) because they're fresh and new unlike 30s with lots of them contained in the problem sets.
4:00-5:30: Break and dinner
5:30-6: Meditate
6:00-10:00: Other question type drilling and/or watch a webinar to get new ideas
Sprinkled in there are times on discussion forum and things (and some wasted time because I'm human and I'm not a perfect person).
On Sunday, I do a PT; which dictates a lot of this schedule.
I'm not doing week intensives because I feel like I need to get better at a little bit of everything right now before I focus on one thing for that long. If (or when lol) my BR is up to 175 and my PT is around 165 I'll start doing intensives on RC.
Give me a shout if you would like feedback/question/comments/concerns on your schedule and let me know if you have suggestions on mine. I like having my life contained in an excel sheet so I can float around ideas on PT scheduling as well.
Do you really meditate for a whole half hour? If so, that is impressive. I just started meditating and can barely reach10 minutes of guided meditation without looking to see how much time is left. I fully believe in the benefits but I am a perilous over thinker so adjusting to a meditated state has proven challenging. The goal is to use meditation to improve my focus and decrease anxiety.
@RafaelBernard said:
Hey Alex! I have been studying full-time since February and I like this idea. As these next two months roll by it will be beneficial to keep each other accountable. I've been doing PTs and BR once a week but this week I've been doing an RC intensive. I usually study from 9:30 to 5ish but with breaks. Don't overdo it!
Yeah -- I know myself enough to know not to overdo it. this is like my 3rd attempt at trying to consistently study, without getting burned out, but at least this time I have most of every day to prep!
Here's what I'm trying to do right now. All of this is driven by the latest PT. I'm PT'ing at 161 and my blind review is around my target score. So, I'm in "phase 1" of studying, which means I'm trying to push my BR up to 170-175. This should be different if you're at a different stage in studying. I also go to school Tues/Thurs so this is more of a MWFS thing.
8:00AM - Wake up (or try begrudgingly)
8-9:00 - Shower, breakfast, coffee, pet dog (golden retriever)
9-10 AM LG Foolproof (via Pacifico Method)
10-1015: Break (look at sneakers)
1015-12:00: Drilling LR types based on my weaknesses from the previous PT and BR. For ie, I missed 3 MBT/MBF last week and had variety in my other misses. I'm doing a blanket approach of little bit of everything this week.
12:00-1:30 Gym
1:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-4:00 Individual LR/RC section with BR; alternate between the two each day. IE. Monday: LR; Tuesday: RC. Focus on earlier PT's (1-20) because they're fresh and new unlike 30s with lots of them contained in the problem sets.
4:00-5:30: Break and dinner
5:30-6: Meditate
6:00-10:00: Other question type drilling and/or watch a webinar to get new ideas
Sprinkled in there are times on discussion forum and things (and some wasted time because I'm human and I'm not a perfect person).
On Sunday, I do a PT; which dictates a lot of this schedule.
I'm not doing week intensives because I feel like I need to get better at a little bit of everything right now before I focus on one thing for that long. If (or when lol) my BR is up to 175 and my PT is around 165 I'll start doing intensives on RC.
Give me a shout if you would like feedback/question/comments/concerns on your schedule and let me know if you have suggestions on mine. I like having my life contained in an excel sheet so I can float around ideas on PT scheduling as well.
Whoa! Impressive schedule -- I really dig it! It seems to be working and I wish you well. You will be hitting those 170s on timed exams in no time with that commitment! Well, maybe not "no time" but you will get there Good luck
@ScooterMinion said:
Oooooo, I love this! Count me in, please!
Generally, my plan is to study full-time for the Summer starting May 12th up until mid-August, 9am to 3-4pm, 5-6 days per week, with occasional evening hours too because of the awesome webinars. I'll have some sporadic life interruptions, but shouldn't be more than 1 or 2 -day break/interruptions.
I'd dearly love to register for the September and/or December dates, but I'll see how the Summer studying goes.
Thank you!
P.S. Congratulations on your ability to study full time!
Scooter! That's an awesome plan. Yeah, I too am aiming for Sept.Dec but I don't want to pull the trigger until I see how summer goes for me. However, I have a good feeling for both of us that we will make a lot of improvement together this summer!
Well, I suppose we can communicate via PM with each other and this thread for now to talk and keep each other accountable.
Right now I am a really in between/odd phase of study. I'm rusty from not study consistently, however, I have finished the CC. Wondering if I should go back through the entire thing and freshen up and/or Look at the Manhattan LR/RC book. I've also been kind of using The Trainer + 12-Week schedule in tandem with with studies as of late.
I just took PT62 (my first recent test) Got a 157 and a BR of 164. Painful and a long way to go, but I did a very thorough BR and am still working through some weaknesses it exposed to me.
My plan going forward is going to be busy and mixed for the month of April. I kind of want to figure out where I need to work on the most, especially fool proofing games. PT62 LG killed me. Damn game 2 and 3 (Stained glass) Now that I fool proofed it it feels much more manageable, but damn when I first saw it I just was paralyzed.
So I may or may not just kind of review all my materials and 7Sage and drill a bit of everything and get my bearing back while fool proofing all the games. I'm also going to throw in some timed sections and a PT every other week depending on where I'm at....
So that's what my next month of so will look like:
@"joe.j.ham" I'm still in CC, so I let my lesson drills dictate what I work on extra. However, I do work on LG fool-proofing and RC every day----from older CC lessons and older numbered PTs.
My current schedule looks much like the structure of Jae's, and I would imagine, it will look similar once I start PTing and BRing. That is, I will let my weaknesses in PT and BR dictate what I will keep revisiting in CC, plus drill older, previously worked on items of same category in addition to newer drilling stuff.
The last bit means I have a TON of material to work with every time I re-drill. Some I remember, but most I don't remember. And I don't mind either way because I'm trying to focus on the strategies for the repetition of types of questions I encounter. There's a lot to think about, so I need to work on getting that act together, and not worry about what words they're trying to trip me up with.
@RafaelBernard Try not to beat yourself up about it. You're making a habit to stop and meditate, and that's half the battle won right there. Meditation is no quick process by any means.
It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop --Confucius.
@RafaelBernard dude, i was the same way. then i downloaded this app called "Headspace" and it's been great. When I say 30 minutes, it takes me like 5 minutes to get set up, 10 minutes to meditate, 5 minutes to wind down, etc. I feel SO MUCH better after this time block, and I plan on getting up to maybe 15-30 minute periods.
To everyone, download "Headspace". It guides you through in small increments to get better at meditating. I hated meditating and stuff until I tried this out and it's changed my days around.
@"Jae Won Hur" Wow that's definitely a lot more regimented than mine! What I used to do was just set out 3-5 sections/day and do them timed then BR and reviews. I admire how you incorporate your mental/physical health into your regiment as well.
Would you mind, if it's not too much trouble, explaining these stages of studying? You're saying that Stage 1 is you being able to BR in the 175's... I'm assuming this means more of your focus is on the BR.. when would you delve into Stage 2 of your studying, what might that entail, etc.? Also, what do you mean when you say "intensives" for RC?
Wondering, also, how people are rationing out their PT's as your test days are coming up. I decided not to take the June LSAT but I also only have about 23 or so PT's left... Thinking of taking a break for the month of April then starting back up in May doing 1/week 2/week, etc. until September.. any advice on how I should be studying in that meantime? When I was planning to study for the June, I was doing up to 2 PT's/week with BR...
Also, last PT was 165 w/ RC -4, LG -4, LR -4, LR -6...
@"Alex Divine" said:
I have a good feeling for both of us that we will make a lot of improvement together this summer!
Thank you again for all your support
Me too, mon ami! Awww, you are most welcome! I'm thrilled to have a chance to study with you--you've renewed my motivation to get my butt in gear!!
You first month plan sounds smart and realistic. You will learn much about necessary direction now that you'll be able to concentrate on it full time. The first week may be a little rocky, but don't fret, I have confidence you will be able to dig in quickly.
It couldn't hurt to revisit the CC from Lesson 1 also. I do revisit previous lessons while still advancing through the Syllabus because it's just too much to cram in all at once. So, the more I revisit a lesson, the more the later ones are solidified.
Besides, who can retain EVERYTHING the first time around? More power to ya if you can. But if we could, then we wouldn't have any weaknesses....?
Woooooo, this is going to WONDERFUL! I'm so stoked, everybody!!
@"Alex Divine" said:
I have a good feeling for both of us that we will make a lot of improvement together this summer!
Thank you again for all your support
Me too, mon ami! Awww, you are most welcome! I'm thrilled to have a chance to study with you--you've renewed my motivation to get my butt in gear!!
You first month plan sounds smart and realistic. You will learn much about necessary direction now that you'll be able to concentrate on it full time. The first week may be a little rocky, but don't fret, I have confidence you will be able to dig in quickly.
It couldn't hurt to revisit the CC from Lesson 1 also. I do revisit previous lessons while still advancing through the Syllabus because it's just too much to cram in all at once. So, the more I revisit a lesson, the more the later ones are solidified.
Besides, who can retain EVERYTHING the first time around? More power to ya if you can. But if we could, then we wouldn't have any weaknesses....?
Woooooo, this is going to WONDERFUL! I'm so stoked, everybody!!
You are too sweet! Thank you for renewing my confidence as well. It's been 9 months of start and stop prepping. I am so excited and grateful to be able to have a plan, stick to it, and see results. I am sure my first month will be rocky. I tried some logic games from the packets and was 2-3 minutes slower than I was back in October. I think I might go through most of the CC again, while supplementing with The LSAT Trainer and Manhattan LSAT. Like you said, the more times I watch and re-do the lessons the more they will be solidified. And I think with my new schedule I will be able to do it all -- right this time!
I just don't want to make the same mistakes of trying to do everything at once. So my plan is to fool proof 8 games a day. 4 from the previous day to solidify my understanding and 4 new ones from a PT from 1-35. I also drill by type from the packets which I find helpful for warming up and if you find yourself struggling with a certain type of game.
Thank you again for re-motivating me! Together there is no question we got this
I'd love to join too!! Usually do about 4-6 hours a day but no set times because I also work and I procrastinate LOL. But I am in the phase of taking timed sections. I really don't have a balance with my score. Right now when I do timed section of LG getting 18-20/24 (if I don't freeze on a certain game) and for LR 12/24 and BR about 18-20/24. Really struggling to get that LR score up, but at-least now I am able to attempt the questions instead of circling randomly for the other half of the section.
I am not too sure whether I should start PTing. I go back to CC and re-watch the videos and drill the questions I get wrong for LR even after BR.
My goal on this exam realistically is 160. Love reading the discussions for motivation!!!
I have been full-time studying for almost three months now. I tried a very strict schedule with time slots and everything, but I found this to get old after a week or two. The best approach, for myself at least, is to simply state "I will study for 8 hours each day" whether that is 4 in the morning and 4 later, or it is 8 hours straight with a 30 minute break in-between. Either way, 8 hours will be the bar set. The motivation behind full-time studying is that, when I am not studying, I feel like a worthless sack of potatoes.
That said, I would LOVE to join this group. It would be an awesome addition to studying all day.
EDIT: I would also like to add that a specific day off from study also seems to not work well either. When a friends birthday party (or something on that fun/necessity scale) comes up, it really makes me feel terrible if I already took a day off from studying. So, I tend to leave the day off up to a chance. And if nothing comes up, I simply take the Sunday off. Or, if I am feeling really good, I just skip the day off and do another modified 5-6 hours.
@jaefromcanada said: @RafaelBernard dude, i was the same way. then i downloaded this app called "Headspace" and it's been great. When I say 30 minutes, it takes me like 5 minutes to get set up, 10 minutes to meditate, 5 minutes to wind down, etc. I feel SO MUCH better after this time block, and I plan on getting up to maybe 15-30 minute periods.
To everyone, download "Headspace". It guides you through in small increments to get better at meditating. I hated meditating and stuff until I tried this out and it's changed my days around.
WAIT!!!! I totally do this every morning((: I love that app.
It also really helps with anxiety, if you woke up feeling it in the morning.
Welcome all who have wanted to join! I think it will really help to have a network of people who more or less study full time.
I also really like the idea of studying 8 hours/day broken up into however you like! that's pretty awesome. I might even consider trying something similar out just to see how it works for me haha
Wow, same. Today is also my last day working full-time and I'm anxious/excited to get into studying full-time. #twins haha
I'm definitely down to be part of an accountability study group! I haven't quite worked out what my daily schedule is because I've been too swamped with trying to wrap up everything at work. This thread has some great ideas though and I'm stoked to get going!
@nmk_1995 said:
Wow, same. Today is also my last day working full-time and I'm anxious/excited to get into studying full-time. #twins haha
I'm definitely down to be part of an accountability study group! I haven't quite worked out what my daily schedule is because I've been too swamped with trying to wrap up everything at work. This thread has some great ideas though and I'm stoked to get going!
Haha def twins man! Cleaned out most of my shit yesterday, did my exit interviews, went out and had some fun, and today I am technically a free man. Woke up about an hour ago and already go some work done feels good.
I am having the same problem of diving straight into full time after being swamped with work stuff for the past nearly 2 years. For me, I took a PT and it kind of exposed TONS of my weaknesses and places where I got worse, haha. So I think I'm just going to take April and work hard to get back to a place where I'm comfortable with the material and can just PT/BR/Drill weaknesses come June or so. In the meantime, I'm also trying to take a timed test per week with timed sections daily w/BR. The problem I'm having right now is trying to fool proof all the games AND try to get better at LR/RC. So I suppose now that I have the day "free" I can dedicate mornings to LG and afternoons to LR/RC drills.
Who knew being a pro-LSATer would be so much work, huh?
I'm stoked too though to be with you all on this journey. To be honest I have such a good feeling because I know the results are coming and they are just a matter of time!
@ScooterMinion said: @RafaelBernard Try not to beat yourself up about it. You're making a habit to stop and meditate, and that's half the battle won right there. Meditation is no quick process by any means.
It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop --Confucius.
So don't stop. You'll get there.
Thanks I'm on day three of daily meditation so I just gotta keep it up!
@jaefromcanada said: @RafaelBernard dude, i was the same way. then i downloaded this app called "Headspace" and it's been great. When I say 30 minutes, it takes me like 5 minutes to get set up, 10 minutes to meditate, 5 minutes to wind down, etc. I feel SO MUCH better after this time block, and I plan on getting up to maybe 15-30 minute periods.
To everyone, download "Headspace". It guides you through in small increments to get better at meditating. I hated meditating and stuff until I tried this out and it's changed my days around.
Yes, I just started using headspace. On the free 30 day gift trial now so we'll see after these 30 days how it goes.That's awesome! And it makes sense that you're not meditating for literally 30 min.
Alex, havent seen you post in a awhile, hows studying been? damn i wish i could quit and study all day i feel like lately my lsat game has improved, i been really focused 6-8am study then work 9-5 then study 6-10, lost 11 lbs but screw i'll gain it celebrating with a 170 hahaha did you see that prince kid stoled our girl rachel zane?! sad...
@"theLSATdreamer " said:
Alex, havent seen you post in a awhile, hows studying been? damn i wish i could quit and study all day i feel like lately my lsat game has improved, i been really focused 6-8am study then work 9-5 then study 6-10, lost 11 lbs but screw i'll gain it celebrating with a 170 hahaha did you see that prince kid stoled our girl rachel zane?! sad...
Hey my man! It has been a while since I've been posting much. Last month of work had me tying up a myriad of loose ends. Anyways, you can quit and study all day -- I saved for like 6 months and made a lot of strategic moves, so it is possible; at least for some of us. If not, as long as you can manage work and your schedule for prep you should be good.
Congrats on losing the weight too!
And, yeah, I saw. Oh well ... She wasn't my type anyways, haha. At least I'll tell that to myself.
Studying otherwise has been non-existent on my part until about the last week or so. I've finally just been making sure I'm slowly but surely getting back into the grove of things.
Today has been my first full-full day of prep. Started at like 7:30 and I can't believe it's almost 3. I think I'll take a break, eat something, and maybe put in another couple hours before I relax.
I am also applying this cycle Been studying now for many months, close to a year.
Congrats -- must feel so nice to be applying this cycle, but what's another year I always say. It wasn't like I was chilling and smoking weed this past year, then I'd feel like I wasted it. I look at the last year of my half prep/half work as a great soft and it's in the industry I hope to end up in. So all's well that ends well.
I'm in! I too am a full time studier with 4hrs a day - generally after work - 5pm to 9pm. I have found it difficult to keep the assigned times allotted to some of the lessons. I am in the middle of week three, and currently working on negation/validity. I definitely wish for stronger accountability amongst a group.
@"Alex Divine" woah! I also took PT 62 last week (it's a retake for me) and I've been spending my timing BRing andworking on weaknesses. Great minds think alike!? haha
Looking forward to working with you all full-timers
@poohbear said: @"Alex Divine" woah! I also took PT 62 last week (it's a retake for me) and I've been spending my timing BRing andworking on weaknesses. Great minds think alike!? haha
Looking forward to working with you all full-timers
Yeah, PT62 kicked my butt. I froze up on the second and third logic games and missed like half. It would have been a decent test if it weren't for me being slaughter by LG. However, I need to get better and quicker, so that is exactly what I am going to work on most of this month.
Also looking forward to you full-timers as well It's going to be to great to have a support system!
@"Mikey O." said:
Being able to study 'Full Time'...must be nice. I'm just bitter and salty, ignore me.
Ayeee! You're still in school so technically you can't ever really study "full-time" Though I will say it has been a pretty nice few days, but there's some down sides I'm noticing too.
One, I no longer get a pay check from my previous employer every other week. I saved up and worked hard for a long to to be able to do it. I essentially eschewed my LSAT study all of fall and most of winter .... And now I feel poor, again. Sigh....
Two, there's just nothing else to do all day but study. This is a double edge sword. I mean, sadly, my hobbies are reading, writing, music, and learning. And I feel guilty working on other things I want to master without having first murdered this LSAT.
I might even take it a bit easy today and just drill games and review a section or two or RC/LR. It's Sunday and I want to make sure I avoid burning myself out at all costs!
@KingDavid said:
I'm in! I too am a full time studier with 4hrs a day - generally after work - 5pm to 9pm. I have found it difficult to keep the assigned times allotted to some of the lessons. I am in the middle of week three, and currently working on negation/validity. I definitely wish for stronger accountability amongst a group.
Yeah, I think it would be cool to kind of post our daily/weekly plans/goals and update them so we hold ourselves accountable. I work best like this too for sure.
Not this season. I'm in the same boat as Alex - I'll be studying to sit for Sept and/or Dec LSAT, then applying that cycle, which I guess is considered next cycle.
I'll "see" you at David Busis' Admissions Overview webinar this coming Wednesday, April 5th!
Not this season. I'm in the same boat as Alex - I'll be studying to sit for Sept and/or Dec LSAT, then applying that cycle, which I guess is considered next cycle.
I'll "see" you at David Busis' Admissions Overview webinar this coming Wednesday, April 5th!
I will also try to attend to David Busis Admissions Overview. He really knows his stuff and his other webinars have been extremely insightful!
@ScooterMinion said:
Is anyone else in this group a glutton for punishment and applied to sit for the digital LSAT on May 20th?
If you are, and even if you're not, any words of wisdom you care to impart?
No, if there were one closer to me and I'd have signed up and known in advanced, I'd certainly have given it a go. Just to see what it's like and check out some unreleased questions. I'd also love to see if there are any major advantages/disadvantages to a digital LSAT formal.
I am also applying this cycle Been studying now for many months, close to a year.
Congrats -- must feel so nice to be applying this cycle, but what's another year I always say. It wasn't like I was chilling and smoking weed this past year, then I'd feel like I wasted it. I look at the last year of my half prep/half work as a great soft and it's in the industry I hope to end up in. So all's well that ends well.
Good luck I'm sure you'll kill it!
One year is nothing. I also postponed applying for a year and I'm really glad I did. It's given me more time to improve my score but also to really think about why I want to go to law school and what kind of career I want afterwards. That way I can hit the ground running when the first day of 1L finally rolls around. Having that kind of maturity and vision is super important these days for people who go to law school.
Thanks good luck to you too! I'm sure we'll cross paths here many times before this journey is all said and done.
Not this season. I'm in the same boat as Alex - I'll be studying to sit for Sept and/or Dec LSAT, then applying that cycle, which I guess is considered next cycle.
I'll "see" you at David Busis' Admissions Overview webinar this coming Wednesday, April 5th!
Awesome. Well, I will definitely "see" you at David Busis' Admissions Overview. Really excited for it!
I am also applying this cycle Been studying now for many months, close to a year.
Congrats -- must feel so nice to be applying this cycle, but what's another year I always say. It wasn't like I was chilling and smoking weed this past year, then I'd feel like I wasted it. I look at the last year of my half prep/half work as a great soft and it's in the industry I hope to end up in. So all's well that ends well.
Good luck I'm sure you'll kill it!
One year is nothing. I also postponed applying for a year and I'm really glad I did. It's given me more time to improve my score but also to really think about why I want to go to law school and what kind of career I want afterwards. That way I can hit the ground running when the first day of 1L finally rolls around. Having that kind of maturity and vision is super important these days for people who go to law school.
Thanks good luck to you too! I'm sure we'll cross paths here many times before this journey is all said and done.
Yes, we shall certainly cross paths (hopefully at a top schools, lol)
Yeah, I'm really happy I postponed. I really agree with maturity and lack of myopic ideals about post-grad careers.
I'd just be studying now with a wasted a take and a big hit on my ego and remorse for having taken with so little preparation. Also, I got a year working doing what I'm interested in and now I know more or less what type of law I would like to practice. So everything has a way of working out At least sometimes!
I'm in!! currently studying full time and deciding between the june lsat or the september!! I'm scoring around a 163-166 and hoping to reach the 170s!! good luck to us all!!
@"Mikey O." said:
Being able to study 'Full Time'...must be nice. I'm just bitter and salty, ignore me.
Ayeee! You're still in school so technically you can't ever really study "full-time" Though I will say it has been a pretty nice few days, but there's some down sides I'm noticing too.
One, I no longer get a pay check from my previous employer every other week. I saved up and worked hard for a long to to be able to do it. I essentially eschewed my LSAT study all of fall and most of winter .... And now I feel poor, again. Sigh....
Two, there's just nothing else to do all day but study. This is a double edge sword. I mean, sadly, my hobbies are reading, writing, music, and learning. And I feel guilty working on other things I want to master without having first murdered this LSAT.
I might even take it a bit easy today and just drill games and review a section or two or RC/LR. It's Sunday and I want to make sure I avoid burning myself out at all costs!
Brotha-man, I work 55 hours a week full time, I am not still in school lol. Plus, my schedule for the type of work I do is so off and on (either days or nights) it's very hard to keep a rhythm. I wish you the best, but given my specific life circumstances I cannot afford to study "full time". I am able to put in about 15-20 hours a week and those are just the cards I am dealt. For that reason my goal is a 165. Any higher and I am a happy man.
Hey Alex! I have been studying full-time since February and I like this idea. As these next two months roll by it will be beneficial to keep each other accountable. I've been doing PTs and BR once a week but this week I've been doing an RC intensive. I usually study from 9:30 to 5ish but with breaks. Don't overdo it!
I love this idea!
Join in the club! Working from home with flexible hours and studying and taking care of kids!
Ahh yes! I was just thinking about wanting some kind of full-timer accountability buddy! Would absolutely love to join this group.
I also try to do kinda a 9-5 thing, with breaks for the gym, random errands and my part time job.
Oooooo, I love this! Count me in, please!
Generally, my plan is to study full-time for the Summer starting May 12th up until mid-August, 9am to 3-4pm, 5-6 days per week, with occasional evening hours too because of the awesome webinars. I'll have some sporadic life interruptions, but shouldn't be more than 1 or 2 -day break/interruptions.
I'd dearly love to register for the September and/or December dates, but I'll see how the Summer studying goes.
Thank you!
P.S. Congratulations on your ability to study full time!
Wondering how you guys structure your studying periods while studying full-time?
i.e. Week 1: RC, Week 2: LR, etc. etc.
How do you decide what skills to work on beforehand/setting up study goals as opposed to just studying with the flow? This is also assuming that most of the CC is reviewed and you're moving on towards doing timed sections itself, etc.
In short, how do y'all generally plan for the study week? (if at all)
Here's what I'm trying to do right now. All of this is driven by the latest PT. I'm PT'ing at 161 and my blind review is around my target score. So, I'm in "phase 1" of studying, which means I'm trying to push my BR up to 170-175. This should be different if you're at a different stage in studying. I also go to school Tues/Thurs so this is more of a MWFS thing.
8:00AM - Wake up (or try begrudgingly)
8-9:00 - Shower, breakfast, coffee, pet dog (golden retriever)
9-10 AM LG Foolproof (via Pacifico Method)
10-1015: Break (look at sneakers)
1015-12:00: Drilling LR types based on my weaknesses from the previous PT and BR. For ie, I missed 3 MBT/MBF last week and had variety in my other misses. I'm doing a blanket approach of little bit of everything this week.
12:00-1:30 Gym
1:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-4:00 Individual LR/RC section with BR; alternate between the two each day. IE. Monday: LR; Tuesday: RC. Focus on earlier PT's (1-20) because they're fresh and new unlike 30s with lots of them contained in the problem sets.
4:00-5:30: Break and dinner
5:30-6: Meditate
6:00-10:00: Other question type drilling and/or watch a webinar to get new ideas
Sprinkled in there are times on discussion forum and things (and some wasted time because I'm human and I'm not a perfect person).
On Sunday, I do a PT; which dictates a lot of this schedule.
I'm not doing week intensives because I feel like I need to get better at a little bit of everything right now before I focus on one thing for that long. If (or when lol) my BR is up to 175 and my PT is around 165 I'll start doing intensives on RC.
Give me a shout if you would like feedback/question/comments/concerns on your schedule and let me know if you have suggestions on mine. I like having my life contained in an excel sheet so I can float around ideas on PT scheduling as well.
Do you really meditate for a whole half hour? If so, that is impressive. I just started meditating and can barely reach10 minutes of guided meditation without looking to see how much time is left. I fully believe in the benefits but I am a perilous over thinker so adjusting to a meditated state has proven challenging. The goal is to use meditation to improve my focus and decrease anxiety.
Yeah -- I know myself enough to know not to overdo it. this is like my 3rd attempt at trying to consistently study, without getting burned out, but at least this time I have most of every day to prep!
Thank you!
Whoa! Impressive schedule -- I really dig it! It seems to be working and I wish you well. You will be hitting those 170s on timed exams in no time with that commitment! Well, maybe not "no time" but you will get there
Good luck
Scooter! That's an awesome plan. Yeah, I too am aiming for Sept.Dec but I don't want to pull the trigger until I see how summer goes for me. However, I have a good feeling for both of us that we will make a lot of improvement together this summer!
Thank you again for all your support
Well, I suppose we can communicate via PM with each other and this thread for now to talk and keep each other accountable.
Right now I am a really in between/odd phase of study. I'm rusty from not study consistently, however, I have finished the CC. Wondering if I should go back through the entire thing and freshen up and/or Look at the Manhattan LR/RC book. I've also been kind of using The Trainer + 12-Week schedule in tandem with with studies as of late.
I just took PT62 (my first recent test) Got a 157 and a BR of 164. Painful and a long way to go, but I did a very thorough BR and am still working through some weaknesses it exposed to me.
My plan going forward is going to be busy and mixed for the month of April. I kind of want to figure out where I need to work on the most, especially fool proofing games. PT62 LG killed me. Damn game 2 and 3 (Stained glass) Now that I fool proofed it it feels much more manageable, but damn when I first saw it I just was paralyzed.
So I may or may not just kind of review all my materials and 7Sage and drill a bit of everything and get my bearing back while fool proofing all the games. I'm also going to throw in some timed sections and a PT every other week depending on where I'm at....
So that's what my next month of so will look like:
@"joe.j.ham" I'm still in CC, so I let my lesson drills dictate what I work on extra. However, I do work on LG fool-proofing and RC every day----from older CC lessons and older numbered PTs.
My current schedule looks much like the structure of Jae's, and I would imagine, it will look similar once I start PTing and BRing. That is, I will let my weaknesses in PT and BR dictate what I will keep revisiting in CC, plus drill older, previously worked on items of same category in addition to newer drilling stuff.
The last bit means I have a TON of material to work with every time I re-drill. Some I remember, but most I don't remember. And I don't mind either way because I'm trying to focus on the strategies for the repetition of types of questions I encounter. There's a lot to think about, so I need to work on getting that act together, and not worry about what words they're trying to trip me up with.
@RafaelBernard Try not to beat yourself up about it. You're making a habit to stop and meditate, and that's half the battle won right there. Meditation is no quick process by any means.
It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop --Confucius.
So don't stop. You'll get there.
@RafaelBernard dude, i was the same way. then i downloaded this app called "Headspace" and it's been great. When I say 30 minutes, it takes me like 5 minutes to get set up, 10 minutes to meditate, 5 minutes to wind down, etc. I feel SO MUCH better after this time block, and I plan on getting up to maybe 15-30 minute periods.
To everyone, download "Headspace". It guides you through in small increments to get better at meditating. I hated meditating and stuff until I tried this out and it's changed my days around.
@"Jae Won Hur" Wow that's definitely a lot more regimented than mine! What I used to do was just set out 3-5 sections/day and do them timed then BR and reviews. I admire how you incorporate your mental/physical health into your regiment as well.
Would you mind, if it's not too much trouble, explaining these stages of studying? You're saying that Stage 1 is you being able to BR in the 175's... I'm assuming this means more of your focus is on the BR.. when would you delve into Stage 2 of your studying, what might that entail, etc.? Also, what do you mean when you say "intensives" for RC?
Wondering, also, how people are rationing out their PT's as your test days are coming up. I decided not to take the June LSAT but I also only have about 23 or so PT's left... Thinking of taking a break for the month of April then starting back up in May doing 1/week 2/week, etc. until September.. any advice on how I should be studying in that meantime? When I was planning to study for the June, I was doing up to 2 PT's/week with BR...
Also, last PT was 165 w/ RC -4, LG -4, LR -4, LR -6...
Me too, mon ami! Awww, you are most welcome!
I'm thrilled to have a chance to study with you--you've renewed my motivation to get my butt in gear!!
You first month plan sounds smart and realistic. You will learn much about necessary direction now that you'll be able to concentrate on it full time. The first week may be a little rocky, but don't fret, I have confidence you will be able to dig in quickly.
It couldn't hurt to revisit the CC from Lesson 1 also. I do revisit previous lessons while still advancing through the Syllabus because it's just too much to cram in all at once. So, the more I revisit a lesson, the more the later ones are solidified.
Besides, who can retain EVERYTHING the first time around? More power to ya if you can. But if we could, then we wouldn't have any weaknesses....?
Woooooo, this is going to WONDERFUL! I'm so stoked, everybody!!
@jaefromcanada I'm on Headspace too! I LOOOOVE that app!! Totally turned my world rightside up!
I have two gift codes for any two people who want to try Headspace free for 1 month. PM me.
You are too sweet! Thank you for renewing my confidence as well. It's been 9 months of start and stop prepping. I am so excited and grateful to be able to have a plan, stick to it, and see results. I am sure my first month will be rocky. I tried some logic games from the packets and was 2-3 minutes slower than I was back in October. I think I might go through most of the CC again, while supplementing with The LSAT Trainer and Manhattan LSAT. Like you said, the more times I watch and re-do the lessons the more they will be solidified. And I think with my new schedule I will be able to do it all -- right this time!
I just don't want to make the same mistakes of trying to do everything at once. So my plan is to fool proof 8 games a day. 4 from the previous day to solidify my understanding and 4 new ones from a PT from 1-35. I also drill by type from the packets which I find helpful for warming up and if you find yourself struggling with a certain type of game.
Thank you again for re-motivating me! Together there is no question we got this

I'd love to join too!! Usually do about 4-6 hours a day but no set times because I also work and I procrastinate LOL. But I am in the phase of taking timed sections. I really don't have a balance with my score. Right now when I do timed section of LG getting 18-20/24 (if I don't freeze on a certain game) and for LR 12/24 and BR about 18-20/24. Really struggling to get that LR score up, but at-least now I am able to attempt the questions instead of circling randomly for the other half of the section.
I am not too sure whether I should start PTing. I go back to CC and re-watch the videos and drill the questions I get wrong for LR even after BR.
My goal on this exam realistically is 160. Love reading the discussions for motivation!!!
Hey Alex and all fellow 7sagers (:
I have been full-time studying for almost three months now. I tried a very strict schedule with time slots and everything, but I found this to get old after a week or two. The best approach, for myself at least, is to simply state "I will study for 8 hours each day" whether that is 4 in the morning and 4 later, or it is 8 hours straight with a 30 minute break in-between. Either way, 8 hours will be the bar set. The motivation behind full-time studying is that, when I am not studying, I feel like a worthless sack of potatoes.
That said, I would LOVE to join this group. It would be an awesome addition to studying all day.
EDIT: I would also like to add that a specific day off from study also seems to not work well either. When a friends birthday party (or something on that fun/necessity scale) comes up, it really makes me feel terrible if I already took a day off from studying. So, I tend to leave the day off up to a chance. And if nothing comes up, I simply take the Sunday off. Or, if I am feeling really good, I just skip the day off and do another modified 5-6 hours.
WAIT!!!! I totally do this every morning((: I love that app.
It also really helps with anxiety, if you woke up feeling it in the morning.
Welcome all who have wanted to join! I think it will really help to have a network of people who more or less study full time.
I also really like the idea of studying 8 hours/day broken up into however you like! that's pretty awesome. I might even consider trying something similar out just to see how it works for me haha
Wow, same. Today is also my last day working full-time and I'm anxious/excited to get into studying full-time. #twins haha
I'm definitely down to be part of an accountability study group! I haven't quite worked out what my daily schedule is because I've been too swamped with trying to wrap up everything at work. This thread has some great ideas though and I'm stoked to get going!
Haha def twins man! Cleaned out most of my shit yesterday, did my exit interviews, went out and had some fun, and today I am technically a free man. Woke up about an hour ago and already go some work done feels good.
I am having the same problem of diving straight into full time after being swamped with work stuff for the past nearly 2 years. For me, I took a PT and it kind of exposed TONS of my weaknesses and places where I got worse, haha. So I think I'm just going to take April and work hard to get back to a place where I'm comfortable with the material and can just PT/BR/Drill weaknesses come June or so. In the meantime, I'm also trying to take a timed test per week with timed sections daily w/BR. The problem I'm having right now is trying to fool proof all the games AND try to get better at LR/RC. So I suppose now that I have the day "free" I can dedicate mornings to LG and afternoons to LR/RC drills.
Who knew being a pro-LSATer would be so much work, huh?
I'm stoked too though to be with you all on this journey. To be honest I have such a good feeling because I know the results are coming and they are just a matter of time!
I'm on day three of daily meditation so I just gotta keep it up!
Yes, I just started using headspace. On the free 30 day gift trial now so we'll see after these 30 days how it goes.That's awesome! And it makes sense that you're not meditating for literally 30 min.
@"Alex Divine", @ScooterMinion , or anyone else on this thread. Are you planning to apply this season?
@RafaelBernard No, I'm planning on taking Sept or Dec and applying next cycle. I wish I was ready to take and apply this season
Alex, havent seen you post in a awhile, hows studying been? damn i wish i could quit and study all day i feel like lately my lsat game has improved, i been really focused 6-8am study then work 9-5 then study 6-10, lost 11 lbs but screw i'll gain it celebrating with a 170 hahaha did you see that prince kid stoled our girl rachel zane?! sad...
Applying this cycle! are you?
I am also applying this cycle
Been studying now for many months, close to a year.
Hey my man! It has been a while since I've been posting much. Last month of work had me tying up a myriad of loose ends. Anyways, you can quit and study all day -- I saved for like 6 months and made a lot of strategic moves, so it is possible; at least for some of us. If not, as long as you can manage work and your schedule for prep you should be good.
Congrats on losing the weight too!
And, yeah, I saw. Oh well ... She wasn't my type anyways, haha. At least I'll tell that to myself.
Studying otherwise has been non-existent on my part until about the last week or so. I've finally just been making sure I'm slowly but surely getting back into the grove of things.
Today has been my first full-full day of prep. Started at like 7:30 and I can't believe it's almost 3. I think I'll take a break, eat something, and maybe put in another couple hours before I relax.
Good luck and keep in touch
Congrats -- must feel so nice to be applying this cycle, but what's another year I always say. It wasn't like I was chilling and smoking weed this past year, then I'd feel like I wasted it. I look at the last year of my half prep/half work as a great soft and it's in the industry I hope to end up in. So all's well that ends well.
Good luck I'm sure you'll kill it!
I'm in! I too am a full time studier with 4hrs a day - generally after work - 5pm to 9pm. I have found it difficult to keep the assigned times allotted to some of the lessons. I am in the middle of week three, and currently working on negation/validity. I definitely wish for stronger accountability amongst a group.
@"Alex Divine" woah! I also took PT 62 last week (it's a retake for me) and I've been spending my timing BRing andworking on weaknesses. Great minds think alike!? haha
Looking forward to working with you all full-timers
Can't wait to graduate so I can study for the LSAT full-time. Good luck, Alex!
I want to join! What a great idea!
Being able to study 'Full Time'...must be nice. I'm just bitter and salty, ignore me.
Yeah, PT62 kicked my butt. I froze up on the second and third logic games and missed like half. It would have been a decent test if it weren't for me being slaughter by LG. However, I need to get better and quicker, so that is exactly what I am going to work on most of this month.
Also looking forward to you full-timers as well
It's going to be to great to have a support system!
Ayeee! You're still in school so technically you can't ever really study "full-time" Though I will say it has been a pretty nice few days, but there's some down sides I'm noticing too.
One, I no longer get a pay check from my previous employer every other week. I saved up and worked hard for a long to to be able to do it. I essentially eschewed my LSAT study all of fall and most of winter .... And now I feel poor, again. Sigh....
Two, there's just nothing else to do all day but study. This is a double edge sword. I mean, sadly, my hobbies are reading, writing, music, and learning. And I feel guilty working on other things I want to master without having first murdered this LSAT.
I might even take it a bit easy today and just drill games and review a section or two or RC/LR. It's Sunday and I want to make sure I avoid burning myself out at all costs!
Yeah, I think it would be cool to kind of post our daily/weekly plans/goals and update them so we hold ourselves accountable. I work best like this too for sure.
Not this season. I'm in the same boat as Alex - I'll be studying to sit for Sept and/or Dec LSAT, then applying that cycle, which I guess is considered next cycle.
I'll "see" you at David Busis' Admissions Overview webinar this coming Wednesday, April 5th!
Is anyone else in this group a glutton for punishment and applied to sit for the digital LSAT on May 20th?
If you are, and even if you're not, any words of wisdom you care to impart?
I will also try to attend to David Busis Admissions Overview. He really knows his stuff and his other webinars have been extremely insightful!
No, if there were one closer to me and I'd have signed up and known in advanced, I'd certainly have given it a go. Just to see what it's like and check out some unreleased questions. I'd also love to see if there are any major advantages/disadvantages to a digital LSAT formal.
One year is nothing. I also postponed applying for a year and I'm really glad I did. It's given me more time to improve my score but also to really think about why I want to go to law school and what kind of career I want afterwards. That way I can hit the ground running when the first day of 1L finally rolls around. Having that kind of maturity and vision is super important these days for people who go to law school.
good luck to you too! I'm sure we'll cross paths here many times before this journey is all said and done.
Awesome. Well, I will definitely "see" you at David Busis' Admissions Overview. Really excited for it!
Yes, we shall certainly cross paths (hopefully at a top schools, lol)
Yeah, I'm really happy I postponed. I really agree with maturity and lack of myopic ideals about post-grad careers.
I'd just be studying now with a wasted a take and a big hit on my ego and remorse for having taken with so little preparation. Also, I got a year working doing what I'm interested in and now I know more or less what type of law I would like to practice. So everything has a way of working out
At least sometimes!
I'm in!! currently studying full time and deciding between the june lsat or the september!! I'm scoring around a 163-166 and hoping to reach the 170s!! good luck to us all!!
Brotha-man, I work 55 hours a week full time, I am not still in school lol. Plus, my schedule for the type of work I do is so off and on (either days or nights) it's very hard to keep a rhythm. I wish you the best, but given my specific life circumstances I cannot afford to study "full time". I am able to put in about 15-20 hours a week and those are just the cards I am dealt. For that reason my goal is a 165. Any higher and I am a happy man.