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Feedback on my CC approach

NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
in General 5320 karma

Hey everyone. I hope your studies are going well and ya'll find some time to enjoy the Summer weather between BRing and pencil debates.

I am nearing the end of the CC -- I've Point at Issue, Miscellaneous, and the bundle remaining. However, I also have ALL of the RC remaining as well : ) because I wasn't able to print anything until recently. My plan is to finish out the CC in the next 10 days and then take a month to Fool Proof as much of the LG as I can, develop an RC approach (experimenting with the various methods that are out there), Fool Proof as many early RC as I can, and continue LR drilling to stay fresh. The end of that fool-proofing month will have me begin PTing by the end of May and I would like to take the test by Sept/Dec.

If anyone has feedback, advice, cautionary commentary, or words of support I would love to hear them! Here are some particular questions I have:

1) Should I fool-proof all bundle games before PTing?
2) Should I Start PTing as soon as I finish the CC so that I can participate in things like BR calls and @"Cant Get Right" "Oldies But Goodies" or hold off on these things until I get some fool-proofing under my belt?

Thanks for your help,



  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @jkatz1488 when are you sitting for the test? June? or September? If you aren't sitting for June, I think joining those BR calls is going to burn the most recent PT's and they would be better off saved until closer to your test date.

  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma

    I would definitely foolproof all LG 1-38 (or up to 40 if you can) before PTing.

    Also don't do option 2, I did that after I completed the curriculum in December I rushed to join the February BR group and wasted half of the tests from the 70s when I knew I wasn't ready for that. Maybe take a PT see where your skills are and what you need to revisit from the curriculum. Only take PTs regularly when you feel your skills are strong and you have time for reviewing and drilling in between.


  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    1018 karma

    pencil debates. lol

    If I understand your Fool-proof month plan correctly, you'll be working on every section simultaneously? With the assumption that you'll be reviewing CC lessons in each section's fool-proof, when you identify weaknesses in each fool-proof.

    If so, I think that is smart because I know that if I concentrate too much on one section for too long, I lose momentum in the other sections. I need to do LG, RC, and LR every. dang. day. And I cannot afford to lose one ounce of momentum on any section.

    It may be overkill to do every section every day, and I understand skills overlap, but I'm concerned with losing a minuscule bit of anything since everything is tight on this dang test.

    As to your two specific questions, I'm not as far along as you are in CC, but I'm fool-proofing LG in PT 1-35 while I'm doing CC lessons. Well, actually, I'm doing entire PTs 1-35 simultaneously with CC (now that Can't Get Right is doing the "Oldies Mondays"). I plan on doing the PT he's going to cover, the week before the Monday he'll cover it so I have time to adequately BR and review CC too. (I assume that's what we're meant to do if we haven't already done that PT.)

    Then I plan on PTing 36 and above after I finish CC (by the end of May), at 1 or 2 PTs per week with BR and CC review. 2 might be too aggressive, but I want to build up some stamina because mine sucks at the moment. (I'm doing PT 17 today to prepare for tonight's "Oldies Monday."

    I also hope to be ready by December's date, but will wait to decide after I see what my Summer study reveals.

    So...we have similar plans for our studies. Always good to find someone in the same boat so I'm not paddling up sh*t creek by myself. :smiley:

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    Wow thank you, everyone, for your input!

    @Mellow_Z I'm almost certainly NOT sitting for the June test. Ya good call regarding newer PTs. Especially since I burned through a lot of them in my pre-7sage studying last year. But what about the Oldies but Goodies calls? Those are old PTs...

    @sweetsecret Thanks for the guidance! What about the Oldies But Goodies calls? Those are old PTs? I guess I really won't have time to BR properly if I am foolproofing LG and RC. I see what you're saying... really take advantage of early tests -- milk them for as much Fool Proofing and Habit-making as I can.

    @"Bevs ScooterMinion" Nice! Good to meet you Scooter! I suppose we'll be seeing a lot of each other. Thanks for your feedback here, I really appreciate it. Your current process of adding in old PTs for Oldies But Good is exactly what I'm debating over. I've seen enough of Can'tGetRight on the forum to know how valuable working with him is. But at the same time, I don't think I'll have time to do a full PT cycle for those Monday meetups in addition to fool-proofing LG and RC.

  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    1018 karma

    After attending last night's first Oldies but goodies Monday, he said we'll work on the next PT, but we don't necessarily have to do the entire PT by next Monday.

    This is good, and contrary to my original plan, because then I won't have to rush or burn through a PT plus CC lessons (I was going to originally complete the whole PT by Monday) before we get together next Monday. Now I don't feel so much pressure to get too much done by Monday and not gain valuable knowledge by slowing down.

    You work on what you need to work on in the PT by next Monday. And if we hit something in the meeting that you didn't work on beforehand, then we do it live. BONUS!

    I gained so much knowledge and epiphanies, that I HIGHLY recommend EVERYONE attend these Oldies Mondays no matter where you are in CC, and even if you're done with CC!

    You never know what you're going to learn, but make no mistake, everyone WILL learn something!!

  • TimLSAT180TimLSAT180 Alum Member
    619 karma

    It was great tackling the questions with you yesterday @"Bevs ScooterMinion"! Can't wait for next Monday :smile:

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @"Bevs ScooterMinion" said:
    After attending last night's first Oldies but goodies Monday, he said we'll work on the next PT, but we don't necessarily have to do the entire PT by next Monday.

    I gained so much knowledge and epiphanies, that I HIGHLY recommend EVERYONE attend these Oldies Mondays no matter where you are in CC, and even if you're done with CC!

    You never know what you're going to learn, but make no mistake, everyone WILL learn something!!

    Yeah I regret not attending now.. Thanks. :disappointed:

    I'll be sure to mark the calendar off for next week though! I'm still gonna try to get through the PT beforehand though so I come in prepared.. hopefully I have time this weekend. I am off work at 11am on Fridays so that would leave me enough time to do a timed PT and then BR throughout the weekend. Maybe this schedule is a blessing

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27897 karma

    Hey JK, I think your plan is pretty solid. I guarantee that if you start PTing now, your PTs are just going to tell you to stop PTing and foolproof. So maybe take 36, but just know good and well that Game 3 is going to do unspeakable things to you.

    As far as my Monday Night Oldies section goes, I don't think I even want people to do the whole PT. Those older tests are great to cannibalize for drills, but they're kind of weird as full length PTs. If you're PTing, start at 36 and work your way up from there. (We start at 36 because the curriculum draws from PTs 35 and below. That means that 36 is the first PT in the lineup which is pristine.) Then, use these older tests as source material in order to address specific issues in response to your performance on those tests.

    So do whatever it is you need to do. Don't do anything any differently than you normally would just for Monday night. If you need to foolproof, do that. Just maybe throw next week's Oldie into your lineup!

  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    1018 karma

    @TimLSAT180 said:
    It was great tackling the questions with you yesterday @"Bevs ScooterMinion"! Can't wait for next Monday :smile:

    Ditto, Tim!! <3

  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    1018 karma

    @tringo335 here's the scoop for next week!

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    @"Bevs ScooterMinion" said:
    @tringo335 here's the scoop for next week!

    Thanks Bevs! This is helpful

    @"Cant Get Right" she has raved about your Monday night sessions so I will definitely be logging on next week. Just so I'm clear on the process, I am currently on the Logic Game portion of the CC. By Monday, I will be back on LR questions, does this mean I should PT and BR one of the LR sections of the practice test in preparation for your session?

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    @"Cant Get Right" All that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.

    Feeling better about the process now and you'll probably be seeing me on your Monday Throwbacks.

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27897 karma

    Look forward to seeing everyone there!

    @tringo335 , if you're working on LG this week, do LG. Don't worry about any LR until you've moved on. If you do get ahead of yourself and get to LR sooner, then that's fine. Use PT 18 for drills though. That way, whatever it is you're working on, you'll have covered the material for what we'll be looking at. But don't do anything else any differently to prepare.

  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    edited April 2017 1018 karma

    Can't wait to work with y'all!

  • xtrfalconxtrfalcon Alum Member
    edited April 2017 148 karma

    Really, really appreciate you laying out your plans after CC. I am terrified of going over that hill as well.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    @xtrfalcon sure thing. The lack of structure following the CC can be daunting. Luckily this forum is filled with really smart people who have been there and done that.

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