Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Thank you 7Sage!! - 7Sage Forum

Thank you 7Sage!!

lianaf92lianaf92 Member
edited April 2017 in General 99 karma

I just received the news that I have been accepted to University of Ottawa!!! One year ago today, I never thought that this would be possible. I must say, thank you to the 7sage community for making this happen. The video explanations helped me tremendously as well as all the discussion boards.

To all those applying, never give up! I know the battle is long and treacherous but trust me, hard work really does pay off. If it takes you 6 months of studying or1 year or even 2 years... who cares. The only dreams that are unreachable are the ones you don't reach for.

Thanks again <3


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