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Post-curriculum increase?

jzzravenjzzraven Alum Member
edited May 2017 in General 140 karma

How have your scores improved from your first post-curriculum PT (not diagnostic)? i.e. how much have you benefited from the process of taking PT's and BR?


  • AllezAllez21AllezAllez21 Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    1917 karma

    I saw an 8 point increase between my diagnostic and my first post curriculum PT. I quickly gained a few more points in subsequent tests as I became more used to taking an entire test under timed conditions.

    In the roughly 9 weeks since I finished the curriculum, my test scores have increased another ~3 points, with some fluctuation.

    I definitely feel that drilling, BR and more timed practice is paying off. I can feel a qualitative improvement in my performance, and as I take more PTs I am confident my scores will continue to rise.

    Keep working hard, it pays off!

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    I saw a 10 point increase initially, but this was still far from where I wanted to be. I found myself unintentionally going through @"Cant Get Right"'s phases. This is what really helped to increase my score. There are several ways to increase your score; but either way, you have to implement your understanding of the concepts from the lessons. Point being, there is only so much you can learn from PTs. I have benefited much more from going back to the curriculum and doing deep dives than BR.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    After going through the CC my score increased about 8/9 points. And then even more after I went back and fool-proofed the games and did more drills. @JustDoIt hit the nail on the head wrt to returning to the CC. Like any test, you learn in class, but then go home and study. I feel like returning to the CC is how you actually study. I, too, got much more out of going back to the CC. It's like watching a movie -- you pick up on all of the things that didn't make sense the first time around.

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