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[Ended] September LSAT 2017 Study/BR Group Kickoff

Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
edited May 2017 in Study Groups 1997 karma

Hello! Welcome to the official 2017 September Study Group! Navigating and communicating in the old thread was a royal PITA so I have decided to create a new thread that should be easier to communicate on.

Tonight I am hosting an informal "kick-off" of sorts. I want to get everyone who thinks they will be committed to this group in the call to discuss our goals and desires for how to make this study group as beneficial as possible.

Note: We will not be using Go To Meeting. It is going to be too hard to coordinate around scheduling conflicts tonight, so we're going to try Join.Me instead. It should work almost exactly the same way, except there will be no dial-in #. This means you must have a stable internet connection. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Time: 7:30p EDT / 6:30p CST / 4:30p PST

Requirements: All I ask is that you come prepared and willing to talk. This will work best if I get feedback from you guys. This group isn't going to be me leading and making all of the choices; I want it to be a collaboration between all of us. So the more you guys talk, the less I have to, and the better that is for everyone :lol:

BR Schedule:

Above is a link to my tentative BR schedule. I have options of both 5 and 6 section PT's. It's kind of hard to follow so maybe don't look into that area too much since I'll be discussing it in detail tonight to see what you guys think. I just want to give you all time to digest the content so that you have time to formulate ideas and feedback for me.


  • DinnerAtSixDinnerAtSix Member
    86 karma

    Thank you so much, @Mellow_Z!

  • rafaelitorafaelito Alum Member
    edited May 2017 1063 karma

    @Mellow_Z said:

    Above is a link to my tentative BR schedule. I have options of both 5 and 6 section PT's. It's kind of hard to follow so maybe don't look into that area too much since I'll be discussing it in detail tonight to see what you guys think. I just want to give you all time to digest the content so that you have time to formulate ideas and feedback for me.

    Huge applause @Mellow_Z for making this effort!!! :) :) Thank you :) And good call on creating a new thread, phew. Hope to be able to make it tonight! I was a semi-regular attender of the June group before I jumped off to not waste more fresh PTs since I decided to postpone. Hopefully, I can share some of the insight gained. At the very least I can provide examples of what worked for me.

    @poohbear check it out!

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @RafaelBernard said:

    Huge applause @Mellow_Z for making this effort!!! :) :) And good call on creating a new thread, phew. Hope to be able to make it tonight! I was a semi-regular attender of the June group before I jumped off to not waste more fresh PTs since I decided to postpone. Hopefully, I can share some of the insight gained. At the very least I can provide examples of what worked for me.

    @poohbear check it out!

    I skipped around in scheduling the PT's to give people the option of taking later dates for exactly this reason. It should be very easy to delay until December and still have fresh material to practice on. February might be slightly more difficult, but if you forego the 6 section study plan you could likely still have some to use.

  • rafaelitorafaelito Alum Member
    1063 karma

    @Mellow_Z said:
    I skipped around in scheduling the PT's to give people the option of taking later dates for exactly this reason. It should be very easy to delay until December and still have fresh material to practice on. February might be slightly more difficult, but if you forego the 6 section study plan you could likely still have some to use.

    Totally! Also, as the group gets going and you have regulars, people can always branch off into a smaller group if they don't want to do the PT the main group is doing that week. The schedule could incorporate that as well by saying, 75 or C2, for example. But I do like how spaced out you made it.

  • SA135790SA135790 Member
    129 karma

    I'll be there! Thank you, @Mellow_Z for taking the lead on this. Can't wait!

  • rafaelitorafaelito Alum Member
    1063 karma

    @Mellow_Z To clarify tonight, are you planning to do a group BR of PT 38 or is it going to be a more general discussion? Or both?

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @RafaelBernard said:
    @Mellow_Z To clarify tonight, are you planning to do a group BR of PT 38 or is it going to be a more general discussion? Or both?

    no PT/BR tonight. I crossed it off on the schedule. We got delayed too much so I'm going to just cancel that one.

  • rogersalexandra7rogersalexandra7 Alum Member
    213 karma

    Thank you!!! Im definitely interested!!!

  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma

    I just looked at the schedule and I LOVE it!! I'm totally on board :)

    I'm not going to be able to make the call today/tonight but please update this thread if you all decide tonight to make any changes to the schedule..

  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma

    Love to see you all keeping this going. Well done, everyone!

  • The NoodleyThe Noodley Alum Member
    662 karma

    @Mellow_Z thanks for doing this!

  • -ObbuddO--ObbuddO- Alum Member
    236 karma

    Looking good, thanks for setting up the schedule, will be there!

  • ElleWoods77ElleWoods77 Alum Member
    1184 karma

    The schedule looks great ! Thank you for putting this together, your effort is much appreciated.

  • Adam HawksAdam Hawks Alum Member
    990 karma

    I sadly will not be able to make it tonight. However, I will be at the next meeting.

  • J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
    575 karma

    I have to be somewhere at 7PM (CT) so I can only stay for a few minutes, but I'm looking forward to it!

  • J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
    575 karma

    Hey guys, actually the place I'm supposed to be at is a little further away than I thought so I won't be able to make it tonight. Sorry, I had originally planned on tonight's meeting being at 6PM. Hope it goes well and I will see you at the next meeting!

  • tcookPHLtcookPHL Alum Member
    300 karma

    I am not able to make the call tonight, but if someone could post a recap or let us know of any changes to the schedule that would be great. Excited to Kick this off guys!

  • aimhigheraimhigher Alum Member
    100 karma

    Unfortunately I was planning for this meeting to be earlier, and I won't be able to stay for too long :/ if someone could post a recap I would really appreciate it! Really looking forward to reviewing as a group!

  • LsatChicLsatChic Member
    191 karma

    I'm logged in but on the app it's not to clear

  • shindavis16shindavis16 Live Member
    130 karma

    Thanks for adding me in. I just checked my discussions and I am so sorry I missed tonight. I will make sure to plan for next week. Will we be doing BR of PT every week or specific sections and problems?

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @shindavis16 said:
    Thanks for adding me in. I just checked my discussions and I am so sorry I missed tonight. I will make sure to plan for next week. Will we be doing BR of PT every week or specific sections and problems?

    My plan is to BR our PT's until we (collectively as a group) decide to do an intensive session to touch up certain areas. It's not typical to cover LG in BR calls besides at a high level just because of the nature of those problems, so we will likely focus on LR/RC unless there is a particularly tough game that we need to cover.

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    edited May 2017 1997 karma

    @aimhigher said:
    Unfortunately I was planning for this meeting to be earlier, and I won't be able to stay for too long :/ if someone could post a recap I would really appreciate it! Really looking forward to reviewing as a group!

    Recap :
    1. Check over the PT schedule. Send me any recommendations you might have. I think we chose to follow a 5 section PT test, with an added "experimental" section.
    2. This group will phase towards a "closed" door study group.

    What does this mean?

    It means that after a few weeks a core group will emerge. This core group will be the more serious of the students involved; the ones who show up regularly and participate often. Once we decide to make this transition, these posts will no longer be posted publicly and will be organized only for the chosen members to see. So if you want to be included, I highly recommend everyone show up regularly and participate. If you can't make it to a session just drop me a PM to show me that you are mindful and serious of this commitment.


    The reason for moving towards a closed door study group is to prevent people who are much further behind in prep from joining the group towards the end of the schedule. These people will inevitably hold the group back, so we are trying to combat this as much as possible. This will also hopefully encourage more study groups to arise.

    Closing notes : This isn't going to be a strictly "br" group. I hope to mix in some sage workshops if we decide to cover a particular question type or broader discussion (testing strategies, etc). We can make this study group into whatever we want.

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    I'm sorry for leaving early without really interacting (because of my bad Internet connection.)

    @Mellow_Z said:
    It means that after a few weeks a core group will emerge. This core group will be the more serious of the students involved; the ones who show up regularly and participate often. Once we decide to make this transition, these posts will no longer be posted publicly and will be organized only for the chosen members to see. So if you want to be included, I highly recommend everyone show up regularly and participate. If you can't make it to a session just drop me a PM to show me that you are mindful and serious of this commitment.

    The PT schedule looks great, but unfortunately I'm kind of on a different schedule now, so I won't be joining. But best of luck to you all! :smiley:

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    I'm definitely interested in joining. I've never been a part of a blind call. What do you do?

  • Adam HawksAdam Hawks Alum Member
    990 karma

    Will there only be one meeting a week for the BR or will there be two like the current June group did?

  • alyssamcc0593alyssamcc0593 Alum Member
    290 karma

    The schedule looks awesome! Thank you so much for putting this together. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the group last night since I was still on a cruise, but will definitely be there next Monday!

    Thank you :)

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    edited May 2017 1997 karma

    @akeegs92 said:
    I'm definitely interested in joining. I've never been a part of a blind call. What do you do?

    You take the test on your own during timed conditions during the week and BR it as normal on a fresh copy. Don't score the test. When we get on the call we basically go through the test and discuss any questions that people want to review. Example, if you were really torn between 2 answer choices, we all chime in and argue (discuss with reasoning) which we think is correct and why. At the end of the call we then score everything together to see how we did.

    @"Adam Hawks" said:
    Will there only be one meeting a week for the BR or will there be two like the current June group did?

    There are two dates for the June study group because there are two individuals hosting it, each on a separate day. If Sunday doesn't work for you (or anyone) I'd be more than happy to help whomever get their group kicked off. Feel free to use my content and all of that good stuff as well. I can't make the commitment of hosting two separate days right now unfortunately.

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    @Mellow_Z Thanks! I'm going to try and re-work my work schedule to accommodate this group. It would definitely force me to maintain pace for myself and I really want to interact with others more and see their perspectives on everything. I won't make this upcoming Sunday but the following one I hope to join up!

  • 342 karma

    OMG why did seeing this schedule stress me out??? hahaha are we that close to the LSAT. Can't wait to hammer out 180s with all of you!

  • 342 karma

    Ok so I have never taken part of a group like this so do I just call in and debate answers with everyone??? I am such a rookie.

  • dfletch5dfletch5 Alum Member
    260 karma

    Hi! Just wanted to check out the first post to get an idea of how you'll be conducting our meetings. Thanks for explaining the process. I'll definitely come with my A-Game on Sunday -:)

  • shindavis16shindavis16 Live Member
    130 karma

    @Mellow_Z I just looked over the schedule, and read through the comments. I am not at the point that I can do PT's yet. I am trying to finish my CC. I think I misunderstood about the PT's originally. I apologize. I would love to be in a group in the future once I am able to contribute productively. If you know of a study group that is aimed at people still working through the CC, please let me know.

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