Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). How much improvement is possible in 2 weeks? - 7Sage Forum

How much improvement is possible in 2 weeks?

pjanderson5pjanderson5 Free Trial Member
edited November 2014 in General 238 karma
As we near the 2 weeks mark from the December LSAT, I, as sure as others, are wondering really how much can one expect to improve in this time? My last 4 PTs are 166, 161, 159, and 160. I really want to score 165+ consistently. Some people say you can improve immensely and others say maybe a couple points. What does everyone think?


  • marleybabymarleybaby Alum Member
    194 karma
    i would honestly take it february. If you think about it you'll be late for scholarship money applying this year already. Assuming that you are taking the LSAT to apply to study the law...

    The best studying is when your mind is focused on studying and not just miserably pestered and pressured. Kind of like in the last minutes of a test when you suddenly blank out when time is announced. If you want to consistently score that on test day... then you should be scoring higher. Whats your situation, like do you have time to study off or are you with your parents... anything that will help evaluate whether you need to crush it (and yourself) these next two weeks... or if you can spare yourself the pain and set a more longer term (but more firm and doable) goal for yourself...

    Sorry if Im being a debbie downer
  • marleybabymarleybaby Alum Member
    194 karma
    i speak for my own experience. I think I am in the same boat as you and I'm practicing what I preach with the February suggestion
  • BD MillsBD Mills Alum Member
    35 karma
    From my understanding, the deadline to withdraw is 11:59 EST on Dec 5. Just go hard between now and then and see how you feel the night before.
  • mimimimimimimimi Free Trial Member
    368 karma
    Since it is impossible to change your test to Feb now, I would suggest that you work on securing the points that you deserve and avoid any stupid mistakes on easier questions. Maybe you can work out timing strategies such as skipping one or two really difficult questions and making sure that you score 100% on the ones that you can solve.
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    ^technically....you can withdraw from the Dec and RE-register for Feb. You will not receive any refunds and have to pay the new fee for Feb.
  • pjanderson5pjanderson5 Free Trial Member
    238 karma
    I'm not looking to withdraw. I am taking the test Dec 6th as I am applying next cycle. I was looking more for what people are doing their last 2 weeks of prep to squeeze out those last points
  • adrian.mikoadrian.miko Alum Member
    191 karma
    I'd say the biggest improvement to snipe would be via Logic Games, depending on how you are currently scoring. The newer LG stunned me at first, but I have slowly adjusted to them.

    Apart from that, looking over the more recent PTs, and checking your incorrect answers is probably our best bet for final improvements.
  • mes08mes08 Alum Member
    578 karma
    For the two weeks you have left, study more hours. I work full time, so I can only study 3 hours during the week, but I try and get 6-8 hours of studying Saturday and Sunday. Also, since I only have two weeks left, rather than try and fix all of my issues, I'm going to focus on my three weakest points: in/out games, Flaw/Weaken questions, and science-related RC passages. Try and pinpoint your problems, focus on those, and keep doing timed PT and/or sections. I do sections on weekdays, whole tests on weekends.
  • pjanderson5pjanderson5 Free Trial Member
    238 karma
    Thanks mes, I bought cambridge packets for strengthen/weaken/NA as these are my weakest sections so I'll be drilling those nonstop. Also am going to drill at least 10 RC sections because I am very inconsistent in the section. Gonna study my ass off in this last stretch!
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    @pjanderson5 "I'm not looking to withdraw. I am taking the test Dec 6th as I am applying next cycle." so Im assuming you mean this cycle? next cycle would be waiting a year to apply which if the case I would suggest holding off as that would be the best way to squeeze more points out... however, if you are referring to this cycle it is not an easy task to give a score and say okay how do I improve? for instance, adrian above posted work on LG bc it is easy to quickly improve, could be great advice, but you could be going -0 consistently, we dont know. Best advice comes with more info, if you're looking for general advice, well study more and do more problems and BR more
    57 karma
    My score fluctuates nearly almost as much as yours does. I get 175 on BR though. So, I have concluded taht I know the material and I just have to get them right under time pressure. Hence, I am taking a timed practice test every day and BR it in the same day before moving to the next test/day. I think the most valuable thing to do in this limited time is BRing and taking timed test.
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