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Creating LR Drill Packets Using Question Bank

NikkkkkkkNikkkkkkk Live Member
edited November 2018 in Logical Reasoning 250 karma

Hey all,

So I've narrowed down my main LR weakness to MSS questions. I was thinking of using the Question Bank to filter all the MSS questions from PTs 1-35, and then print them all out to create a drill packet (since the Cambridge packets are now going for $$$$). Has anyone ever done this? I notice that there's no option to print these out when using the Question Bank, as we're given videos of the questions.

I'm wondering what the best way to go about this is. I was thinking of just screenshotting the videos and then put all of the screenshots in a Word file and then print. Anybody have a better/more efficient idea?

Admin edit: You can now print questions in PDF from the Question Bank:


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