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Looking to improve my score by Dec. 6th

mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
edited November 2014 in December 2014 LSAT 938 karma
Hey, everyone!

I've been averaging a 155/156 on my most recent LSAT PTs and I was wondering if there was anything I could do to bump it up to a 160 before the Dec. LSAT. I know 4-5 points is a lot to jump in 2 weeks, but I'm willing to to work hard, and no life it to reach a consistent 159/160. Anyway, if you have any suggestions let me know!


  • Dillon PGDillon PG Alum Member
    140 karma
    If you aren't getting perfect LGs then review all of them using the fool proof method.

    You must skip questions that take up time in LR. Identify these question types and you will get to 160. If you waste 6 mins on a PF question 15 and don't get to 20,21,22,23,24,25,26 because of it then you made a bad choice. Just an example, but it used to happen to me. I skip and often even have time to go back.

    dedicate time up front to understanding the passages in RC. Try to fly through the questions by knowing the passage.

    Good luck to both of us!
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    I agree w/ Dillon PG, I think the *easiest* way to increase your mark right now for December 6 would be to make sure you're perfect on LG. Know them inside and out!
  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    Thank you both of you! Yeah, my LG I average about 4-5 wrong, so I need to iron a few kinks out in that department. I heard somewhere that there's a huge difference between the PTs in the 50s and the PTs in the 60/70s. If so, what's the difference?

    I'm also trying to knock my LR down about. I average 7-10 wrong, depending on how my day is going (I want to average 3-5 wrong).

    Anyway, thanks for advice! I won't be sleeping much until the 2 or 3 days until the LSAT to give my mind and body more rest!

    If anyone else has additional advice it is greatly welcomed :)!
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    I have heard that the difference is is that there is a few easy games and then a really hard game. I haven't taken any of those prep tests tho, so I can't speak to if that's true or not. It also might very depending on the person. I'm sure if you iron out the kinks, know how to make appropriate inferences, and practice the games that link groups, you'll be able to handle any "hard" game that comes.

    For LR, identify which questions are hardest for you, and then hammer out a bunch of that question type.
    I found it best to target flaw, because flaw shows up a lot on both sections. :)
  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    Yeah Flaw/Weakening question types seem to be the questions I miss the most. I downloaded the Cambridge bundle for weakening questions, and after going through all of them I think it helped. So I'll probably also purchase the flawed reasoning bundle. I wish 7Sage had this offer, but since they don't I need to supplement my practice with other parties. Once again I thank you for the advice! Good luck on the LSAT if you haven't taken it already :)!
  • esther.adam2013esther.adam2013 Alum Member
    55 karma
    Hey @mpits001 I have the flaw bundle and plan on working on the rest of them send me an email if you like to work on them together. esthera_09@hotmail.com
  • Southern_princeSouthern_prince Free Trial Member
    22 karma
    Hey @mspits001 and @esther.adam2013, those are also my weakness. I do not have any bundles though!
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Hey, I'm on the same boat as you. Good luck to you and I hope you achieve this goal!
  • justrandomjustrandom Alum Member
    343 karma
    I am literally in the same score range and having the same hope! Sending positive energy your way.
  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    @esther.adam2013 At the moment I'm not sure how much i would be able to collaborate with you as my schedule is very sporadic and I often study at odd times/hours :(.

    @matt1234567 & @justrandom thanks haha! I send luck and positive energy back your way!
  • Vriver01Vriver01 Alum Member
    60 karma
    I'm in the same position score-wise. I'm going to try this tactic http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/comment/7175 to see if it helps. I think the idea of trying to anticipate the answer choice really makes a difference in terms of attacking the answer choices because then at least you have an idea of what you're looking for.
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