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How exactly do I "foolproof" LG?

Cecilia ZCecilia Z Member
in Logic Games 144 karma

Hey everyone!

So I have just started the LG section in the CC. JY mentioned something along the lines that we should be memorizing all the inferences of a game, and doing the game over and over to the point that we've memorized all the inferences. Could someone clarify what exactly I'm supposed to memorize? Kind of confused as to why I should memorize inferences if each game is going to have somewhat different game pieces and outcomes. Thanks so much!!!


  • jack.igoejack.igoe Member
    544 karma

    I had the same sort of thought when I started fool proofing. I think that repeating games over and over again really helps to engrain the pattern of inferences that you can expect given a game scenario. For example, it will soon become second nature to realize that a leader cannot go in the last spot in a sequencing game and that "not both" conditional rules mandate that an in and out spot is used in certain grouping games.

    More than anything, the repetition has started to internalize some of the inferences that I was struggling to make before I started this process. I would also recommend using the @pacifco method as it seems to be helping me immensely so far.

    Keep the faith & good luck!

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    Here's a link to the Pacifico guide that Jackigoe is referencing above

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Cecilia ZH" said:
    Hey everyone!

    So I have just started the LG section in the CC. JY mentioned something along the lines that we should be memorizing all the inferences of a game, and doing the game over and over to the point that we've memorized all the inferences. Could someone clarify what exactly I'm supposed to memorize? Kind of confused as to why I should memorize inferences if each game is going to have somewhat different game pieces and outcomes. Thanks so much!!!

    @jackigoe nailed it! I just wanted to answer your question regarding why memorizing the inferences is important.

    So, while each game is going to have somewhat different pieces and outcomes, many of the inferences repeat so often then most games have several other that are extremely similar.

    When I began prep, before I fool proofed, I was painfully slow at games. Most took me close to 10 minutes and the harder ones closer to 20. However, after I began fool proofing, I realized that so many of the games are so similar and once I memorized the inferences my speed, confidence and ability to do most games increased exponentially. Now I can do most easy games in close to 5-6 minutes and harder ones closer to 10. I attribute all my LG success to 7Sage and the fool proof method. It really works. Sometimes now while I'm doing a new game I'll feel like I've already done it, but really it's just because it's a carbon copy of a prior game I've already fool proofed that shares similar inferences.

  • Cecilia ZCecilia Z Member
    144 karma

    @jackigoe @Freddy_D @"Alex Divine" Thanks so much for your input guys!!! So to be clear, when I "memorize inferences," should I still be consciously trying to understand how to arrive at those inferences, or should they just be something we automatically write down (which we could do well eventually from memory since we just watched JY's explanation video moments ago).

    Sorry if this is a silly question, I guess the thought of "memorizing" without comprehension/going on autopilot is pretty novel to me!!

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    edited June 2017 2983 karma

    @"Cecilia ZH" said:
    @jackigoe @Freddy_D @"Alex Divine" Thanks so much for your input guys!!! So to be clear, when I "memorize inferences," should I still be consciously trying to understand how to arrive at those inferences, or should they just be something we automatically write down (which we could do well eventually from memory since we just watched JY's explanation video moments ago).

    Sorry if this is a silly question, I guess the thought of "memorizing" without comprehension/going on autopilot is pretty novel to me!!

    It's a valid question. Yeah, you definitely want to understand the process that is involved in noticing/reaching these inferences. When you understand how these inferences are reached, it allows you to make similar inferences when doing games that are similar.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Cecilia ZH" said:
    @jackigoe @Freddy_D @"Alex Divine" Thanks so much for your input guys!!! So to be clear, when I "memorize inferences," should I still be consciously trying to understand how to arrive at those inferences, or should they just be something we automatically write down (which we could do well eventually from memory since we just watched JY's explanation video moments ago).

    Sorry if this is a silly question, I guess the thought of "memorizing" without comprehension/going on autopilot is pretty novel to me!!

    Yup, you absolutely should pay attention and try to internalize how you are arriving at said inferences. Eventually, after some practice, certain inferences that repeat often you'll just memorize and be able to write down with little thought involved.

    Scooped: @Freddy_D said it perfectly. :)

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